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Strange Occurrence: Government Coverup?

When: December 14, 1979, late in the afternoon before sunset (might have been the 15th?? hard to recall after all these years)

Where: Lake County, Ohio

What: fireball in the western sky

It was a nice day for December, and we were working out in the yard. We saw a fireball low in the western sky. It looked like a piece of the sun fell out of the sky. Afterward there was a plane flying low in the area with lights - obviously a search plane.

The strange thing is there was absolutely no coverage of this in any of the news media. We even called the Lost Nation airport the next day and asked if they saw anything. Their response was negative - no such sightings.

So what was it? Something military? Clearly it was something the authorities wanted to keep secret.

If you want to respond to this, please do so by snail mail only to:

P.O. Box 22
Grand River, OH 44045