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on ur left is a lil bloggin place for myself to write in, feel free to read.

NAME// Joan Chow

DOB// 21st.o3.1986

NATIO// chinese

WORK// resturant, retail shop

STUDY// beauty therapist diplomer =)



// Lisa's 19th birthday 22nd/23rd/Oct

// Nick's birthday 25th/Oct

// Billy's birthday 30th/Oct

// Paul's birthday 1st/Nov

// Andy's birthday 3rd/Nov

// Black Magic Part2 Transmission 6th/Nov

//SubZero Godspeed 27th/Nov<

//Roadtrip to Jervis Bay



DATE// 05th JAN 2005 / o1.03AM

SPININ// Josh Groban-You raise me up

FEELIN// umm upset and down yet also happi






// Link



// SKE'S







URL or Email


[ BLOG ]

Posted by adorable on 05/01/2oo5

HAPPI NEW YEARS EVE everyone!! OKAI SHUT UP no more teasing on me.... im not happi already i dun get to party wif yOohz on new yrs eve. makes me feel like shit already okai i had a crap christmas eve didnt do much lol n gonna have a crap new yrs eve cause im gonan spend my hole time workin n sittin around GREAT now dats a good start to new yrs ey good start HAR HAR! well i dunnoee but eh i had fun last nite lol paul derrick n me drank da hole jim bean n den had shoTZ n shOTZ of beer... n my face turned from red to pale lol i dunoe wat happen to dat dun have a headace So im sweeeeeeeet........

//10.17@LeOnz bac again jus came bac not long ago from work wasn't even bloody busi, but eh catched a buz and train bac from work got here leon gave me a lift had a shower cause i stunk like kitchen lol n yeh at da moment jus bloggin waitin on ppl n YEH get pissed once again ahehahe like always dis is actually bad drinkin so much ive been like drinkin bloody everyday, dunoe wat harmZ dats makin me have but for shure i noe ish worse dan popin so HA i dunnoe tryin to quit lol dunnoe how dats hanging so tempted but mmm NUP im gonna keep it up ahehaheae and yeh anyways once again everyone HAPPI NEW YEAR n hope dis is all a good start to a great 2005 for everyone and esp myself i hope everyfing goes realli well for me...

Posted by adorable on 31/12/2oo4

UMmMZ woke up todai bright and early LOL yeh like bloody 1 in da arvO hahahaa got up watched a lil tv afta dat had a shower got ready n headed out met up wif joe at his place bumed around a bit n went lunch ahehae yeh a bloody late birthday present. n yeh afta dat did a small amount of shoPpin hahaa n headed bac to his place n spent da rest of da time... mixin burning djIng LOL n yeh dats about it afta dat magGie n da boiz came to pick me up went to vist our dearly missed tom to see how he was at home wif his new wheel chair =) n yeh jus at home now pretty tired should go SLEEP soon got work experience again tmroZ...

Posted by adorable on 29/12/2oo4

Yurp bac again da next day... still feelin down still feelin lost n stoopid! i must be da most MOST stoopidest gurl in dis hole entire world to have my friend feed up wif my problems n asked me to get off da phone lol no im not angry at u, it was great jus tokin to u but jus happi dat i had my words said, but den again i was left to "ha ha" bac to sqaure 1 still lost, god wat is wif it. i jus dun even understand anymore, wish i could jus fly sumwere n sit in da middle of da sky n stare at everyone to see wdf is going on! why do i walk past fings dat r best for me? lol jus rite past wif my eyes closed or sumfing! dun even realise cause i still dun realise haha stoopid eh? well yeh i rekon ish fuken dumb! but wat can ya do, nthin keep walkin n smile n laugh it off. soo wat am i ment to do ha? no realli im dam seriouse here... keep laughin everyfing off for da rest of my life? well im gonan get fuken no were if i do dat. anyways bac to ermm yeh went shoppin todai at burwood wif sean spent like all my food money ahhaa jus kiddin spent like 200 sumfing on clothin perfume mmm i could have kept going but eh i dunnoe had enough of dat headed bac to meet evon n andy sat at cador for a whileZ n hmmm headed bac to my house watched the ring wif paul n vonz mmmmm bLAH now? yep jus bored again! should go sleep soon afta my shower have to go stoopid parra to do work experience ahhhhh fuken sucz i dun wanna go parra i hate parra but hopefully everyfing is sweet tmro hope time bloody flYz. yep time for a shower.

