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A World Of My Own

My goodness it's been awhile. My first year of college is almost complete, and let me tell you I now understand why people quit after the first year. This shit is really hard. Very discouraging too. I really don't like it here. Good news is I'm moving closer to home next year. I can't stand being this far away from my family and Andrew. And so that's about it that I feel like exposing for right now. There is a lot more, but believe would take pages and pages to tell. My baby (actually my nephew) will be turning 1 on the 24th! I can't believe wonderful. And the crazy thing is is that he has red hair...his dad has brown and my sis has blonde...CRAZY!!! I love him oh so much!!!


If you're ever alone online im me on aol: Ktchar7

Keep the memory alive...Kathrine Emily Fox 3/23/85-9/15/02

My Favorite Beverages

Places I like to go When life is Boring...or I just wanna get a good chuckle

Need sexual information
Do you like Cheese?
Just another girly site
Need to spice up your life in the bedroom...visit the Karma Sutra :) (my personal favorite!)
The greatest singer EVER!!!
Do you like to take tests that think they can determine who you are by some silly questions?
