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Jë§s¦©ª'§ H?m? P?Ge

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Hey, and welcome to my web page.This page is full of stuff about me.cuz i like every thing from eminem to monkeys as u have already seen. so plez feel free to look around, but if u copy n e thing plez link back to my page thnx! all bout me, well my favourite colour is green.below is a a useless blob, isnt it cute!?!my best friends r miranda and jody. their grrrrreat! below is a cartoon doll image of here to go to dollz mania! another grrrreat web site is funny junkgo to funny junk!

Adopt your own useless blob!
eminem is soo kool my favoutite song is cleaning out my closet and without me. but my absolute fav songs r jenny from the block and when angels deserve to die. dont be fooled by the rocks that i got im still jenny from the block! sorry i got kinda carried away, well back on topic i love , love , and love to snowbaord and this christmas i hope to get a snowboard. this is my dream board! i love roxy stuff espicailly the hoodies!GO EKIES GO!!!

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