Posted by adorable on 27/12/2oo4

UMmz guys a late "merry christmas" but eh jus got bac from leons place we had a bbq fingy went on foreva lol till late at nite and ermmz jus drank all nite got pretty pissed anyways basically a good time! n yeh finkin about tom rite now hope his doing fine at da hospital! we mizz u tom** keep smilin n come out soon...

On da oda hand, not feelin to great anymore dunnoes ish realli confusing made a step i shouldn't have made, if ermm i new earlyer or bloody opened my eyes or sumfing emmMz i dunnoe ish no ones fault tho jus dat hmm wat would u call it? da stoopid me again? ahehaeae dat seems to do stoopid fings n jus dosent open her mind n fink about fings mmm actually im drunk rite now n tokin a load of shit in oda words but honstly i dunoe wat to fink! yeh dun laugh ish my drunkness tokin but eh i dunoe it makes sense to myself and dats all i fuken care about anyways. but ey... i jus dun wanna get hurt anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh no more i hate it i hate wen time repeats it self, stuck again in da middle of no were bac to sqaure one, but ey i fink i love to put myself in positions like dat i dunoe why? maybe one day i'll grow up n realise how much of a stoopid idiot i am? n jus prolli waCk myself in da head and go Ohh wow u finally fuken woke up to urself like how bloody dumb r u. but ey have u eva thought about it? why does it alwais happen to me? n why do i walk away from all da good stuff in life? n alwais turn to da bad stuff dat makes me upset all da time? okai im jus gonna jet to sleep soon so hopefully i'll fink of it as emmm jus a bad yr to end wif n a good yr is gonna come ahead of me? focuz on studies! n yeh hope everyfing goes fine LOL lauGHZ soo hard now dats jus fuken stoopid i noe ish not gonan be okai but ahhhhhhh FUk man i should stop writtin cause ish jus gettin worse n worse im not bloody even makin any sense! i jus wish i could go bac in time hahehaheae too all my happi times in life dat i had n rub out all da stuff i hated n hurt me soo much dat like dug scarZ into me ahehaeh hope sum magic dust can take dat away okai fuk dis im gonna go now dis is bloody sad im jus writin a load of crap dat dosent make any sense! STOP NOW JOAN! BYE!

Ummm time has past, currently bored shitless feelin alot beta but still lost still dunoe wat im feelin rite now, but ummm was jus wondering why do ppl make wishes? why do ppl say dat? well my wish neva came true for christmas lol so wats up wif dat ha? u stoopid pUNkass stoopid fuken fat shit santa! ahehaeh yeh sowwie i neva likeed ugly lookin fat santa anyways! no one cares about christmas all dey do is get drunk ahehaehae ey seriously der must be sumfing wrong wif me cuase i dun usually say all dis crap hAHHEHAEhae but eh im gettin entertained so beta dan starin at da ceilin which is good. ummMz i miss my friends i feel like huggin all of dem rite now, i fink i'll be alot more happi if i was out wif all of dem =/ UMMmZ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i jus feel like screamin SOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo much! umm anyways im hungry! i need food... ?? la la la la

Posted by adorable on 26/12/2oo4

was plannin to stay home all day todai since ive been out so much n sum crazi stoopid crapz been happening, but eh von called me up told me to get ready her n her bf is pickin me up to go shoppin i was like errr for real, dey were already on der way so i couldn't say no i guess so headed to burwood n did sum shoppin afta dat got droped off at stratty to meet rodney for coffee n went to vist tom at da hospital since he injured him self pretty badly by jumpin off da roof hehehee n also handed out my christmas presents to da boiZ - guys i hope u like dem!! =) "merry christmas" lovee YOohz *huGz* jus got home from burwood eatin heheee

