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Manda's Blog!
Tuesday, 16 March 2004
Sup? ... What???
It's 10:47pm... Tuesday of Spring Break!! Yay! I love it, hehe. Just got home from Braden's house... yeah, that was cool. Spent all day with him today... we watched some movie, lol... Yeah not really watch, but it was goin! Hmm... Michelle won passes to PlayDome through the radio! So we're going to use 'em up tomorrow hopefully! That's gonna be cool. Then Friday me n Braden are goin to see Starsky & Hutch! Hehe... sooo I'm hoping Thursday to get my "L" and go shoppin with my mom and buy a bathing suit and stuff... yeaaah I love shopping! Me and Bri spent the day in Richmond Centre yesterday, but all I got was a top... but it's a damn nice top I gotta say. Then me and her and our boys all hung out at Jono's and watched Mona Lisa Smile... that was sooo fun. Anyways, I'm gonna go now, I got better things to do than write on this, but I just felt the need to update!

Posted by blog/amandajohnson at 10:49 PM PST
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Saturday, 31 January 2004
OMG... Found the most beautiful song of all time...
Take me back into the arms I love,

Need me like you did before...
Touch me once again,
and remember when...
There was noone that you wanted more...
Just believe in me,
I will make you see
All the things that your heart needs to know...
I'll be waiting for you here inside my heart,
I'm the one who wants to love you more.
You will see I can give you everything you need,
Let me be the one to love you more...

Wooow... What amazing song... It's "To Love You More" by Celine Dion... she's such an amazing singer. I found my Celine Dion Live a Paris CD 2 days ago and I totally re-fell in love with this song, haha. It's an awesome CD, even though all except 3 songs are in French. Sooo... It's 8:24pm... Saturday night... I'm having tons of fun. As you can tell, haha. Just spent about half an hour belting out Celine Dion on my karaoke machine, hahaha! Last night I went shopping & stuff in Richmond... got a ski jacket and some snowboard pants, gloves, toque.. got some new shoes too! Yay. Went out to dinner with my parents at Earls. That was pretty good, I must admit. Never been a huge fan of Earls though. Been chillin at home like allll day... no fun. Probly just gonna get into my pjs and watch a movie in a few minutes. Bradens in Abby... which means I get no nap, haha. Was gonna hang out with Stefan and Chris tonight but I never heard from Chris (GRRR DAMN YOU!), and we just thought it'd be better to put it off for tomorrow... That way we can chill with Braden too! yay. Anyways... I'm gonna go... I really oughta get into the habit of writing in this thing more often! I'm off to watch Casablanca/Fools Rush In!

Posted by blog/amandajohnson at 8:28 PM PST
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Thursday, 23 October 2003
Grrr...Suzy Shier=P
Hehe, heylo...
It's 7:15pm, October 23rd, day before my little brothers birthday. It's been an alright week I guess, only had 3 days in school total. Had a half day today, and we get Friday off tomorrow too. So it's pretty good I guess. After school I went to Michelle's for a little while, then my mom offered to take us to Richmond Centre, so we went there. I got these really cool pants and shirt, but there's a slight problem... That anti-theft device that squirts ink on your clothes got left on my pants by the damn blonde cashier at Suzy Shier. Bah, blondes. So I gotta go back there soon to get them to take it off... But I wanna wear my pants=( At least I get to wear my shirt!! Yay. It's pretty cool. I'm just waiting for my dinner to be ready so I can eat it and get the heck outta here. I might go shopping in Langley with Michelle tomorrow! Hehe to help her pick out a dress. Should be fun. I visited my beautiful cord jacket today at Thrifty's(not the grocery store.. LOL)!!! I LOVE IT. It's so nice... and comfy... and warm. And I'm looking at a picture of it right now haha, I'm such a dork. I got something along the lines of an A on my stupid Biology project today. Bah. Whatever. I still don't know what I'm gonna do for my birthday!!!! Bleh. Anyways, I'm not sure what else to say... Bye bye

