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The \par Discount Home Shoppers' \par Club (DHS Club), located at 2560 Placida Road in Englewood, FL is \par excited to announce our plans to launch our new ClubBucks Rewards and \par Merchant Affiliate programs in 2003. The DHS Club is the Internet's \par premiere buyer's club and consumer union, and has been in business since \par 1997 with an impeccable track record of honest dealings and service \par to our 3,000,000+ Members. Membership continues to grow rapidly and \par spans the globe due to the Club's unique Referral Marketing Plan.


We \par are currently local test marketing and are inviting "offline" \par businesses to register to become a ClubBucks Merchant Affiliate. Your \par business will be shown in our online Merchant Affiliate Directory, providing \par contact information to our Members and exposure for your business to \par prospective Members. (Our clubshop.com website has been listed as one \par of the top 150 most visited websites in the world).


Englewood \par Merchants are invited to sign up for a FREE Membership today and pre-register \par their business as a ClubBucks Rewards Merchant Affiliate today! To learn \par more about this exciting program click \par here.


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©1997-2003 The \par DHS Club. All Rights Reserved.
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