Posted by adorable on 22/12/2oo4

I think i had da ermm most strangest was crazi dat everyfing happened like ahh i dunoee it was jus not expected cause we were havin so much fun, went to blacktown to seans house to watch sum movies had pizza bumed around n all, afta dat we headed to panthers at penrith n grabed kk afta dat drove bac down to stratty picked up da alcy we had left from da road trip n went kareoke to get pissed mmmm... i fink dat was one of da most funniest k's we eva had jus dat one hour was crazi had so much fun, it was too early to drive from drinkin so we headed up to da carpark n jus chilled der singing n stuff doing wat drunk ppl do i guess untill sum Grhhh ppl started finkin ey dis is gonna be cool were gonna walk on da roof it was so dangerous cause da roof was so slanted dis is bloody on top of a plaza supermarket crazi ha? yeh n see tom jumps off he lands on da floor dosent even move... full screamin out his name n shit, ppl r starin at him hopin his okai, so i ran down he couldn't even move he had to be lifted bac up anyways while he was restin afta too much fun for him lol i decided since i dunnoe how to bloody drive rite n can't even control a bloody auto car, cause ive onli sort of jus touched one n drove it up da road, but yeh stoopid drunk me decided i wanna drive n learn so told derrick to teach me n were both bloody drunk LOL i hope into his car omg.. scary but i had so much fun wasn't even bloody auto ahahah it was manual car was going fine, it stoped like twice but dats good enough for a newbie dat can't drive at all rite.. i jus wantted da car to be driven slowly around da carpark cause i didnt full 100% but derrick goes go joan rip da car rip it lol so i fuken speeded up n riped it around da corners made da fuken sqikiest noises omg dat was crazi n i loved it!!!!! so anyways afta all dat we got ready to left to take home, mmmz bEeeep late late turn car hit into da kerb den it was stuck dat was pretty scary i didnt noe wat to do so i jus sat der in da bac... hopin da two guys would get da car out of da dip n we could go home, but den nah needed more help so i hoped in to try steer da car n stuff while dey both push still didnt work mmmmm n den we swaped around still didnt work but mmmzz tired to call everyone but guess dey were sleepin phones were off, n mmmmm stoopid police came didnt noe wat da hell i was finkin it was so scary, breath test had to be takin n everyfing charges needed to be put car got towed rodney came to pick us up i got droped home 1st cause mum was going ape shit at me n now mmmm i DuNoe guess everyones sleepin... n i should head bac to sleep to LOL. such a crazi nite.

Posted by adorable on 21/12/2oo4

3 days awai at Jervis Bay wif my group omg i had da best time!! all i could fink of is nice house we stayed at mad house i mean, mad beach, nice weather everyfing was perfect! all 3 days were drinking eating cards tekken ps2 music bbq cookin sleepin n drinking drinkin drinkin LOL man we should do dis so much more often hopefully da boiz would send me da photos from der cameras so i can load dem up n yeh. der was jus so much dat happened thru out all 3 days i dunone were to begin n were to end, n i realli can't be bothered to start! but yeh as long as i had a MAD ASS TIME n im postin dis up n yeh den ish all sweet as!!!

Posted by adorable on 19/12/2oo4

got to go dentist soon >.< ehehehee anyways yesterdai was mums birthday we took her to dinna n la di da afta i got bac bumed around home for a bit den rodney picked me up to go coffee hehehe yeh bored PplZ went to gloria, n afta dat we changed to cador cause gloria was gonna close n yeh we were jus plannin out da roadtrip dis weekend to jervis bay sooo excited, i can't wait, i can get out of da house n be free lolz... oh yeh tokin about todai hehehe yeh wen i get bac were gonna go parra n do sum shoppin heheee

Posted by adorable on 13/12/2oo4

LETS SEE... i havent posted anyfing for da past week or so, but all i can say is DRUNK and ALCY i fink dat was most of my hole week, nthin else but alcy pretty cool oh yeh da boiz went subbies on fridai nite, i didnt go had work n afta dat me n peon n billy went star city instead hehehe fuK subbies, so dun wanna go to dat anymore no more candie for meeh. oh yeh ish actually mums birthday todai got to spend da nite wif her so Yeh n get pissed again LOL sounds like fun. oda dan dat nthin new i got an assignment due on wed havent even started, im gonna be dead lolz sumone help mee yeh =/ Oh yeh n eric can u plz give up sumtime n help me put dese fings in da months or teach me how so i can do it myself my page ish gettin longer n longer n ish neva gonna end!

