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POWERFUL NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY!! Earn $500 - $1,000 Part-Time or $2,000 - $6,000 Full-Time! $900/week with your PC!!!!
Dear Internet Friend, You are reading this information to learn how to EARN $500 $1,000 Part-Time...$2,000 - $6,000 Full-Time working from home.

WORK AT HOME: Be your own boss!!! Are you ready for something different?
Have you had enough of the daily grind? Are you tired of watching others profit from YOUR efforts? Would you like to work at home to allow more time for your family, friends, or hobbies? Have you given up on all those dubious offers that promise everything, but leave you with nothing?.....ME TOO!!!!

That's why I became am a 3.5" Disk Copier. I run the whole business online,and only use snail mail to mail the disks, which means I have very low overhead costs and I can do all my work from the privacy and comfort of my own home around my schedule.

You can potentially earn $500 - $1,000 part-time or $2,000 - $6,000 full time! Full training is provided. All you need is a computer with email access, some spare time, and a desire to change directions in your life!

Omni Disks is going to teach you how to earn THOUSANDS FROM HOME!!!!

The position being offered here is a self-manager marketing position. Your duties will include placement of advertising, responding to correspondence, copying of Disks, and product distribution. This is a home-based employment opportunity.You determine the number of hours per week you wish to work and set your own schedule.
The only experience required for this position is: basic Internet knowledge (the ability to e-mail),and to copy disks, (if you don't know how, no problem we show you step by step) and an ability to organize yourself and work without supervision.
This a home based position, and as such you need a reliable computer with an Internet connection, if you don't have Internet you can still do this from home, just use snail mail (we again teach you this as well if needed).

Your responsibility as a manager associate will be to successfully market the product and to maintain customer service and relations. As a manager associate, you will basically set-up,Copy and send out 3.5" Disks. This is a management level position. Most manager associates earn between $180.00 to $240.00 a day (US funds), depending on their level of activity. Because this is a home based employment position you are considered self-employed and your wages are directly connected to the time-spent working and your client base.

Average hourly wage works out to around $45.00 to $60.00 an hour for most manager associates. Our main product and training material is a Disk Copying Business. We provide the training, the product and support. The rest is up to you as a self-manager associate. The more effort you put in, the more money you'll directly earn. You schedule your own hours and business activities each day. You decide how much income you need and you control your own success. It has nothing to do with Network marketing or MLM's. There are no up-lines or sales meetings,no quotas to fill no sponsoring, or recruiting. Because of the Internet, this business is truly linked to a global market place. Regardless as to where you live, you are always just the Internet away from millions of clients just waiting for you to change the way they work and do business from their homes.

When this opportunity was offered to me I looked at all the facts: First: There is only a small one time fee cost to me to start as an associate manager, which I can make back with just one sale.

Second: I can do most of the buisiness on line.

Third: I would be directly responsible for my own income. I can work my own hours and choose my own clients.

Fourth: and maybe the biggest reason, I was ready for a change and I needed a strong income. It was an easy choice for me to make. I had nothing to lose by trying this employment program and everything to gain.

One question I'm always asked is why? Why would I be willing to help others do exactly what I'm already successfully doing, and I'll be honest with you in telling you that my only reason to see you succeed in this business, is because you have to succeed for me to succeed.

You need to make as much money as I do and you need to do it as simply as I do. I also get asked about competition. In this business I find there is none. There are truly millions of clients. More then I can handle on my own, and because of the Internet, I am able to advertise for free.

If you find value in what I'm offering you, then great. We can work together and I'll do all I can to make you successful. I guarantee that it will never cost you more than just the one time fee. I guarantee that I'll show you step-by-step just how this business works, and why it works so well. It is a simple step-by-step process that anyone can do. Just follow the steps and you will be successful.

I'll do all this for one reason and one reason only, and that is because if you're successful and happy, then I'm successful and happy, and I love being successful and happy. I enjoy running my own home based business and I'm sure you'll enjoy running your own home based business. You'll enjoy the freedom and the income it can and will provide. Give yourself just 30 days working this program. Follow my instructions and let me help you to a new career. So, with all this in mind, and if you want a change in lifestyle and income, let me help you. See just how true success feels for a change. See if this business is all I'm saying it is. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you! If you wish to email me, then please feel to do so and I will help all I can please email me at I can accept Storm Pay, Money Orders, Hyper Wallet,C.O.D. to Canada only, if you live out side Canada and still want C.O.D. I can use Federal Express but it will have additional Charges,and Money Bookers, as payment, thank you. The One Time Payment is $32.95 and includes all shipping charges. If you wish to pay by C.O.D. please add an extra $3.00 to the above price, thank you.

Online cash payments in $CAD or $USD

Online cash payments in $CAD or $USD

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