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Allan's Journal
Sunday, 17 August 2003
Of Two Blogs
So you see, I have been back and out of my other blog ( because last weekend xanga crashed down again. Not that I am aware of the New York blackout but I never thought of such relationship. So there. Whenever xanga's down, I'm with angelfire. So for now, see me at Here's the url: See you next time!

Posted by blog/allanray at 11:00 PM
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Saturday, 16 August 2003
The People I Know
No, it's not another film review, though I like to watch that film of Al Pacino. This is about the people I know. They are really notable, perhaps because they left a mark on my life (chummy!) or simply their individuality interests me. These people are the unsung heroes of my life (better believe it!).

All of them are dear to me so I'll call them with pseudos for their privacy (and I hope by the time I get to read this after 10 years or so, I still remember them!)

1. BabeRuth (made from China) - she's the sweetest girl I met in my college life, perhaps the smartest girl. I just adore her. She is so friendly. I remember our first encounter when I just told her how the lesson was so fast and she just smiled. She was so bright that she perfect all of the exams and quizzes, if not, almost. What I really like about her was her friendship. It was instant, and it was non-judgemental. She gave me a cd of songs that she didn't even know if I like it or not. Just to let her know, that I'm actually loving the cd right now that everytime I'm online, I'm listening to it. I guess that made us a little bit closer, if not physically, emotionally. Thanks! (hope you ever read this!)

2. Islands, Saint J and V-Cat - They are the only people that I've encountered saying with conviction, "I can live alone." At first, I was quite unsure of what they just said. With the recent turning point of my life, I realized, "Hey, I think I can be as well and I'm sure I'm gonna enjoy it!" These guys are just the same, they are both loners, friendly when befriended, doesn't speak when not spoken of. The difference is V-Cat is one of my best friends in hs and Saint J is a close friend in college (like I'm finished already...!). What I like about them is their choice of isolation and it isn't really bad nor hurtful for them cause they're actually benefiting from it and for that I really admire them.

3. Gen and Dence - These are the key people in my college life. They made me realize my course (stat) has life and it feels. These ladies are truly my lifesavers in my stat life! Thanks for them I'm in a direction I never imagined that I'll be taking.

4. Legally Blonde - No, she's not at all blonde. But she fits the character in this movie. My bf, best friend! I really love this girl. And I have professed to her that I will fight for her whenever she's hurt, the best way I can. I hope she knows that. She's the only best girl friend I have and ever loved. No, she's not dumb! She's just so bubbly and I'm telling you what I really like about her is that beyond that cheerful facade is a very smart and strong girl!

5. Bubbly Spider - Now, this is just a new additional of the people who I think should be known of. She's my colleague in our work (ha, it's just an org and I call it work!). What I really adore her is her bubbly character and her being non judgemental. Right now, she's my confidante with regards to strict secrets (sorry, Legally Blonde, but you're still my bf!) and she's really mum about it. That's why I love her, not only because of her integrity but because of her open mindedness to things (and I thought I was the only one with the open to EVERYTHING!).

Here's the thing. They aren't even of my blood type nor a part of my blood line. But they really made a mark on my life. Surely, I'll be seeing more people and gave them the honor I believe they deserve.

Posted by blog/allanray at 11:35 PM
Updated: Monday, 18 August 2003 9:11 AM
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Saturday, 16 August 2003
Y Tu Mama Tambien
I watched Y Tu Mama Tambien yesterday (more like a while ago at 6pm!) at the UP Film Center. I was uberly ecstatic about it for the longest time. I really was intrigued by reviews I hear from everyone in the campus! I would say it was an overdued watching since my second year in UP Diliman. And so, my friends and I (yes, some of them were as excited as I was!) dragged ourselves despite the line. We got tickets and we had seats in front just right to see the movie.

The movie started and lo and behold, a heated sex scene. I realized so the intrigues are true, "You should see the first part cause it's steamy!" If you asked me, well it was performed better than that of Boatman, a Filipino movie starring Ronnie Lazaro. Anyway, I wasn't moved by the sex scene, I'm still in agape with the connection with the title. So I waited and tried to internalize the "art" film.

Basically, the story was a drag and like any other cheap bold flick (this one wouldn't appear cheap because of it's exotic flair, to think hailed from Mexico), you'll expect there will be a sex scene one after the other. Meaning it was predictable.

And then, it finally came cheap when I heard the title: Y Tu Mama Tambien. Apparently, Julio fucked Tanoche's mother as well, besides Tenoche's girl. There you go. Isn't that interesting?

No. I wouldn't call it an art film. It came cheap. It sucked (figuratively and literally, thanks to Lucia!). And overall, Lucia could just make a scene where she's fucking both Tanoche and Julio and simply say, "Hey, I've got cancer and I'm fucking both of you because I want to enjoy the rest of my life sucking li'l boys with pretty little dicks!" But of course, it came out with a flair: To live life knowing you really lived a life. She said something with surfing but I didn't mind internalizing it.

