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9910 Coppedge Lane
Dallas, Texas 75220
ABS is a growing international janitorial company. Founded by its President, Marian Eftimie . Our company was started in 2000, by the grace of GOD. And now expanded its office in Europe. 
Acropolis Building Services has differentiated itself in a crowded janitorial market, by highly tailored and dedication for its clients. 
Above all, ABS has achived a main objective to build and keep a 
reputation for exellence in the custodial industry. To choose to work with ABS, is the wise decision for clients. Our company provides 
the best and unquestionable services to our customers. This is based on the highest level of dedication, professionalism and management capabilites. 

ABS offers its best custodial services to:  commercial office, banking,  auto dealerships, churches, etc. We belive that a happy 
customer is the back bone of success, growing, and a customer 
for life. Our services are fast and we are willing to go the extra mile. 
30-45 minute response time. Guaranteed.  ABS guarantees to have an operations manager at your office within 45 minutes of your call.