Posted by adorable on 12/12/2oo4

[ HAPPI BIRTHDAY 2 yuhi,daveske & bronwyn ]

had work yesterdai afta work went wif leon to meet da rest at kareoke for dave's birthday, afta dat went to grab maccas n afta maccaz da boiz went to eat kebabZ ahahaha fatty'z n yeh had to head home cause i was gettin pretty tired from da alcy heheee. n now? yeh im off to workZ see yAZ

Posted by adorable on o4/12/2oo4

can't believe its nearly christmas!!! 25 more days OOoOOoo anuda reason to party ahahhaa anyways yeh on saturday i got a new hair cut hehehe all layered ish all lighter now not as thick, n yeh got my sista to colour it as well red on da bottom layer n black on da top hot yeh? ahahha jus kiddin but i realli like it. anyways college was such a bludge todai for me cause no one came from my class besides all da oda students so basically i got pampered by da oda class wif a full body massage plus a facial for da hole afternoon n b4 dat i had to do sum ladies pedicure *ewwwww* ahh i guess it wasn't dat bad. & tuesdai damm it was fuken hot man 40 degress or sumfing near der? yeh woke up went to da gay beach mmmmm HOT chiCz i had my nice perve n yeh ate at flemoOo den we all went to rodneys to pick up all der cOmputers cause dey were being gEeks lanning da nite b4 n eh i can't fink of anyfing else we did oh yeh afta dat headed to Pauls n watched dat ermm cartoon incrdible i dunoe how to spell it but yeh dat cartoon neva freken ended it jus went on n on n on.

Posted by adorable on o1/12/2oo4

YEH OKAI GREAT! i had a damm fuken shower did my hair got ready to go out n as i walk out da door, i get told ders no point in me comin out HA HA fuken hell now wat do i do? fuken sit at home? get changed? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dammit... yeh kill me okai im fuken bored shitless ive been home all fuken day sittin here sleepin on da damm gay net while all my friends were out HAHAHA yeh u stoopid loner go bac to sleep eh?

mmm godspeed 27th i havent eaten since dat morning of godspeed im damm hungry =*( sigHZ dunnoes didnt realli like it, da music i rekon i liked da last godspeed beta da music was beta ehhehee but oda dan dat yeh it was fun n yeh saw alot of my old friends i havent seen in years n ermm, ppl i didnt noe ahahaha but anyways yeh realli sleepy had to go to work da next day in da arvo dat was so bad going freken scat sighz, i nearly fell asleep standing up hahaa

Posted by adorable on 29/11/2oo4

ive had work twice in a row now, realli tired bodys dead but yeh besides dat on fridai afta work leon n i met up wif da rest n we all went to watch "The Grudge" afta dat headed down to FM n had 2 hours of kareoke HAhaha n yeh got homes pretty late n headed to sleep. & todai my plans mmm i dun feel like going out no money n yeh to lazy to go anywere anyways so yeh my plans r to stay home n sleep n finish watchin O.C hehehee and tmro? hehehe im gonna go SHOoppIN weeeeeeee

When the last teardrop falls//Blaque

It's so hard to lose the one you love
To finally have to say goodbye
You try to be strong but the pain keeps holdin' on
And all that you can do is cry
Deep within your heart you know it's time to move on
When the fairy tale that you once knew is gone

When the last tear drop falls
I'll still be holdin' on to all of our memories
And all of what used to be

