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my longest labor of love

This long labor of love is for the many of you who 
don't understand or are curious about my faith.  I 
don't always have the time to sit down and explain 
why I believe what I believe, and exactly what it IS 
that I believe.  So here, I sit down the words of my 
favorite song by dc Talk, one of my favorite songs of 
all time, to explain to you my very heart and soul.  
It's raw, it's real, it's pure, and it's true - and I 
think it'll make you understand me a little better, 
and why I say or do the things I do.  :)  Here's my 
heart - take good care of it.  (and feel free to 
print it out - it would be much easier to read that 
way! (12 pages total, though) - and to pass it on to 
others if you'd like, ESPECIALLY if you think it 
would bless anyone. :)
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Lovely traces
	I love this line because it brings to mind a
 picture I once took of a beautiful, rosy sunset.  
Those of you who know me well are aware that I adore 
taking pictures of gorgeous sunsets and clouds - any 
sky shot that's beautiful.  In this one particular 
instance, the sky was an absolutely breathtaking red, 
orange, purple, and pink looked almost as 
if God had reached down and gently run a watercolor 
brush in careful streaks across the sky.  The picture 
is up on my angelfire website for those of you who 
haven't seen it, and it always reminds me of how we 
can see "lovely traces" of God in our everyday 

I can sense You in everything
	When you have the love of God living inside 
you, you can sense God in absolutely 
a summer sunset, as I was saying above, or in the 
people you meet, in shooting stars, in the singing of 
crickets at night and birds in early morning.  I will 
never forget going to Table Rock, a park in the 
nearby Blue Ridge Mountains, for my birthday one 
year.  We got there at 10:30 and had to wait thirty 
minutes outside of the restaurant before the doors 
would open.  We waited in a little pavilion area 
outside the door, with a view of the very foggy lake 
hundreds of feet below us on one side and trees 
stretching in every direction around us.  In the 
midst of the foggy, hazy morning, I suddenly stopped 
and held my breath as I realized I could hear the 
exotic cries of hundreds of birds echoing softly 
through the cool morning air.  It was absolutely 
exquisite, hearing songs and chants I had never heard 
before, and realizing that the forest life was living 
and breathing and pulsing all around us, without a 
care as to our world or our own inventions 
and "necessities."  It was a freeing moment, and as I 
stood listening, I could hear the beautiful 
wilderness God had lovingly created so many thousands 
of years ago.

The way that You move me
	If we allow God to move us and lead us 
forward, He will show us paths we never would see 
otherwise.  God works only for our good in EVERYTHING 
we face, as Romans 8:26 reminds us, and if we allow 
Him, He will move us 
physically...spiritually...mentally...emotionally.  I 
remember having the conviction that God was not 
leading me to attend the college I had previously 
thought I would attend for 13 years, but to a college 
I had only heard about the year before.  But with 
complete assurance that I knew where God was leading 
me and what He was leading me to study, I took the 
biggest leap of faith I'd made at that point in my 
life...and now I couldn't be happier or more thankful 
that I allowed God to move me when my faith depended 
upon it the most.  I have learned so much more while 
attending Winthrop University than I ever would have 
at Furman U. or any Christian university.

Takes me far away
	God can often lead us far from our comfort 
zone, far from what we used to know, to expose us to 
adventures in life that we would otherwise never 
happen upon.  I have lost many good friends for many 
reasons, and I'm attending a college farther away 
from my family than I had ever planned to attend.  
But by taking me far away from my own expectations, 
my life has grown and expanded in miraculous ways I 
would NEVER have imagined (Ephesians 3:20).  I have 
opportunities and blessings in my life now that I 
never would have had if I hadn't allowed God to take 
me far away from my own dreams and ideas, and now I'm 
much less afraid to follow wherever God is leading me 
and wherever He opens doors ahead of me.

I seek no escape
	As I said above, I have had more blessings 
and opportunities crop up in my life by allowing God 
to lead me on and by letting go of my fear.  Fear is 
what makes us want to escape situations; if we feel 
powerless, helpless, comfortless, our first instinct 
often tells us to flee where we are and straight into 
the arms of familiarity.  But this line says "I seek 
no escape," and for good reason - once you fall into 
the arms of God and let your fear melt away, where He 
leads you is a paradise you never imagined for your 
days on earth.  Sure, there's hurt and pain just like 
everyone else must face - but what is borne from it 
is what sets our lives apart from the ordinary.  Once 
you feel God's peace, love, and security, you know 
you're never alone in facing whatever waits around 
the bend.

