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~Simon & Elle - Cat Tree

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~Simon & Elle - September 2005

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~Simon & Elle - August 31st 2005

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~Simon & Elle (Fall Walk)

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~Simon & Elle (August 15th)

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~Simon, Elle, & Mr.Gentleheart (July 24th)~

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~Simon & Elle Outside Adventures (June 23rd)~

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~Simon & Elle Snuggling (June)~

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~Simon and Elle - Godzilla Cats?~

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~Simon & Elle, (June 10)~

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~Dog Jog 2005~

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~Simon and Elle May Pics!~

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~Simon, Elle and Smokey~

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~Simon and Elle Snuggling~

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~Taylor's Sleep-over & The Squirrel~

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~Pool Sharks~

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~Elle's first trip outside~

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~Elle Pictures- March 27&28~

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~Elle- Blue Point Siamese~

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~Caiger's Christmas 2004~

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~Simon Christmas Pics 2004~

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~Other Christmas Pics~

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~Simon September 2004~

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~Simon August 2004~

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~Rainbow Valley 2004~

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~Caiger Pool Party~

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~Simon's Adventures Outside~

Simon licking my nose!

Simon and me :)

Charles and Simon!

Simon peeking through the fence!

Up close and personal!

Up close and personal~2

Me and my baby!

Me and Simon on the deck

Simon frolicking in the woods!

Simon frolicking in the woods!

Simon's first steps outside

Simon's first steps outside~2

Trying to hide in the leaves

Simon by the tree :)

What a cat! Strike a pose!

~Sarah's Party =)~




Brad and Christina

Me and Christina

Playing the Piano!

Joel and Steph~ Snow fight!

Joel and Steph~ Snow fight!~2

~Random Pics~




Comet and Me

Comet and Me ~3

Comet and Me ~4


paws in the air!

Simon and his brush

Sleepy Simon

Sleepy Simon ~2

Sleepy Simon ~3

~Watts Christmas Party 2003~

Julie & Steve

Julie, Steve, Charles & I

Me & Angie

Angie & James

Angie & Rachel

Angie,James & Julie

~Simon/ Christmas 2003~

Simon sitting pretty



Simon Eating

Simon Eating the Ribbon

Simon jumping for the Ribbon

Simon Playing

Simon Stretched :)

~Christmas 2003~

Taylor & Charles on Xmas eve

Taylor & Me on Xmas eve

Taylor & Me on Xmas eve~2

Taylor on Xmas eve

Mom & Simon

Charles & Nicholas

Charles & Nicholas~2

Our Christmas Tree

Our Christmas Tree~2

Me on Christmas Morning


Nicholas biting some ribbon

Nicholas biting some more ribbon

Nicholas eating his Birthday cake!!(His First Birthday)

Nicholas eating his Birthday cake!!~1

Nicholas eating his Birthday cake!!~2

Charles &Nicholas

Charles &Nicholas2

~Simon Pics~

Sitting Pretty


Up close

Taking Over the Bed

Taking Over the Bed2






Charles and Simon

Simon & Roses

Simon & Roses2

Simon showing his Elvis lip :)

Simon investigating

Simon investigating~2

Simon investigating~3

Simon Vs Koalas

Simon Vs Koalas~2

Simon Vs Koalas~3

Simon Vs Koalas~4

Simon Vs Koalas~5

Simon Vs Koalas~6

Simon Vs Koalas~7

Simon getting ready for Halloween

Simon getting ready for Halloween~2

Simon getting ready for Halloween~3

Simon getting ready for Halloween~4

Simon getting ready for Halloween~5

Simon getting ready for Halloween~6

Simon getting ready for Halloween~7

Snugglin' in Bed

Snugglin' in Bed~2

Snugglin' in Bed~3

Sitting Pretty~2

High Kick

High Kick~2

~Orwell Corner~





Montague Harbor

Posing for Cam

Posing on bridge

Me @ Orwell

Me @ Orwell~2

Me @ Orwell~3

Me @ Orwell~4

Clydesdale Horses

Clydesdale Horses ~2

Clydesdale Horses~3

Clydesdale Horses~4

Charles Jumping






Testing out the Cam

Relaxing in the car

Evil eye




~Halloween 2003~

Me & Katie

Me & Taylor

John & Tyler

John & Tyler ~2

John & Tyler ~3

MSN Halloween- Girl from the Ring

MSN Halloween- Girl from the Ring~2

MSN Halloween- Girl from the Ring~3

Simon drooling over my candy :)

Taylor stealing my witch hat ;)

Taylor dressed up as Harry Potter

~Simon @ Toys(14/11/03)~

Simon Up Close

Simon wrapped up like a taco

Simon cleaning himself

Simon cleaning himself

;Simon @ String

Simon @ String~2

Simon @ String~3

Simon @ String~4

Simon @ String~5

Simon @ String~6

Simon @ String~7

Simon @ String~8

Simon @ String~9

Simon @ String~10

Simon @ String~11

~Simon @Snowman(14/11/03)~

chubby snowman from the Christmas Fare

Simon & Snowman :) CUTE!!!

Simon & Snowman :) EVEN CUTER!!!