When the last tear drop falls
I will stand tall
And know that you're here with me in my heart
When the last tear drop falls

So now I'm alone and life keeps movin' on
But my destination still unknown, oh yeah
Will there be a time when I'll fall in love again?
When I was meant to walk these streets alone
If there was just one wish I could be granted here tonight
It would be to have you right back by my side

Now it's time for me to find my happiness again
And the emptiness from missin' you
Will never ever end, baby

Posted by adorable on 21/11/2oo4

12.30 AM// ummz went burwood put layby on sum pants i wantted to get ages ago hopefully dey won't take heaps long cause dey have to order in da colour afta dat watched sum gurly movie wif maggie view from the top or sumfing about flight attendents n afta dat went to leons n watched more moVies watched a chinky one ahhhhhhhhh HOTTIES man hotties hahahaha n afta dat watched around the world in 80 days wif rodney n ermm dat movie was so long it was like a neva ending movie rocked down to stratty had coffee bumed around a lil longer cause leons friends car wouldn't start >.< n yeh afta dat came home now im bored shitless n can't sleep *sighZ*

Posted by adorable on 17/11/2oo4

11.41 AM// actually realli tired dunoe how i manage to wake up so early todai afta comin home at like 5 in da morning from star city wif leon andy lisa tom n sean ahhhhh lost 20 bux hahaha anyways we had nthin to do yesterdai so we went n bumed around stratty borrowed sum movies watched it at my house den went eat n yeh headed to star city aHAHhaa no luck oh wellZ ish all goot n todai ahhhhh i wanna go shOppin i realli wanna buy thoose pants i want but everyones sleepin =/ sigHZ

Posted by adorable on 16/11/2oo4

oHh okai ermmz lost a game on msn wif jay as u can see n now i have to post dis up =/
Jay is da best Jay is da best Jay is da best Jay is da best
Jay is da best Jay is da best Jay is da best Jay is da best
Jay is da best Jay is da best Jay is da best Jay is da best
Jay is da best Jay is da best Jay is da best Jay is da best
Jay is da best Jay is da best Jay is da best Jay is da best

3.56PM// jus came bac from a weddin food was Yummy i fink it was like $85.oo a head sighZ dats alot but da wedding was gay so plain boring n simple had to wake up so early dis morning to get ready as well ahh im full tried i need sleep ZzzzzzzZzzzzzzz had work on fridai nite n saturday nite gonna try get sum rest now... by da way im gettin a HIgh frequency machine a wax pot a steamer n a bed from my sista, gonna chuck it in my mini salon im constructin can't wait soOo happi.

Posted by adorable on 14/11/2oo4

8.53PM// ummz.. realli sleepy >.< yeh yesterdai nite was a lil upsetin nite for me but wAHoo i should be fine nowz anyways, yeh yesterday in class we learnt how to do airbush n shit omg it was so fun hehehe i got 3 more tattz ahahha yeh im not dat stoopid der fake loOks pretty cool tho i got one on my wrist ish a tiny rose n one near my ankle anuda rose n a angel ermm butterfly fing on my shoulder, and todai in class? mmm pretty boring did so much work client came in to get a manicure n french polish for her formal lolz hopefully she liked it i guess n afta dat did a shit load of theroy n den pract again facials ermm pedicure n manicure again n again n again n cleanin felt like i was gonna drop to da ground sleepin *sighz* bumped into eric wen i was on lunch hehehe =) oh yeh anuda fing to im so excited i get to change out store room to a salon room soon for myself to practice in sistas givin all her old salon stuff to meeh fuNkiee i can't wait til dat all changes.

Posted by adorable on 11/11/2oo4

11.34PM// UPSET, i dunnoe wat more to say den being upset! not 100% angry but realli depressed realli sad, i hate it realli hate it wen it happens i hate it how ppl do dat i realli realli hate it n i want it to stop, i dun want ppl to walk in n out of my fuken life like dat anymore, it cuts me inside so bad makes me feel in so much pain, stops me from everyfing in my life, to scared to meet new ppl to scared to meet new friends to scared to be close wif anyone dun wanna leave foot prints n jus walk away like wat i feel inside, why do ppl do dat? why does it happen? oh fuk if ur finkin dat im tokin about a relationship on a guy? NO im tokin about friends, friends AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh i fink im jus gonna go sit n cry now HA HA so funnie, dun worrie i'll keep my smile on my face.

