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Praisers, Intercessors and Worshipers!

Greetings in the Name! Thank you for allowing us to share a divine mandate with you! Our marketplace ministry team has been commissioned to fund intercession. We need around-the-clock intercession to adequately protect and fuel the firm establishment of our foundation and infrastructures. It is equally important that our networks be built upon divinely ordered relational "nets" that will contain the increase God is bringing and stand the test of time during an extended season of rapid growth.

Our first goal is to immediately provide substantial revenue streams for those God sends to partner with us in the spirit to fund at least 100 full-time intercessors by mid-January 2005. We believe that every Believer is called to pray for others with supplication and intercession, so anyone who desires to be paid while providing our most critical asset qualifies. We take this very seriously and have been convinced by God that He absolutely will abundantly provide for those who will praise and pray in the Spirit daily as we build a growing passive/residual income for them. By God's grace, we will be instrumental in hundreds of testimonies of God's provision that will spark thousands more who watched lives transform before their eyes.

Helping people become debt-free, financially independent and time-flexible will allow them to more fully give themselves to what they feel called to do in life.

New Testement spiritual worship is a lifestyle of fully giving our entire selves, lives and belongings to Him to be used for His purposes -- the purposes He has called us to - our personal destinies -- what we, individually, were created to do. We believe that once people reconnect with the desires of their hearts -- their God-given aspirations, their dreams, their life vision, their passion -- they will experience a "revival" of new life and they'll never be the same.

So far, everyone who has joined our Team with a "covenant of intercession" is on track to replace their secular incomes within 4 months! Please prayerfully consider adding your strength to our mandate to send full-time workers into His harvest field (Lk 10:2).


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