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v. 1_____________________________Welcome
Friday, 15 August 2003
*sigh*.... It's sooooooooo hard now. We only have... 2 weeks and 3 days until we go back to school..... 2 weeks and 3 days left to see *blank* until he leaves for high school.... it's too short. I feel like these past months that we've known each other are going down the drain and left to be forgotten. I finally get to be friends with another guy who's not in the same grade as me... and it turns out he has to leave after only half a year with me. That sucks ass... Jeez..... And on top of that.... I dont even know what to say to him anymore these days. I wanna tell him how I feel... but when he looks at me, he sees a friend. Nothing more. And I guess that's the part of me that hurts so much. But you know what? I feel so stupid for falling in love with him so much. I should've been smarter about this... I should've known that he's gonna leave sometime.... I guess I just couldn't handle it. *sigh*

Anyways... ummm... anyone out there that has XANGA... does your thing not work... cuz mine doesn't.... is it cuz the server's down or what?

Well anyway.... that's it I guess.... Hmmm.... tell me if you wanna do anything this weekend ok?

Posted by blog/addicted2you at 7:44 PM EDT
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Monday, 11 August 2003
Mother Fucker.....
God, I'm soooo fucking pissed right now.... so I got nothing to say. Except for a fact that my XANGA still doesnt fucking work.... and that's not why I'm sooooo fucking pissed. Don't ask me... I'm not telling you.

Posted by blog/addicted2you at 6:58 PM EDT
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Sunday, 10 August 2003

Yard Sales....Yep... that's where I've been Saturday and Sunday mornings at 9 AM (which BY THE WAY, is WAAAAAY too fucking early to be up). Helping out my aunt sell all her junk with her friend.... isn't that nice? Well, at least I'm gettin' paid *FINALLY!* Jeez... it's about time I went off and got me some money! I'm so flat broke and I need $$$ to buy me stuff. But umm... yeah... so I'ma be out at 9 AM gettin' people into the yard sale. Bleh.

GOD!!! I miss *blank* SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!! I wanna see him, kiss him one more time, and I wanna tell him how much I love him. God, I'm SOOOOOOOOO worried about him and his school work..... I don't know ANYTHING! I dont think he's just gonna tell me.... I guess I have to ask him myself.... AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! I need to see him again. I miss him soooo much! And I miss my NC friends too. And my VA people I havent seen yet. Like....... Lei... ahaha.... and.... Brandon.... hmmm..... ahhh....


Ahh.... we went to our embassador's house today.... cuz it was the tujubelas agustus (seventeenth of august) celebration. It was.... me, my fam, and a whole bunch of people I didn't really wanna be around. But my mom gave me 10 bux for food.... I got some rice and chicken... very good. Hah. So um yeah... that's what we did........

Posted by blog/addicted2you at 6:57 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 August 2003 5:06 PM EDT
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Friday, 8 August 2003
Happy BirthdayYay! My journal thing is kinda how I wanted it to be! Yay! Hah.


Hahaha... Dude, you're finally 13! YAY! Have fun on your birthday!

So yeah.... I got nothing to say. I'm bored.

Posted by blog/addicted2you at 2:18 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 8 August 2003 2:19 PM EDT
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Thursday, 7 August 2003

Dreams....Ahh, jeez... I had one of those dreams again. One of those meaningless, make-out dreams. That's like, my second one this week. I think.... *scratches head*.... Oh wait... the one I had this week was the sex dream.... yeah... I was having sex with this guy (I didn't really know who he was though) and there were people around us... VERY not me..... But uhhh... the make-out dream... I had one last week... the 31st... and I was making out with *blank*... haha.... but in this dream, I was making out with a guy I don't really like, but he's kinda cute.... so I guess I kinda like him.... but he kinda makes fun of me... goin around callin me "skater girl" just cuz I like Good Charlotte...... freaky.

Umm... I decided to take the song out. I kinda dont wanna have a song on right now.... Oh... By the way, you guys can put comments on the entries... like, there's a link under the lil entries.... so yeah.... go ahead... comment on it if you want.