2.00PM// jus woke up currently ringing stoopid centerlink damm dey piss me off, der so dumb n stoopid lol actually wait der jus confusing da shit out of meeh. anyways i have a whole day ahead of meeh n im so dam bored, realli hungry rite now as well *sighZ* givee meeh food plzz fuk dis im gonna go find food i'll be bac ByeZ

Posted by adorable on o9/11/2oo4

12.39 AM// currently can't sleep at all i jus have to much energy can't stay still keep movin around n jumpin lol. //6.11.TRANSMISSION// i had a realli mad time even tho da place was pretty crap BUT i enJOyed my nite realli realli well, had way to much fun i was full happi n chattin n tokin n dancin n walkin around n yeh n now i jus feel scat, but im not tired at all im full awake afta transmission we all came bac to my house to chill we all layed der from around 8 in da morning till like 6 in da arvo jus watchin movie listening to music i keept annoyin everyone by tokin i wouldn't stop lol asked da most spastics stuff so random hope i didnt anNoy derrick cause at dat time wen i was tokin n tokin der was onli sean billy him n me der n da rest was all sleepin >.< afta all dat drove to chullora to eat red roster ermm came bac to my place to watch sum azn movie sumfing flyin daggers ermm den watched the gurl next door n den headed down to stratty to grab sum food n WA LA im home again ahahhaha mite go for a shower, i havent had a shower since transmission lol i had energy for anyfing else but a shower hahaha yeh i noe pretty dirty.

currently uploading sum of the transmission photos.

Posted by adorable on o8/11/2oo4

11.43PM// had a bloody hard time tryin to wake up for college dis morning afta drinkin 3 days in a row >.< but yeh still made it... n hahaha ended up going out afta college untill now anyways da rest r watchin resident evil 2 in da oda room hehehe i got bored... came in here to finish doing my nails, still not finished one more hand to go =) SSSOoo can't wait TRANSMISSIOn ish ON saturday WOOWOohwHWOWOOoo yay!! ai ya andy got so drunk yesterdai, started tokin to da jim bean bottle lolz, anyways i dun remeber much so i dunoe wat else to write basically everyone was fuken GONE! n dats all we need to remember.

Posted by adorable on o3/11/2oo4

1.o9 PM// HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL *huGZ* yeh last nite went to pauls house n gave him a lil surprise came wif BeerZ =) dey were playin ps 2 n sum card games jus chillin n chattin, afta dat headed back home about 3 ish i fink well before 4 anyways. n yeh bright n late i woke up, damm i feel like drinkin lol n get pissed drunk! i wonder if da boiz wanna come drinkin in my backyard LOL =)

Posted by adorable on o1/11/2oo4

2.17 AM// msg for billy boiz: HAPPI BIRTHDAY *hUGz* tryed to call u to come out wif us tonite but we couldn't get in contact wif yoOH since ur phones gone >.< anuda time i guess eh? wellz mmm jus came bac from da movies at auburn watched The Exorcist fuk man ... lol i dun fink i'll be sleepin tonite,sighZ anyways had college todai afta dat bumed around wif tom n met up wif da rest lata on in da nite went to city n picked sean up from work n yeh went bac to my house den my stoopid face was burning, felt so bad itcy n burning, oh wellz afta dat we den headed to da moVies.

Posted by adorable on 3o/1o/2oo4

11.02 PM// jus got home, pretty tired. went college todai knownin dat i had an exam in da morning so i studied last nite for it wen i got der i find out i dun have da exam, full pissed me off so i left at 2 n met up wif sean at stratty went cador bumped into ken den derrick came past den met up wif maggie n nick drove to leons house to drop stuff off n woke him up hahahaa den went parra n den came bac afta dat bummed around for ages had nthin to do den everyone went home tom n billy catched da bus bac to my place la la la long day den lata on went wif andy all da way to south hurstville wow my gosh da houses were so big, came bac to pauls da boiz were playin ps 2 came home n wa LA hahahaha time to go n eat byEz...