Posted by blog/amandajohnson at 7:26 PM PDT
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Monday, 13 October 2003
I've always hated thanksgiving...
...but now I hate it even more. Let's see... my friends grandma died, my close family friends got divorced, and my friends dog got shot through the ear. Wahoo.. it was a wonderful weekend, obviously. And I wasn't even at home on top of all of that! Not cool. So yeah, I guess I haven't written in a while eh? Well, for starters, Fraturday crashed and burned... harshly. But I'm not going to go into detail on that one. Everythings been going pretty smooth since then... I suppose.. nothing too terrible I can think of before Thanksgiving weekend. Canucks won on Saturday!! That was good. I missed the game tonight though. My dad told me it started at 7:30 and we'd be home by the time it started, but apparently it started while we were on our way home, so I missed all of it. I listened to the last period on the radio though. We lost. Oh well. Damn bluejackets... Tomorrow's my dad's birthday! Gotta come home after school to bake a cake for him. Should be fun. I guess... I hope my tutor doesn't show up tomorrow night. That would be sooo cool!(NOT.) Hey, four day week this week!! And only a three day week next week!! Which allows time for an ultimate movie day/night!!! Or two or three... *wheels start churning in Amanda's head*. Well... I'd better go start homework and stuff, and wait for Stefan to call of course... Bye bye write later... maybe.


Posted by blog/amandajohnson at 7:52 PM PDT
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Friday, 3 October 2003
Yay, finally Fraturday... Leaving in less than an hour to go to the Fraturday event haha. Fun fun. Still don't know if Stefan's allowed to go though.. bah. I'm getting a little frustrated LOL. Chris and Michelle can go for sure though! Which is good. Anyhoo I'm gonna go have a shower and stuff, then leave!!! Bye bye...

Posted by blog/amandajohnson at 7:02 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 1 October 2003
Yay!! Today's a good day...
I slept in for the third time this week haha.. Oh well. It's all good. So, I found out today that Chris CAN probably come on Fraturday!!! YAY!!! And I'm going to Richmond to go shopping very very soon... which is always good. I totally aced my math unit final today too!! I'm so relieved about that; I was so sure I was going to fail. But I'm pretty sure I didn't haha. Anyways I'd better go get ready to leave to go shopping!!! Bye bye, I'll write later...


Posted by blog/amandajohnson at 5:01 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 30 September 2003
God must hate me!!!
Agh!!!! Bad day today. First of all, Carly, who is stalking Stefan, is going to kill me very very soon. Second of all, looks like Chris can't come to Fraturday!!! NOT FAIR. And when Stefan finds out that Chris can't go, he most likely won't want to go either. Which means I won't really want to go... I'm goin to Richmond tomorrow to get some black pants for choir!!! FINALLY. That should be fun. Shopping's always good. I'm not going to Disneyland with the choir. I've decided. I told Hamilton today. Also, I found out that my new English teacher, Mr. Bazeliwich, is my friends neighbour in North Delta...Argh. If he fails me I'm gonna egg his house haha. Shhh noone knows... Anyways, other than the fact that I'm gonna die, and my weekend is screwed up, my day's been pretty good. However, I did get in quite the arguement with my dumbass Biology teacher... Grrr I hate him. French was easy, as usual. Choir wasn't bad... and English was easy. I've got a huge math unit final tomorrow that I'm really worried about... I hope I don't fail it!!! That would be SO bad. Anyways... I still can't get over that guy in Starbucks haha, "Amber, you're a babe!" LOL what a LOSER!!!! Calls me by the wrong name then runs away haha... oh my... I've got a few days to catch up on here, don't I?

I went to Stefans for a bit then we went and saw Once Upon A Time In Mexico with Markus.. the movie was pretty good, but kinda gross haha. It was the first time I'd met Markus, he's pretty cool... but he's the craziest driver I've ever met haha. Cool guy though.

I got together with Michelle at 2:45 at Rogers, and we rented Happy Gilmore...unfortunately LOL. Then we went to Starbucks, where that weirdo called me (or whoever Amber is hahaha) a babe.... Odd. Then we went over to the DOLLAR STORE WITH MORE and got some pretty cool stuff hahaha... Good times. The cards were the best!! Well, we walked over to Stefans from there, and hung out there all night.. went to 7-11... came back... Stefans dad scares the hell outta me now... LOL. Then yeah, went home...

