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WWWWWWAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZ UUUUUUPPPPPPPP!!!!!!Well you've just found my web site ^_^ I felt like doin somethin so i made one ^_^ Y'all probaly have nothin to do thats probably why you found my site or i told you to come here but either way its aite. Just look around and i'll be updating it as often as i can;) "Calender"

  • Football games for Varsity 2003 W=win T=tie L=lose
  • Sept.12 7:00pm Football game vs. Albany W 43-0
  • Sept.19 7:00pm Football game vs. Piedmont T 14-14
  • Sept.27 1:30pm Football game vs. St.Mary's W 19-6
  • Oct.3 7:00pm Football game vs. Berkeley L 0-36
  • Oct.10 7:00pm Football game vs. Richmond W 53-22
  • Oct.18 1:30pm Football game vs. Hercules W 32-7
  • Oct.24 7:00pm Football game vs. DeAnaza W 33-14
  • Oct.30or31 4:00pm Football game vs. Pinole Valley Lose 27-31
  • Nov.7 7:00pm Football game vs. El Cerrito L 15-48
  • Nov.14 7:00pm Football game vs. Alameda L 21-30