But of course being an animal, do watch it! Cause the sex scenes came out tasty not like here; the usual, ha! For the story, well, 'twas all too natural that it came out uninteresting in the end.

Posted by blog/allanray at 1:58 AM
Updated: Saturday, 16 August 2003 2:25 AM
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The Prodigal Son
You can say I'm a prodigal son. You see, when I learned about this blog thing (thanks to my college bf-best friend) I searched a lot of blog sites that would fit me. Apparently, I did found a number of them. One of them was this site and another ( I was formally transferring there yesterday when I get to see that their server is down for the second time! How could I be so wrong about them! I'm back and am more pleased here. For that, I'll be writing more than one today!

Posted by blog/allanray at 1:38 AM
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Wednesday, 13 August 2003
Virtual Prison, Virtual Bummer
It really sucks whenever my mother and I get to fight. It's like a battle of prides and sooner or later (for now) I have to concede. Right now, I'm literally a bum here, imprisoned for what I believed in. Well, honestly I'm helpless and useless. Later, I'll decide to study my stat131 for next week's exam. I have to say this cause I really hate it. It's so plain to see that I'm not functioning productively today. I'm listening to alanis' under rug swept and I guess my mood swings to it. I have to stop this. Wait. There I changed it already.

Now I know why I can't get through my other blog. Their server was attacked ( But for you guys (whoever you are) who's been reading my latest posts. Maybe in a day or two, I'll be on my other blog: I'll be putting all my other blogs there so just visit me there.

Hmm, now even my cd player doesn't want to amuse me. There. A change of mood, I hope. 'Twas given to me by my language elective classmate. She's so sweet. She just graduated last year. And I'm stuck here but getting there.

Posted by blog/allanray at 1:29 PM
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Juiced Up
I just got back here. I was already moving my entries to another blog site but the server was down so I guess I'm stuck here. I guess it's still ok since this is very low maintenance and I'm too haggard with other works.

Juiced up. Why? Well, it's 2:30 am here and I'm wracking my brain trying to get out what I'm dying to write in here. But first I'd like to thank the ever first person to react on my entries: ?emeebee. Thanks! Just to be honest, I really have no time reading other blogs, but I'll try really to fit you in my list of tasks. A big thanks for reading it. And I thought no one will read this cause I'm just starting.

I happen to watch the second season of Six Feet Under at HBO. After that, my mind got too excited on writing a short story about it. Right now, it's all gone because I got excited to watch the next movie: Pelican Brief. Though I've read the book, I just love to see Julia Roberts act like I watched her in Star Movies in her Pretty Woman. Maybe next time, when the inspiration comes back.

Anyway, I also watched the advance screening of The Italian Job and I loved it! The cars, Italy, the cast! Sheesh...I'm sorry. I got lost there. I wanted to elaborate on this but I was stuck. Next time perhaps.

Last thing, try to visit That's my org and look for me. Then say hi!

And another: I really am just disappointed that Tintin didn't come with me. Note: Tintin's a pseudo for someone. Haha! This will be my start.

Posted by blog/allanray at 1:37 AM
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Sunday, 10 August 2003
What is there to prove?
I had a heated argument with my Mom. It all started simply with a sick stray cat lying on the parking lot of our neighborhood. And she was like blaming us for the stray cats around, saying because we're feeding them that's why they're there. I was so furious, saying this is a free country and all the blah blah stuff that you'll later find out that they were lame. It's just that, I really hate it when everything is wrong, she'll just come cleaning her hands like she wasn't part of it. I don't know. Why should she always try to get off whenever there's something's wrong. And she'll go nagging us that we're so and so. I wanted to tell her how I hate her for not feeling sorry about anything. Maybe she is but she's ashame to say it. What about? That she'll appear weak? Maybe. But saying you're sorry doesn't mean you're weak. It's just saying that you're not perfect and you're accepting it. I just can't help but to think that whenever you're in the peak of success, you can't even turn back and say, "Ok, I have to go back where I started." It sucks big time really this very moment. But I guess she has her reasons as I do.

Posted by blog/allanray at 10:14 PM
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I don't know. But at least, finally, my mood changed and I had to smirk. Well, I'm abusing my borrowed time here cause I have to control being online. I'll change into once a week perhaps: every saturday 10 onwards. See yah!

Posted by blog/allanray at 1:27 AM
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Songs I'm Raving Right Now
I just can't help it! I really love these songs right now: Why by Avril Lavigne and I Can't Read You by Daniel Bedingfield!

I just hope there will be a compilation of my fave songs...aah!!! Next time, I'll try to list all of them and maybe I'll just look for someone to burn it on a cd! Hmm...nice idea!

Posted by blog/allanray at 12:39 AM
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Bummer! Imagine, a lot of people just broke their promises and even I don't want to blame them that I'm totally thinking aloud right now, I really am just furious! Aaaaaargh!

It's 1:09am in my clock and I'm shitting so early! Hrrr! Makes my blood boil! I'm not really jealous or something, I just wish they'd just gave us a last minute, "hey, i'm not online right now so stop wasting your time there!"

Posted by blog/allanray at 12:06 AM
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