Posted by blog/addicted2you at 2:16 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 6 August 2003

UntitledSo umm, yeah... I changed the background into Good Charlotte.... and put up the song "The Young and the Hopeless" which is a song that I LOVE out of the new album.

So yeah..... It's too early for me to be up.... Jeez... It's like, 1 PM right now. Hahah. I'll write more later... that is... IF I do anything today. Blahhh....

[edit: 7:07 PM]

So I didn't do anything today... how nice. My mom's making me and my bro read for 1 hour each day cuz school starts in a month. Jeez.... I'm smart enough as it is.... I dont wanna be up and out in the A Honor Roll place. It's embarassing... But NOOOO.... my mom HAS to push us to a stupider, greater limit. And just watch how when I get to high school, she'd be like "Ohh!!.... You should go to Thomas Jefferson high school instead of Herndon. You'll have your own blah, blah, blah..." she's gonna bore me with lectures so that in the end, it's not about what I want.... it's about what SHE wants... AS USUAL. God. Kill me now. Hah.

Posted by blog/addicted2you at 12:55 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 6 August 2003 7:10 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 5 August 2003

Bored...I am soooo bored right now. And I need to find a way to make my entries go into a frame... and get some music on it or something. And I wanna do all of this stuff.... but I don't know how =( Ahhh... I guess I have to ask some people or something.... but yeah....

I gotta ask *blank*!!!! I gotta ask him something!!!

I wanna go see S.W.A.T this weekend. Or maybe Pirates again. Haha. OOH! But you know what I really wanna go see? Grind! That'd be cool to see that with *blank.* Ah ha ha ha... that's acually how I want it to be. But I mean... I honestly think that he'd be goin' up to me and be like "Wanna go see Grind with me?" Jeez... so I guess I just have to see that movie with Kelsey or maybe someone else.... I don't know....

I can't believe that school is gonna start in about a month. It feels like summer flew by.... kinda like last year. It felt like yesterday I said goodbye to all of my friends and thinking about how I will never get to see *blank* ever again. Damn... I never thought I'd go off and miss a guy soooooo fucking much. The last guy I missed so much like this was......... John Conway. And I mean... he's gone off to high school last year so this year is his 10th grade year.... PLUS he lives down in NC... so like... there's so chance in hell I'll ever get to see him again. But I mean... does that really mean that me and *blank* are gonna be like that? Cuz I know he's not going to Herndon High like I am. And if he doesn't pass this year, me and him have another year together. I really don't want that, but at the same time, I do. I know that sounds sooooo selfish of me.... but I can't help it. I don't know what the fuck to do.... I feel so useless and I feel like I can't do anything to help. Fuck.....

Too many emotions going thru my mind.

But anyways.... yeah... I guess that's all I really gotta say right now. I miss everyone in North Carolina as well as everyone I haven't seen since the last day of school. I love each and everyone of you all.

Posted by blog/addicted2you at 9:43 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 6 August 2003 12:51 PM EDT
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Bye, Bye, XANGA!So ok... I've decided to move... again. Sorry... but maybe this one will just be my "public" online journal... the one where everyone can see it... and that I don't have to hide it from people cuz I talk about them... haha.

So umm... I went to Tysons and Dulles mall today. It was boring.... but my mom told me that I can get Chucks for my birthday instead of the SPONGEBOB PILLOW FROM THE CARD STORE ACROSS FROM HOT TOPIC IN DULLES MALL *ahem.* So yeah, I think that I'm just gonna get Chucks. By the way, my birthday's October 3rd... and I still want that Spongebob pillow from the card store across from Hot Topic in Dulles mall. So if you're kind........ haha just kidding.... I'm not gonna be all greedy and shit like that. Ahh... hmmm... Oh yeah... I saw these skull boardshorts over at Hot Topic on sale for $14.98. They are VERY cool. I want them!!! Hah.

That's it I guess.... I'll write more later. My bro wants to get on. Bye!

Posted by blog/addicted2you at 7:17 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 6 August 2003 12:51 PM EDT
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