I slept in... by an hour haha.. That sucked. I didn't get my daily dose of Stefan that morning... Ruined my entire day (almost). Me and Michelle went to the mall after school, got hit on by two extremely old men hahaha... Ewww. And yeah, later that night my tutor came over, which was boring... After that I had a little incident which caused me to go to my room to get Bob(my cry-bear!! YEAH!)... that was no fun. But things got better... Talked to Stefan on the phone til 10, went to bed... That's about it.

Posted by blog/amandajohnson at 5:29 PM PDT
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Friday, 26 September 2003
Enough is enough.
Ello ello. Well, its quarter to 11, Friday night, and I'm somewhere along the lines of miserable. I was all excited about tonight, but it turned out to be a disaster.. well not really LOL but I'm slightly disappointed. It's okay, cuz when I got home about half an hour ago, I talked to Michelle (thanks Michelle!) and she made it all better LOL. I've been letting some asshole make my life hell for the past 9 days (LOL ONLY 9 DAYS?!?!) because he's obsessed with me and just won't piss off and leave me to live my life the way I want to. But you know, I've decided I've had just about enough of him. It's my god damned life and I'm gonna do whatever I want and not care what the hell he thinks or does. I will NOT hide the fact that I'm head over heels for Stefan, I will NOT pull my hand away from his when we see someone we know, and I most certainly will NOT let that stupid motherfucking asshole dictate to me what I should do. He has no right to scare me into thinking he's gonna hurt me or my boyfriend. I just don't care anymore. I've totally had enough. From now on, I'm gonna do whatever the hell I feel like doing, wherever the hell I feel like doing it! And fuck all of you who give a damn what I do. Anyways, that's my bitching for now. Haha... I'm going to go either see Cabin Fever or Once Upon A Time In Mexico tomorrow! Yay. That's gonna be fun. Cuz I said so=) And I'm pretty sure me and Michelle and Stefan and Chris are having our oh-so-classic MOVIE NIGHT on Sunday!!! YAY I'm really excited about that. Always the only good part of my week haha. ALWAYS. Haha except for maybe tomorrow. I've got a good feeling about it! Anyways, I'm gonna go, I'll write back sometime soon...


Posted by blog/amandajohnson at 10:51 PM PDT
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Thursday, 25 September 2003
Bah... Thursdays suck.
Argh... It's like 4:15pm, got home from school a while ago. I didn't go see Koot today cuz SOMEONE didn't even show up at school so they could switch English classes with me!!! Maybe tomorrow. Or next year... I hate Mrs. Koot. What a cow! I've gone in to see her like four times about switching my English class and she still refuses. Whatever. Hmmm the rest of my day was pretty boring... Unfortunately I gave a few people my stupid ugly school picture. But I also got some really good ones from other people! So it evens out enough, I guess. I'm not really sure what I'm doin today... Got some Bio homework, which shouldn't take too long I hope, then Michelle said something about doin somethin tonight haha I don't know! I'm tired. My mom even said I look extremely tired haha, so I guess I look like crap too. I'm lookin forward to tomorrow though, only four classes until the weekend! Sounds like I'm goin to play some hockey tomorrow night.. YAY! It's been too long. Hmmm... Canucks vs. Coyotes tonight, GO CANUCKS!! Computer crap class was kinda boring today. Stupid fonts project... Bleh. EEK and I'm already failing McCuaig's Socials class!!! GRRRRR I HATE THAT GUY.

I'm still contemplating going to Disneyland with the choir this year. I don't wanna fork out the cash though, cuz I don't got it! Meh. There's always next year. Ooo I'm excited about Dusk Til Dawn and the Qwanoes Road Tour next week too!! That's gonna be so intense. Can't wait to get my freakin "L" already too. I hate having a December birthday.. AND my dads Christmas party for his office is gonna be at my house ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!! So not fair. At least it's catered haha. Hey who all is goin to the dance? I'm still thinkin about it haha, I'll probably end up goin.. Let me know if you're going!! Anyways I'm gonna go, I've run out of things to say.. for now. Take care y'all.

Posted by blog/amandajohnson at 4:22 PM PDT
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