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Charity: For A Good Cause

My Favorite USA and UK Links

This Is Leicestershire
Hamilton Community College (the school I will attend-UK)
NHS (my school now-US)
TWU (exchange student program -US)
University of Leicester
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Map of Leicester, England
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Why England?

Hello. My name is Rosa Grant and I am 15 years old (going on 16 in December). The reason I made this site is because I need help from anyone possible to send me to study aboad. I signed up with a student exchange program about a year ago. I was accepted and got an $800 scholarship to go towards paying the cost to go. The total I need is $5,850. The reason I can't do it all myself is because my family is not wealthy at all, and money doesn't just grow on trees, sadly. Also, I haven't got a job (only babysitting sometimes), because I can't drive yet ( I'm not old enough). I live in a small community and there isn't much to do, so getting out will come in handy one day. Please feel free to read all about me and all the other stuff and e-mail me any questions you may have.
