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Winslow Maine: Backyard Football League

Some history about the Winslow, Maine: Backyard Football

Started back in 2002 by Omar Azimi, Peter Lee, and Chris Spenard, playing at Chris's House. The BYFL grew to be an intense and brutal game of survival. Many who played did not make it to the end (Chris Wilson). Only playing like 10 games total the BYFL sort of vanished from the face of the earth.

Until now in 2005, a former Fullback (Bryon Fogg), and a founding father (Omar Azimi) have come back to relive the glory days of intense mudd running Backyard Football

Our Welcome Back Game Will be held in Winslow, Maine, Nov. 26, 2005 (day after thanksgiving) @ the Miget Football Field (Next to the High School)

*Important* The Real Season will start on the first Sunday of Summer and last all summer long. Each game will be on sunday until summer ends, and there will be a play-offs and "Super Bowl" game. Well will talk more about this at the Turkey Bowl game, so if you want a say in this, Show up!!!

IM me on AOL at : FoggEmAll Or Message me on MSN at: Or Email me at the same address for more information or to signup to play.
Anyone can play but BE WARNED this is a tackle sport, not a two-hand touch game. Be ready to be rumbled.

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