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What Kind of Dog Are You?
You're watching a scary movie and...
freak out and scream your head off
laugh your @$$ off when the corpses fall out of the vault
you comfort the person next to you
..why be scared?..that was inevitable

You're friends are telling you to do something, but you know it's wrong...
sure, why not? besides, everyone else is doing it
No! it's wrong, and you know it's a bad thing...but..then again...why not take the risk?
sure....but..what if we get caught? what if something goes wrong?'s too risky

You've got a project due in a week...
Why bother? Not like your life depends on it..
Finish it early! It's always good to be prepared
Procrastinate until it's the day before it's due
Work on certain sections each day

Your friend tells you a secret...
you spread it and gossip
you keep your mouth shut
you tell your best friend and soon everyone knows
what secret? You've already forgotten

You've found $100 on the ground...
you immediately search for the owner or turn it into the police station
you go on a shopping spree!
you leave don't want to get involved
you use it to buy food for the poor

You've scored free tickets for a cruise...
you give it to someone who really wants it
you sell it! profit profit!! $$$
you stay behind..too much work to do!
you go ahead! you earned it

Quiz made by Pansy & Peony (with LOTS of help from Pamela!)