I'm dreaming through Your eyes
	When we dream through God's eyes, we dream 
scenes and lives that are far better than anything we 
could dream on our own.  God often uses people to 
perform superhuman works that they could never 
accomplish by themselves, and Paul says the reason 
God does this is so people will recognize His 
presence and power on earth (II Corinthians 4:11).  
Sometimes it becomes hard to give all the glory to 
God when we do something we would have never been 
able to accomplish without God; we want to keep the 
recognition ourselves and feel the instant 
gratification of human respect and adoration.  But if 
we do this, we are turning against the One who made 
our actions possible in the first place.  Moses never 
would have been able to part the sea or command it to 
fall back into place without the power of God within 
him; it's also no coincidence that the Israelites 
burst into songs of praise after seeing God's power 
so awesomely exhibited in Moses.  If Moses had 
followed his initial fears at God's request for his 
life, he would have been unable to dream a greater 
dream through God's eyes, and the Israelites would 
have remained under the control of the powerful 
Egyptian empire.

I am wandering through Your mind
	The earthly goal of a Christian is to grow 
closer to Jesus Christ in our personal lives; we try 
to become more and more like Jesus everyday, and to 
let others know what we have found in Him.  In order 
to exhibit the qualities Jesus demonstrated for us 
during His radical life on earth, we have to learn to 
rest in and explore God's mind.  One of the most 
important parts of the Christian life is remaining 
close with God, maintaining that personal one-on-one 
relationship that allows us to communicate with Him 
and explore His mind and desires for us.  We also 
like to stay in the teachings and letters of Jesus's 
disciples and the books and accounts of the prophets 
who lived years before Him; these help us to 
understand how God has worked and continues to work 
for our world, and we also see Jesus's life and 
principles in the words of those closest to Him while 
He walked this earth.

I'm overtaken by the way that You deliver me
	ANYONE who has been through a hard time and 
had God deliver them from the pain and sorrow and 
anger and resentment into a new life rich with 
possibilities (and abundant in love) knows the full 
power of God's mercy.  I have had times where I hit 
absolute rock bottom emotionally, or so I thought.  I 
became despondent for days and weeks at a time, and 
everyone closest to me left me to spend these 
languishing days alone.  With only God to turn to, 
only God could deliver me, and so I put my full faith 
in Him and vowed to go about it the best I could.  
Let me just say that there is no victory greater than 
the sense of accomplishment and love one feels when 
God has brought you out of a bleak time and back into 
a world full of LIFE and awareness!  It is almost as 
if the senses are heightened, and every little thing 
becomes, once more, a "lovely trace" of the God who 
made and delivers us.

I'm transcended
	Having the love of God inside of you helps 
you to feel a power and an assurance that transcends 
anything you've ever felt before, anything you could 
feel in your mortal body alone.  God transcends time, 
all languages, all sorrow and heartache to heal you 
at the center of your being; only He can give you a 
soul and a love so powerful and eternal and 
bottomless that they go beyond the realm of the 
ordinary life.  Paul says nonbelievers do not and 
will not understand these feelings of transcension 
until they find and experience it for themselves; 
words will never be enough for a believer to make a 
nonbeliever feel exactly as they do, which becomes 
frustrating for me sometimes when I am trying 
desperately (in futile attempts) to make nonbelievers 
understand the assurance and incredible peace I feel 
deep within the center of my soul (the Holy Spirit's 
residing place).  In Paul's first letter to the 
Corinthians (chapter 2:14), he said, "The man without 
the Spirit does not accept the things that come from 
the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, 
and he cannot understand them, because they are 
spiritually discerned."  Transcension of bodily mind 
and spirit are only available through God; as Jesus 
said:  "'Though seeing, they do not see; though 
hearing, they do not hear or understand.'  In them is 
fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah [chapter 6:9-
10] ...For this people's heart is calloused; they 
hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed 
their eyes.  Otherwise they might see with their 
eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their 
hearts and turn, and I would heal them.' " (Matthew 

There's no place I'd rather be
	When you find yourself walking and growing in 
a relationship with God through Jesus (your best 
friend), you find a bottomless well of health, 
energy, opportunity, love, forgiveness, acceptance, 
security, warmth, education, peace, tolerance, 
patience, respite...the list goes on and ON.  Most 
Christians who truly find God will stay with Him 
through every rollercoaster experience of their 
lives.  Some, however, will not; why do these people 
slip back into a life without Jesus, without all of 
these blessings that are theirs to tap into at any 
time?  First of all, we're a world of instant 
gratification; we flip through the channels when 
commercials come on, so as to avoid having to "wait" 
for our show to come back on.  We go through fashion 
trends as a nation faster than people flip burgers at 
McDonald's, we download and delete mp3's as our music 
tastes change...we like to be happy, and we like to 
be happy NOW.  We live on an overload of mental 
stimulation, with movies and video games and music 
and satellite television and theatre and sports and 
shopping...etc. etc.  Waiting on God to make us 
stronger and happier than we dream we could be, can 
sometimes seem bleak when we have money to burn and 
instant gratification to gain.  But it doesn't heal 
the emotional hurt deep inside of you; at Festival 
2001, Franklin Graham read portions of Kurt Cobain's 
suicide letter, in which he discusses his fame, his 
love for his wife and child, his friends, and still 
this empty black hole that nothing can fill - not 
drugs, alcohol, sex, a family, or world-wide 
recognition.  Waiting on God takes endurance, it 
takes dedication, and it takes willingness to trust 
that He knows you better than you know yourself 
(Psalm 139:13-16) and can do much more than you can 
ever ask or imagine.  But once you feel your soul 
weeping tears of joy because of the beauty and purity 
you feel in your love for God, you know there is no 
place you'd rather be.

