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Frequently Asked Questions
About Daycare
About Me

For more information call
(706) 399-1194 or email today

Non-Discrimination Statement
In the operation of this program, no child will be discriminated against because of race, sex, color, age, origin, or handicap.



What is the weekly fee?
Full time is defined as 20 hours per week or more.  At this time, I am not accepting any part-time enrollments.  For current full time or before and after school rates, call (706) 399-1194.

What methods of payment do you accept?
Payments may be made by check, cash or money order.

When is the weekly fee due?
Fees shall be paid in advance each FRIDAY morning for the up coming week. A weekly receipt can be provided.  Year end statements are distributed in January.

What if I bounce a check?
A penalty charge of $40. will be assessed for each check returned. In addition, the parent will pay for any additional fees assessed by the provider due to the returned check.  In the event of a second returned check, payment for a period of six months must be made in cash only or the provider may choose to terminate service.  The provider reserves the right to adjust the fees at any time with a one month written notice.

Do you charge a deposit?
Yes.  A two week deposit will be due upon registration.  This deposit will hold a place for your child until the date agreed upon, if the enrollment date is within 30 days.  If a spot is to be held for longer than thirty days, the deposit for 4 weeks fees. will be charged.  If the parents terminate service with 60 days written notice, the deposit will be applied to the last week(s) of care only.  If parents fail to provide 4 weeks written notice or don't start daycare, the deposit will be forfeited by the parents.

Do you charge a registration fee?
A non-refundable registration/supply fee in the amount of $50.00 will be paid upon registration.  Each year on the July 1st, $50.00 will be paid for supplies and/or equipment.

Do you charge a fee for being late with the weekly fee?
A fee of $15.00 will be charged if weekly tuition has not been paid by 10 am on Monday morning.  If payment is not received by the start of Tuesday (2nd business day) the provider may suspend service until payment is made.  If late payments continue to be made, provider may terminate service without notice and deposit and any fees paid are non-refundable.

What do you charge for overtime?
Overtime is considered any time outside of the agreed time interval. The following charges will be assessed for overtime incurred, payable upon arrival to pick up child:
 $5.00 per hour for overtime pre-arranged at least the day before.
 $5.00 per 15-minute increment or portion thereof starting after the first five minutes in cases where overtime is not prearranged.  As in the case of late pick up.  Overtime fees will be invoiced separately in writing and placed in the child's diaper bag.

*NOTE:  I am very reasonable.  I realize that there will be times that something may come up and you may be late.  I very rarely assess overtime in minute increments. However, I reserve the right to do so for those that make it a habit to be late.  I ask that you please call me and let me know if you are running late in the mornings or at pickup.  My day depends on my being organized.  

As the provider, I am under no obligation to provide an extension of time, if such extension conflicts with my own plans.  The purpose of this policy is to facilitate my personal plans.  Late arrival DOES NOT justify late departure.