Michael Blevins' Tap, Theatre Dance & Acting Workshops







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The Workshops - Schedule & Description

The Program features 2 hours of Tap and 2 Hours of Jazz/Theatre Dance each week. The Acting Workshop is 1½ hours per week for Acting.

Michael Blevins plays a scene with Oscar Winner
Michael Douglas in Sir Richard Attenborough's film version
one of Broadway's longest-running hit musicals "A Chorus Line".

4-Week Intensive

JANUARY 9 thru 30th, 2021

DANCE TRACK #1: [Beginning/Basic Level]
12:00 Noon - 2:00pm    Tap & Theatre Dance

DANCE TRACK #2: [Intermediate Level]
2:00pm - 4:00pm    Tap & Theatre Dance

ACTING WORKSHOP: [Ages 12 & up]
4:00pm - 5:30pm    Acting Class

DANCE TRACK #3: [Advanced - Professional Level]
5:30pm - 7:30pm    Tap & Theatre Dance

Tap & Theatre Dance Workshop:

The princilples, theories and prctice of TAP DANCING are acquired. Beginning tappers acquire basic technique and rhythm through the use of the shuffle, flap, ball-change, hop, heel, spank and other beginning steps. Intermediate tappers continue basic technique training and focus on control, speed and smoothness while exploring syncopation and learning longer combinations and routines. Advanced tappers work in the smaller "hoofing" style or "rhythm tap", choreography. Advanced tappers sustain strong technique and polish rhythmically complicated routines, turning combinations imporvisation, and close floor work with focus on speed and clarity of sound. Students of tap at every level of tap dancing develop coordination, rhythm, strenght and stamina.

THEATRE DANCE covers the principles, theories and practice of dance styles and forms of the musical theatre including traditional jazz and funk. The experience offered is geared for all levels: Advanced Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, and Professional. The program appropriately challenges the student at each level. Advanced Beginning students acquire technique and strength from traditional warm-ups and simple combinations. Intermediate students reinforce basic technique, and increase flexibility while exploring different styles and a variety of routines. Advanced students strive for greater extension, polish, turning ability, and heightened elevation. Top level performing students focus on many different choroegraphers and their styles, and begin to recognize dance as visual music and a continuation of character and plotline. Activities also include exploring varied time periods and musical styles. Students at every level of Theatre Dance develop coordination, flexibility, strength and endurance.

Acting Workshop:

Theatre workers on all levels get a stimulating workout and much practical information on the mechanics of Acting. A series of exercises for developing concentration, sensory responses, pantomime, improvisation, relaxation, oral interpretation and body movement are employed throughout the process. Theatre games further challenge the actor's spontaneity and ability to be more aware of his/her own feelings, attitudes and values.

Click Photo To View Video
Lane & Blevins in scene from CHAPLIN, starring Robert Downey, Jr.

The objective of the actor's training is to develop skill in voice and body so that he/she is free to move and speak in a way that is significant, projectile and appropriate. The course touches on relaxing, stage energy, improvisation, light script analysis, body language and taking criticism - all vital elements of the actor's craft. A rich lode of essential truths for the actor so that he/she can possesses a more expressive and controlled instrument.

NOTICE: Track Levels and Class Times are based on students' level of learning so that each individual student may be appropriately challenged and enjoy optimal learning. Therefore, siblings and/or Friends may not necessarily be scheduled in the same Track Level or Class Time. Michael Blevins can not be held responsible for personal injury. The potential of injury exists in any physical activity please consider this possibility before enrolling.

Minimum Enrollment Required to Run Workshops