Than here in Heaven
	Besides the gifts of eternal love, 
acceptance, and life that we receive from Jesus's 
death on the cross, Christianity also brings us a 
little slice of Heaven here on earth.  Paul 
describes, in his letters to the Corinthians, the 
Holy Spirit that is given to believers once they 
believe in Jesus as the son of God.  This spirit is 
our earthly deposit of eternal life; it is a sampling 
of what is to come in Heaven, which is why the peace 
and love that comes with it transcend our human 
bodies and minds.  We were paid for by Christ's 
blood, and the Holy Spirit is our part of God's 
kingdom.  You can literally feel the Spirit working 
within you once you have accepted it and fed it with 
your dedication to Jesus; it is your instant 
connection with God, and your own personal well of 
strength and hope and love.  I often am overcome with 
gratitude towards God for the Holy Spirit; it is the 
second-best gift we have ever been given as 
Christians (second only to the resurrection of 
Jesus).  My favorite verse in the Bible says, "In the 
same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do 
not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit 
himself intercedes for us with groans that words 
cannot express." (Romans 8:26)

Without You I'm incomplete
	Once you feel the Holy Spirit living and 
working inside of you, and once you tap into the 
wellspring of life and blessings that I have 
repeatedly mentioned above (Galatians 5:22), going 
back to a life without God robs you of the greatest 
comfort you have ever known.  People who drift away 
from Christianity often find themselves feeling as if 
they lack something, experiencing an emptiness within 
their souls that gnaws at their hearts and cannot be 
filled with anything wordly.  This type of loneliness 
is hard to satiate; even with a family, friends, a 
good job, and great hobbies, you can STILL feel empty 
inside.  These things are only temporary, and at any 
moment, they could be gone.  Joy is not found in 
objects, or even in other people; joy and contentment 
are found within, and it's impossible to find 
complete joy and peace if you don't accept the 
everlasting love and forgiveness of God.  Psalm 4:7 
says, "You have put gladness in my heart."  Humans 
were not created to find joy in any way other than 
through a love relationship with God.  Watch your 
family, your friends, your home, your job, and all of 
your belongings melt away from you as you are 
helpless to stop it, and see if you can still stand 
in assurance and peace like Job, Jesus, Moses, or 
Paul.  Losing everything is a profound and humbling 
experience, and without the Spirit that assures you 
God is in control of your life, you will become a 
very broken and empty soul.

It's hopeless
	Life without the assurance of love and 
acceptance (in other words, life without God) is a 
hopeless life.  It is the soul's emptiness that must 
be filled in order to live a contented and peaceful 
life, and this hole cannot be filled with any amount 
of wealth or respect from other humans.  Apart from 
me, you can do nothing, said Jesus - and He was 
right.  Toronto author Henri J. M. Nouwen wrote, "Joy 
and hope are never separate.  I have never met a 
hopeful person who was depressed or a joyful person 
who had lost hope.  But hope is something other than 
wishes, and joy something other than happiness.  
Wishes and happiness generally refer to things or 
events.  You wish that the weather will change or the 
war will end; you wish that you will get a new job, 
better pay, or a reward, and when you get what you 
wish, you are happy...Joy is not the same as 
happiness.  We can be unhappy about many things, but 
joy can still be there...It is important to become 
aware that at every moment of our life we have an 
opportunity to choose joy...It is in the choice that 
our true freedom lies, and that freedom is, in the 
final analysis, the freedom to love."  Joy in God and 
Christ brings a hope that is unparalleled in earthly 
things or in extensive self-awareness.  Sometimes 
what we need most cannot be found within others, 
within earthly things, or within ourselves - and 
looking to something else for comfort and life is 
nothing to be ashamed of or ridiculed for.  The 
strongest do not stand alone.