Posted by adorable on 27/1o/2oo4

7.15 PM// emmZ andrew,phil & vons came to pick me up todai den we headed to burwood to eat n drink n stuff afta dat me n vons went to kareoke lol yeh jus us two!! =) n yeh if ur laughin, i dun find it funnie cause i like it so BLEh afta dat henry n vons droped meeh home by da way fanx for da lift henry.

12.33 AM// a lil msg: HAPPY birthday Ponno =) anyways jus got home from stratty carpark lol bummed der for a bit the boiz were playin wif da skates n scooter cause it was nicks birthday brought a ice cream cake & ate it at gloria >.< dis morning mmm went burwood den parra to go shoppin wif leon n yeh afta dat went stratty once again came home, bumed around da rest bused it to my house heheee n played cards i had fun tonite paintin ppls nails =p

Posted by adorable on 26/1o/2oo4

1.34 AM// jus came bac from coffee at stratty wif rodney n tom, coffee lol i had a beer instead =) by da way HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY NICK!! =) hope all ur wishes come true buddy. *huGZ* *mwa*
i have a dentist appointment tmro at 10.30 siGHz got to wake up early again =*(

Posted by adorable on 25/1o/2oo4

10.23 PM// jus finish watchin sharks tale by myself lol yeh ha ha wat a sad one! woke up todai had work from 1-5 pretty tired came home den went out for dinnaz wif mum n stuff so now jus bumin around on da net, n listenin to dis song i realli realli like =) by J-kwon - you & meeh
Don't need no ice and no billie
I just wanna have you here wit me
I'm their for you, always be true
It's just you and me, you and me
You don't have to go doubble platinum
I'll be their and I'm always goin' back em'
I'm their for you, always be true
It's just you and me you and me
MmMM... sounds mad! anyways got to jet now.

Posted by adorable on 24/1o/2oo4

3.16 AM// jus came bac from lisa's house =) pretty cool she shiped her parents to a hotel lol... chucked a house party at home, ey lisa fanx heaps for tonite, im shure everyone had so much fun! anyways had college todai afta dat went home leon picked me up went to lisa's to eat n parTy!! well nearly everyone was pissed drunk, sum died on da ground sleepin wen i left, derrick got wraped up in tape n glad wrap lol n ermm mad food from da bbq ate a bit n den went wif maggie to drop of sumfing der n yeh wala im home now hahahaa. sum mad ass cocktails da boiz were makin out of ermmm... da spring water bottle fing dats massive man, anyways im pretty tired n sleepy rite now, gonna jet nowz got work lata in da arvo.

Posted by adorable on 23/1o/2oo4

11.58 PM// anyways VIP TIX for black party if anyones intersted plz msg meeh =) $70 bux VIP tix to Black Magic VIP Lanyards (receive @ the event) Black Magic Keyring's (receive @ the event) VIP entry Meet Yoji Biomehanika and Johan Gielen Breakfast with Blutonium Boy (7 - 7:30am)

12.35 AM// woke up went shoppin todai at parra, for sum presents but didnt realli find everyfing i wantted so, hopefully by tmro i'll have everyfing ready. anyways jus finished watchin a movie wif sean,leon,tom,paul n rodney at my house. Time to sleep lol long day ahead of me tmro. =)

Posted by adorable on 19/1o/2oo4

10.29// jus got home, pretty tipsy HAHA went drinkin at kareoke jus den at sratty =) with tom,sean, derrick,issac n meeh den afta dat went to bum at paul's for a lil, n had work from 1 to 5 todai as well, sean n issac n derrick came to pick me up from work eehehehe fanx boiZ, doubble pay man mad shit. OH yeh one more fing, my hand got closed on da car door wen i was comin out cause der was a car comin, so dey closed da door, but my hand was still der, aww man hurt alot, tears came out AHAHAHaa.