You consume me, You consume me
	Once I allowed God into my veins and felt the 
fire of the Holy Spirit coursing through my blood 
like lightning, I was amazed at how overcome I was 
with the love of God.  The entire world took on a 
sharper focus, and I just felt consumed by God's 
love.  Being saved isn't necessarily like being hit 
over the head with a hammer and suddenly having your 
whole world change; the only person who knows you are 
changed at that moment is YOU.  Everything around you 
will remain the same, but you are a new creation 
capable of much more than you were capable of before 
("with God all things are possible, [even what was 
once impossible]" - Matthew 19:26).  Paul urges us to 
no longer conform to the ways of the world (Romans 
12:2), but to seek a much greater purpose through 
Jesus, so that our lives can be used to positively 
affect the lives of those around us and those we come 
in contact with.  God consumes us with His love and 
mercy so that we do not forget the gift He has given 
us, and so we will remember what we are now living 
and dying for.  Feeling overwhelmed by God's love and 
mercy often pushes us to be much more exuberant and 
energetic in the way we approach others about Jesus 
and in the way we face each day on earth...and there 
is no better feeling than allowing yourself to simply 
close your eyes and feel God pour his love and warmth 
over your body until you are consumed by all that He 
has to offer you.

Like a burning flame running through my veins
	As I described above, the Holy Spirit can 
often be felt moving within our bodies, like fire 
coursing through our veins.  At other times, the Holy 
Spirit fills us with peace and stillness (Psalm 46:10 
says, "Be still and know that I am God..."), and at 
other times, we are filled with joy.  One of the 
times in which I am always guaranteed to feel the 
Holy Spirit within me is when I lay down in prayer to 
God; my body goes into a deep restfulness that is not 
unlike sleep.  My breathing becomes regular, my body 
lies still, and I find myself talking with God and 
basking in a warmth and light that envelops my body 
during these moments.  I often find it hard to stand 
up again once I am done praying!  It is as if a ray 
of heaven shines directly onto my body and soul as I 
lay before God.  I adore the Stephen Curtis Chapman 
song "Great Expectations," which describes the 
experience of prayer:  "I stand before the great 
eternal throne/ The one that God Himself is seated 
on/ And I, I've been invited as a son/ Oh I, I've 
been invited to come and/ Believe the unbelievable/ 
Receive the inconceivable/ And see beyond my wildest 
imagination/ Lord, I come with great 
expectations..."  We don't always feel the Holy 
Spirit at every moment, however, and for some, this 
is a point in which they turn from God.  We falsely 
learn to link our dedication to God with how we FEEL; 
if we fail to FEEL God in us at a moment in which we 
think we should, we often doubt we are in the right 
place or are about to take the right action.  This is 
why so many couples divorce; instead of working 
through the hard times and discovering even more joy 
and closeness afterwards, they too often go only by 
their emotions.  God tests us sometimes to see what 
we can withstand and if we are strong in our faith 
and convictions, but He never gives us more than we 
can bear, and the Holy Spirit never leaves us, no 
matter what we go through or how far we turn from 
God.  We must learn to know God and the Holy Spirit, 
even in moments in which we do not feel the "burning 
flame running through our veins."

You consume me, moving through me
	As Christians, we must realize that we have 
dedicated our souls and bodies to the cause of 
Christ.  This means God moves through our entire 
body, and we become the temple of the living God 
within us.  As God moves through us, He uses us to 
show the world around us His love and the ultimate 
sacrifice given to express this love.  We can give to 
God our voices, our hands and feet (as the Audio 
Adrenaline song goes!), ALL of us - in order that the 
world may come to know God as intimately as we know 
Him.  We all have different gifts; some have the gift 
of speech, some teaching, some giving, etc.  Paul 
says we should do what we are designed to do, and we 
should do it diligently, generously, cheerfully.  As 
God consumes us and moves through us, He wants to use 
our talents and our passions to reach out to others 
in love, support, and encouragement.

Anytime, anyplace, You invade my space
	Once we allow God to use our gifts and our 
talents to reach others, we have to realize that only 
God's timing is correct.  When your gift is 
counseling, as mine is, and you receive a call from a 
distraught friend at three in the morning - five 
hours before a huge exam - it's hard to let God use 
you to help someone else.  But I personally invited 
God (as every Christian should) to use me for His 
will at anytime and anyplace He desires to.  I 
cannot, using my own physical capacity, determine 
where I am needed the most and where I can be the 
most helpful; I have to trust God to lead me in a 
direction in which He can use me to my maximum 
potential, and this involves allowing Him to invade 
my space and take control of my life.  It's scary, 
having your life out of your own hands and trying not 
to make decisions based on the present...but after 
you let God control your life for a short period of 
time, you realize with tremendous certainty that God 
will amaze you at where He leads you and what He 
accomplishes through you.  As Joyce Meyer, head of 
the 'Life in the Word' ministry (and my favorite 
Bible teacher), says - we must learn to be 
consistently confident in God.  God has said that He 
will provide us with whatever we need and more than 
we could think to ask for, and so we must remain 
consistently confident through faith in His ability 
to use us and accomplish good through us.  This is 
the only way we can lead an effective and blessed 
Christian walk, to allow God to use our lives at 
anytime and anyplace He desires to.

Wholly devoted
	Franklin Graham announced to the Festival 
2001 crowd in Spartanburg that Christianity is not 
something to be taken lightly.  Once you become a 
Christian, you find yourself in a deeper love than 
you ever thought possible...but as you've most likely 
learned from loving other human beings, love requires 
work and sacrifice.  To love God and maintain your 
relationship with Him, you must become fully devoted 
to Him.  This may sound like a tough task.  However, 
once you feel yourself overwhelmed with God's love 
and dedication towards you, it's very hard NOT to 
want to be wholly devoted to Him and to the life He 
can lead you through.  Losing sight of the blessings 
of God is easy if you allow yourself to be caught up 
in the illusions of temporary happiness (and 
temporary escape from problems) this world has to 
offer, through drugs, alcohol, sex, etc.  But simply 
laying yourself before God and talking with Him 
openly about what is on your heart is enough to renew 
your faith and devotion towards God, and the love the 
Holy Spirit enables you to feel for Jesus and for God 
during these times is a love that renders me 
speechless, an ultimate devotion.  As Stephen Curtis 
Chapman sings in his song "Speechless":  "As mercy 
opens my eyes/ My words are stolen away/ With this 
breathtaking view of Your grace - And I am 
speechless, I'm astonished and amazed/ I am silenced 
by Your wondrous grace/ You have saved me, You have 
raised me from the grave/ And I am speechless in Your 
presence now/ I'm astounded as I consider how/ You 
have shown us/ A love that leaves us, speechless..."

I immerse myself in You
	The first instinct of a new Christian is to 
happily immerse themselves in EVERYTHING Christian.  
Once I recognized my new life in Christ, I felt as if 
I would burst with the call of God.  I carried my 
Bible with me everywhere for a few days, not showing 
it off but holding it close to me so that I always 
had it as a reminder of who I was.  I wanted to let 
everyone know what had happened to me, and at the 
same time, I was afraid I would be laughed at by all 
of my non-Christian friends who didn't understand 
what had happened to me.  But I immediately wanted to 
immerse myself in everything God was involved 
in..."Is this a Christian book?  Good, I'll read it!  
Is this a Christian program?  Great - I'll tune in!"  
Once the newness wears off and you start the 
childlike journey of growing closer to God, however, 
it becomes trickier to immerse yourself in God's 
word.  You must learn to walk on your own, and you 
are expected to begin to pursue God with the same 
fierceness in which He pursues you.  God will not 
hand us everything; if He did, we would miss out on 
the most important part of the journey - our growth 
and maturity.  But He is always there to listen and 
to give us what we are ready to receive, and to see 
us through all of our mistakes.  Christianity is NOT -
 I repeat, NOT - for perfect people.  Christians are 
NOT perfect humans who never sin; we are, in fact, 
often the lowest and the poorest God could find, so 
as to use us to demonstrate His love for EVERYONE.  
It is Christ's blood, and Christ's blood ONLY, that 
frees us from our past, present, and future sin.  Our 
mistakes give us wisdom, and this wisdom is often 
exactly what we need to help someone else along THEIR 
journey in Christ.  By immersing ourselves in God 
through the easy times and the hard, we open 
ourselves to Godly wisdom and to more opportunities 
to touch the lives of others.

Baptize me in Your love
	You are probably very tired of hearing me 
repeat the words "peace, love, and assurance" 
everytime I describe the Holy Spirit and the presence 
of God in my life.  I know no better way of 
describing God!  It's true that I have the same 
poster up in my dorm room at college that I have on 
my wall here at home, a poster detailing the various 
names of Jesus that are scattered as references 
throughout the Bible.  Among those are Bright Morning 
Star, Author & Finisher of our Faith, Wonderful 
Counselor, Bridegroom, Lamb of God, the Resurrection 
& the Life, Man of Sorrows, Dayspring, Image of the 
Invisible God...the list goes on and on.  But the 
apostle John simply defined God as light, spirit, and 
love, and he implores us to live in love and to love 
one another, "for love comes from God." (I John 4:7)  
As John the Baptist baptized Jesus with the water of 
the river Jordan, so Jesus baptizes our newly born 
spirits with His love.  Paul even wrote to the 
Corinthians about the power and design of Godly love, 
ending one of the most well-known chapters of the 
Bible with this:  "And now these three remain:  
faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is 
love." (I Corinthians 13:13)

Cause drowning in the thought of You
	God is too big and too mighty and too 
powerful for us to comprehend.  We often feel 
ourselves drowning in the world that surrounds us, a 
world in which it is not always easy to stand up and 
say you are a Christian - but wouldn't it be 
fantastic to drown in God and all He has to offer 
us???  Christians too often just hold on to God like 
a lifesaver or a raft, clinging onto Him tightly 
through the rough waters and yet never quite moving 
out of the flow of the world around us.  What we need 
to do is to learn how to navigate the waters with God 
as our vessel and our own desire to grow closer to 
Him as our steering oars.  We can break away from 
drowning in the world around us and steer our vessel 
toward the safer waters God provides us if we only 
trust Him.  Once there, we can safely close our eyes 
and sink in the Lord's embrace, drowning in His 
goodness and mercy, knowing that here we are always 
safe and loved.