Posted by adorable on 17/1o/2oo4

2.30// mum was dropin me off to stratty, on da way bumped into andy so i jumped in his car, went to pick up tom n sean n ermm went to derricks house bumed around for a bit, i got a massage lol from a chair feels mad! =) afta dat got droped off at stratty again wif sean to eat lunch, den both catched a train to city for work.

Posted by adorable on 16/1o/2oo4

3.21 PM// jus finished college, pretty early der was onli 2 of us in class lol, how gay! anyways leon n paul picked me up from class todai n yeh... jus bumin around at leons house, der ermm playin stoopid ps2 n cs LOSERS!! HAHAHA jks have no idea wats going on tonite but yeh hope were doing sumfing fun =) blah BLAH... foOK i jus got leon jerMS yuk... anyways gonna jet now, be bac lata HEhEHee

lata on// borrowed a movie from blockbustEr, catched a bus bac home n watched da movie "secret window" afta dat andy met up wif us... we drove down to stratty bumed around a bit, went kareoke still bored wantted to stay out i was pretty stoned ahha didnt wanna go home so afta dat chilled at tom's place,fanx for da food tom =)

Posted by adorable on 15/1o/2oo4

9-5.30// man im so tired from college, n for foOk sake i can't get rid of all da pimples dat been comin out of no were. i look like da biggest dirty bitch eva, anyways college finished dying to get home, ran to da bus stop to catch a bus on da way der bumped into a friend said hi la la la n yeh kept walkin so scared dat it would pour rain on me wen i get off, lucky dat didnt happen =)

Posted by adorable on 14/1o/2oo4

12 sumfing// alfy woke me up, couldn't get back to sleep, bumed on the net, everyones at da beach and at uni n im bloody sittin at home doing shit all wif da sun shining on to me. FOOK SO HOT!

3.48 PM// currently tokin shit! pretty gone rite now. missing being wif sumone doing shit all jus bummin around, which mmm... i dun fink will eva happen again, now dat annoys me alot, cause theres nthing i wanna do about it. anyways got on to da topic of that now i can't stop. hate it wen dey come to u den dey leave wats up wif that? friends r ment to stand by ur side wif yooh, not coming in n out of ur life wen dey feel like it.

11.56 PM// awww i feel so speaical lol cause sumone jus asked me to go to a 21st birthday party wif him lol anyways no more braggin. Avant//Get Away "todays not a happi day" ey i like dat song, sounds mad! any how missed out on too many classes n hours at college, ish gonna be hell for me to catch up sumone stab me now! ha ha can't believe im still laughin, time to shut up now... gnite sweet dreamz *hugZ*

Posted by adorable on 13/1o/2oo4

12.00 PM// jus woke up not long ago, theres so much i need to do todai, n im way to lazy to go outside for public transport its to dam hot!!

// need to take my 3 phone to fix
// need to find work placement
// need to shop for a birthday present
// need to buy beads
// need to grab the stuff from work
// wanna buy dat one teaspoon bag

the longer i sit here the lazyer i get... i realli can't move even if sumone drove me there, but i need to get this done!! >.<

7.46 PM// back again the boiz came bac from the beach >.< currently now bummin in my tv room. waitin for derrick so we can go SmOKeeeeeeeee n drink MUAHAHHAA dats wat ive been waitin for all day.

lata dat nite// came home, been to gloria, pretty full went super at burwood afta dat came home smoked a lil more bumed on da stoopid net, couldn't stay up. went to sleep

Posted by adorable on 12/1o/2oo4

okay here i am sitting in front of the computer currently thinkin... wat am i gonna do... wat am i gonna do?

what am i gonna do with college? not being able to pay my fees? what am i gonna do about my stoopid credit card that im ment to chop up in half! n neva use again! no matter how much i try to work right now...ish not gonna help me cover everyfing...

every month i get new bills... home phone mobile internet n so on n so on.

Posted by adorable on 11/1o/2oo4