Floods my soul
	I was tempted to change the wording of the 
above line to "Haunts my soul," because that's the 
way I've incorrectly sang the song for months now.  I 
didn't realize until last week that dc Talk are 
actually singing "floods," and yet I still can't 
bring myself to change the way I sing that 
line.  "Floods my soul" easily refers back to what I 
mentioned earlier, about the Holy Spirit coursing 
through your body with the love of God 
Himself.  "Haunts my soul," however, made perfect 
sense to me because whenever I find myself venturing 
outside the will of God, I am haunted by the 
knowledge that I am not where I am supposed to be.  
Whenever that still small voice inside me pipes up 
and says, "You know what?  You really shouldn't say 
that; it doesn't reflect your heart!" and I choose to 
ignore it...I am haunted by the consequences of the 
choice I made (a struggle Paul documented in Romans 
7:15).  The love of God never leaves us for a second, 
whether we love Him or reject Him, and the knowledge 
that I sometimes disappoint and turn my back on 
Jesus - like even the disciples did at His 
crucifixion - hauntingly reminds me that nothing I 
can do saves me.  Only by the grace of God are we 
given eternal life and love - a life and a love we 
can let flood our entire lives and into every aspect 
of ourselves.

I'm taken by the things You do
	Trusting in God to lead you through life is a 
difficult choice when you're a fiercely independent 
person, which I was raised to be.  I learned from my 
parents - both of whom struggled through life and 
worked hard to find their own niche in this world - 
that the only person I can truly depend on, in the 
end, is me.  There is great truth in that statement; 
in this past year alone, I've gone through several 
tough weeks in which I felt abandoned by all of my 
friends when I needed them the most.  I got on my 
knees and begged God for relief, or in the least for 
answers as to why I was being forced through these 
trials.  You see, whenever I go through a trying 
time, I always have a deep peace and assurance that 
God is using the trials to help me grow as a 
Christian and bring me closer to Him.  But several 
times this past year, I just couldn't see what wisdom 
I stood to gain by the specific circumstances I was 
facing.  Upon asking, I soon received clarity - I had 
been looking to all of my friends for comfort and 
support and strength before I looked to God.  I had 
stopped going to God with my problems, stopped asking 
Him for guidance and assurance and peace, and so I 
was drawing closer to my friends and farther from 
God.  In a few days' span, however, I realized how 
easy it is to disappoint and be disappointed by 
people.  God works miracles, but as Paul says in II 
Corinthians, it is in human weakness that God's power 
is made perfect and visible to man (II Cor. 12:9).  
God can and will do INCREDIBLE things to demonstrate 
His love to everyone who doesn't yet know Him.  
Having seen the way God works in my life, in my 
friends' lives, and in the lives of the people in the 
Bible, I am in awe at His perfect power and grace.  I 
find myself taken by all of His earthly 
demonstrations and all that He opens my eyes to when 
I am ready.

God, You know it doesn't matter what I lose - I'm Yours
	At first I wanted to divide this line into 
three segments and discuss the great message in each 
("God, You know / It doesn't matter what I lose / I'm 
Yours"), but when I sing these lines from my heart, I 
sing it all together as one unified thought.  To me, 
this is the most important part of the song, and one 
of the most beautiful lines in all of contemporary 
Christian music!  The raw heart of my Christianity is 
my love and devotion to Jesus Christ, and in the 
simplest terms, this line states that no matter what 
I have to give up to be with God, I would give it up 
without looking back.  In the Old Testament, Lot's 
wife found it hard to trust God and not look back on 
all she had left behind, and when she did, she 
immediately turned into a pillar of salt (Genesis 
19:24-26).  Psychologist Dr. James E. Gibson clearly 
states the lesson in this story:  "In symbolic terms, 
Lot's wife had become paralyzed by her inability to 
leave a situation that threatened her growth and well-
being.  Her story reflects the difficulties we often 
face in abandoning unhealthy and destructive 
relationships because we think they offer security 
and protection.  Even if it's painful, a familiar 
association sometimes seems better than being alone 
or starting from scratch to find a new and healthier 
group of friends."  I mentioned before that the 
Christian walk takes complete devotion to God, and 
it's not a minor commitment in any sense - what we 
must do is have faith and trust in God.  We cannot 
have trust without unanswered questions, for then it 
simply becomes knowledge.  By looking back, Lot's 
wife became a symbol of the doubt we sometimes feel 
when we place our lives in the hands of a force we 
only feel, and cannot see or touch.  It is recorded 
in the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke that a rich 
young man approached Jesus and asked what he must do 
to get into the kingdom of heaven.  He told Jesus he 
had followed the commandments and asked what else he 
needed to do, to which Jesus replied, "If you want to 
be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the 
poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then 
come, follow me."  It is written that "when the young 
man heard this, he went away sad, because he had 
great wealth." (Matthew 19:16-22)  This man was sad 
because he was immensely proud of his earthly 
possessions and the work he had put into acquiring 
them.  Jesus used this man's greatest weakness to 
prove a point central to the Christian faith.  God's 
interests are not focused on the things of this 
earth, but eternal things...and if we are to draw 
close to God, we must learn to rearrange our thinking 
and priorities above our own personal wealth or 
transient objects.  To be like Jesus, we must lose 
the bondage that ties us tightly to the unimportant 
and passing things of the earth, and this often means 
giving up a love for money and possessions.  Jesus 
wasn't being cruel or sly - He was being completely 
honest.  Loving me, He was saying, requires you to 
give up the shackles of this world for the freedom of 
the next.

I am in your hands
	What great hands to be in!  The Creator of 
the Universe, the First and the Last, the Alpha and 
the Omega, holds us in His hands.  He knew us before 
we were born, and He waits to welcome us with open 
arms once we die to the world we know now.  "For you 
created my inmost being; you knit me together in my 
mother's womb... My frame was not hidden from you 
when I was made in the secret place.  When I was 
woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes 
saw my unformed body.  All the days ordained for me 
were written in your book before one of them came to 
be." (Psalm 139:13, 15-16)  It's wonderful to be 
assured that we are in the hands of the One who knows 
everything past, present, and future because He 
transcends time as we know it.  This is not to say 
that God interferes with what happens in our lives or 
that He desires for things to happen the way they do; 
that is not true.  We were given freedom to live our 
lives on earth and to choose how we would like to 
live; God simply transcends our own limited view of 
time and space.  (As Paul writes in I Corinthians 
13:12, now we know in part, but then we shall know 
fully, as we ourselves are fully known.)  Not only 
did God create us and know our days, He also loves us 
beyond our comprehension.  Jesus said, "Do not be 
afraid of those who kill the body and after that can 
do no more...Are not five sparrows sold for two 
pennies?  Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  
Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all 
numbered.  Don't be afraid; you are worth many 
sparrows."  (Luke 12:4, 6-7)  And God always works 
for our good as we love Him (Romans 8:28) - how could 
we doubt that, knowing the great sacrifice He made 
simply to BE with us???  As Third Day sings in "Love 
Song":  "I know that you don't understand/ The 
fullness of my love/ How I died upon the cross for 
your sins/ And I know that you don't realize/ How 
much that I gave you/ And I promise, I would do it 
all again/ Just to be with you, I've done everything/ 
There's no price I did not pay/ Just to be with you, 
I gave everything/ Yes, I gave my life away..."

Under Your command, Like a puppet on a string
	Some people might bristle at this line and 
read its implications incorrectly.  Most of us don't 
particularly enjoy the idea of being someone else's 
puppet, unable to do our own thinking or make our own 
decisions.  However, this isn't what Toby, Michael, 
Keith, and Mark Heimermann meant to imply; instead, 
this line demonstrates that as Christians, we often 
find ourselves being used as instruments to 
accomplish works far greater than we could of our own 
accord.  I mentioned earlier (with the 
line, "Anytime, anyplace, You invade my space") that 
as Christians, we invite God to interrupt our lives 
and lead us into a walk where we can glorify Him to 
this world and show others what we have found in 
Jesus.  This world can actually toss and twist us 
about as if we were a marionette without a puppeteer; 
so many people feel overwhelmed by the problems and 
bleakness of this world, and seek escape through 
means such as drugs, alcohol, sex, even suicide.  
Focusing only on this world and the darkness that 
lives in every corner will destroy even the strongest 
of souls.  Thankfully, there is something much 
greater that our souls are yearning for in these 
times of torment and despair, and this something is 
found in God, in Jesus, and in the Holy Spirit.  The 
members of dc Talk sing in another song 
("Supernatural") about God's power:  "This world's a 
tortured place to be/ So many things to torment me/ 
And as I stumble down this road it takes a toll/ 
These days and nights I turn to You/ No human hand 
can pull me through/ No cosmic force or magic brew 
will ever do/ But I can see it coming/ You're not so 
far away/ 'Cause I can feel Your power surging/ 
Through the whole of me..."

[Lord you know] I am willing to put my faith in You
	I wish I could say the easiest decision I 
ever made was the decision to become a Christian.  I 
also wish I could say the second easiest decision I 
have ever made was to REMAIN a Christian, and to try 
and live a fruitful and productive life (as so many 
Christians are only "Sunday" Christians and exclude 
God from their everyday lives).  But I, like most 
Christians out there, found Christianity to be an odd 
and simplistic faith before I become a Christian 
myself.  I was actually pretty scared and turned off 
by the Church; I didn't understand it, and I almost 
felt embarassed listening to Christian music or 
watching Christian television - what if someone 
walked in and SAW me???  I can't tell you the moment 
everything fell into place, the moment I looked back 
on my footsteps in the sand and saw God in the 
intricate pattern that had led me to where I was that 
day.  I can tell you it was five years ago this very 
week (June 20-25) that my world came into focus and 
Jesus found me, but I don't know any more specifics 
than those.  It doesn't matter; Jesus found ME where 
I was, in my disbelief and skepticism and fear and 
despair and deep depression.  I felt within my soul 
what God could do for me and for everyone else on 
this earth, and at that moment I chose to put my 
faith in God and Jesus Christ.  Faith is a hard thing 
to keep, a hard thing to hold on to through the rough 
times, a hard thing to remember during the good.  But 
it only grows with time, and everyday is a day God 
uses to bring me closer to Him and stronger in my 
faith.  As hard a decision as it was to put my faith 
into something I could not see (you must realize - at 
that age, I recently had tested an IQ of 150, and 
I've always been great with facts and logical 
knowledge...not with things I could not see or 
touch!), I will never turn my back on this decision, 
for it was the greatest choice I would make in my 

So before the world I sing  [You consume me]
	This very long letter/testimony is my way of 
singing my faith and devotion before the world.  It's 
only one of my ways, but it demonstrates to me just 
how far I've come from the 15-year-old girl I was 
when I accepted Christ into my heart.  As I mentioned 
above, when I was first saved, I was embarassed to 
admit it to my non-Christian friends.  I was a 
changed soul, and while I knew that, I was afraid 
they wouldn't understand and would ridicule me.  I 
was afraid of this because I had, only a few days 
earlier, been the one who wouldn't have understood.  
And now I sit here, pouring my heart and faith out to 
you in the only way I know how, and becoming more and 
more confident as I continue writing that many of you 
will walk away from this thinking I am much crazier 
than you thought.  :)  Last night, I was finishing up 
the book of II Corinthians, in which Paul exhibits 
much more emotion than he does in any other 
epistle...and I found myself thinking, I enjoy II 
Corinthians more than I enjoy Paul's other stronger, 
more well-written letters.  In this one, he bares his 
weaknesses and runs the emotional gamut, from sadness 
to anger to sarcasm to total abandon.  He is so in 
love with God and with the people he is trying to 
draw to God that he loses himself in what he says, 
burning with passion for what he begs them to 
understand.  At one point, Paul even says "I am out 
of my mind to talk like this!"  (II Cor. 11:23)  He 
says to the Corinthians (ch. 12:11), "I have made a 
fool of myself, but you drove me to it."  Paul was 
willing to make himself look like a fool if that was 
what it took to make people understand the message he 
was preaching and the reality behind his actions and 
teachings.  He boasted of his weaknesses, he almost 
sarcastically mocked the false apostles the 
Corinthians had been tolerating, and he begged the 
Corinthians to understand the depth of his love for 
them, humbling himself in every way he knew how.  
Paul was not afraid to stand before the world and 
sing of the might and power of Jesus, and we as 
Christians can all learn to live and grow like Paul.

Oh, You know that I surrender
There's no other way I can fly - It's You and I, You and I
	Once we establish a relationship with God, it 
becomes us and Him - a one-on-one relationship that 
no one else can break or take part in.  It's 
personal, it's intimate, and it's the only forever 
relationship we are guaranteed.  With God, our souls 
suddenly become free and alive, and we can do the 
impossible.  Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are 
weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take 
my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle 
and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your 
souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."  
(Matthew 11:28-30)  Our souls become so light and 
burden-free that we can fly with God.  Avalon, one of 
my favorite Christian bands, sings a song 
entitled "Fly to You," which beautifully describes 
this feeling of flying with God:  "Strange the way 
You love me/ I'm high on the mystery/ My heart is 
miles above me/ Like Your love is setting me free/ If 
I had wings I'd fly/ If I could find a way/ Give me 
the faith, I'll try/ No, no matter what it takes/ I 
long to be by Your side/ To show You my heart is 
true/ If I had wings, oh, I would fly to You..."

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