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Strange Murders During the 60'S
Strange Murders During the 60'S
Indeed the first one I will begin this list with would be Marilyn Monroe, her live was tied to many, but her strange death seemed to have left it's mark on many world wide, a mark to discover why she had to be killed. It was a cover up to something she had knowledge of but indeed what was it that she had heard and or was attempting to speak about? Marilyn Monroe were caught in a political crossfire. The political volatility of the 1950's and 1960's certainly dominated and claimed both the life and the death of Marilyn Monroe. The House on Un-American activities was not a local, Washington witch hunt -it was a phenomenon that had even divided hollywood into two hostile camps that saw self-proclaimed anti-Communists on the right, identifying, blacklisting and harassing anyone who was deemed to be an agent of Communism. Hoover was particularly obsessed by the struggle in hollywood because he believed that Communists were trying to infiltrate the movie industry and he certainly was not about to let that happen. Astoundingly, just like anti-Castro operations in Cuba, the interests of Hoover and the Mafia converged in hollywood as well. The secret war to dominate the hollywood industry was also a preoccupation of L.A. mobsters like Mickey Cohen, who made a career out of exploiting hollywood stars like Marilyn Monroe. Blackmailing movie stars by threatening to expose their secret sexual liaisons, Cohen arranged for the lovemaking of his targets to be surreptitiously filmed and recorded. Johnny Roselli, who shared the interest in "carving out" a piece of hollywood for the Mafia, was Giancana's hollywood representative, and that placed Monroe's blackmail potential in a new perspective. Marilyn Monroe, who was an acquaintance of both the Kennedys and Mafia predators like Johnny Roselli, was natural "bait" in the desperate, obsessive campaign to blackmail the Kennedy's. And so when rumors about affairs between the Kennedys and Marilyn Monroe began to fly, it is not surprising to note that the source of these groundless allegations was none other than Hoover's Mafia friends. On August 1, 1962, just three days before Marilyn Monroe was murdered, FBI transcripts record Mafia Mogul Meyer Lansky discussing the obviously fabricated claim that Robert Kennedy was having an affair with Marilyn Monroe. Indeed, FBI microphones [that the shrewd Lansky was obviously tipped off about] recorded Meyer Lansky and his wife, and the following "incriminating" FBI document, dated August 11, 1962, was produced in a deliberate, futile attempt to embarrass the Kennedys. A highly confidential source [bug] covering the residence of notorious hoodlum, Meyer Lansky, at Hallandale Florida, recently furnished information to the effect that Lansky made an allegation that Attorney General Robert Kennedy is carrying on an affair with an El Paso, Texas girl. The source indicated that Lansky was alone with his wife and began a discussion of the Attorney General, mentioning that the latter has seven children but is carrying on the affair with the girl. Mrs. Lansky reportedly replied. "It's all [Frank Sinatra's] fault, he is nothing but a procurer of women for those guys. [Sinatra] is the guy who gets them all together." Lansky then replied to his wife, "It's not [Sinatra's] fault and it starts with the President and goes right down the line." We have received information from the highly confidential source [bug] or by other means that Lansky has not made this allegation to any other person... In view of the fact that this allegation involves the Attorney General and the President, I believe that it should be brought to the attention of the Attorney General. Because of the sensitive nature of this matter, I recommend that I be authorized to personally bring to the attention of the Attorney General upon his return to the city. [Hoover's handwritten notation: "Yes but make proper notation for files after you have done so."]26 Hoover obviously took great pleasure in documenting what is evidently a deliberately fabricated allegation and an FBI report dated August 20, 1962, reflects the incredible gap between the simple truth and the joint rumor that Hoover and the Mafia sponsored. The Attorney General was contacted and advised of the information we had received alleging he was having an affair with a girl in El Paso. He said he had never been to El Paso, Texas, and there was no basis for the allegation. He said he appreciated our informing him of it; that being in public life the gossip mongers just had to talk. He said he was aware there had been several allegations concerning his possibly being involved with Marilyn Monroe. He said he had at least met Marilyn Monroe since she was a good friend of his sister, Pat Lawford, but these allegations just had a way of growing beyond any semblance of the truth.27 Indeed, instead of using FBI microphones to harass the Mafia or to protect John F. Kennedy from highly circulated rumors like the claim that the President's assassination was imminent, J. Edgar Hoover used bugs to deliberately record his Mafia friends while they spread fraudulent allegations about ficticious, sexual liaisons. In retrospect, the "embarrassing" FBI memo that sought to blackmail the Kennedys is pathetically transparent and the tendency to use American citizens like Marilyn Monroe as blackmail "bait" is extremely repugnant. Entrapped by the FBI/Mafia zeal to exploit Marilyn Monroe, there was not a single move or a single phone call that the besieged actress could make without being the target of unwarranted surveillance. Surrounded by powerful, dangerous predators who routinely destroyed everything they touched, Maryilyn Monroe was essentially the victim of the sinister climate that Hoover and the Mafia produced. When she died, J. Edgar Hoover immediately seized her phone records and the Mafia, suggesting that her murder had involved an extensive degree of pre-planned deliberation, began to divert attention away from the genuine circumstances surrounding her death as early as August 1, 1962, when Lansky and his wife used an FBI microphone to promote the alleged immorality of Robert Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe. In late July of 1962, the FBI was receiving calls about "gangland types" who were plotting violence against the Kennedys -J. Edgar Hoover however was more interested in promoting staged Mafia recordings which fraudulently alleged sexual relations between Monroe and the Kennedys. Excessive secrecy made it difficult to unravel the repugnant truth which surrounds the mysterious death of Marylin Monroe. Phyllis McGuire, who was one of Sam Giancana's former mistresses, may enthusiastically promote the rumour that John and Robert Kennedy were both sleeping with Marilyn Monroe, but when she is asked about what Giancana said about Marilyn Monroe, she gets nervous and refuses to say anything.28 In retrospect, her willingness to promote rumor and to keep silent when it comes to exploring the genuine truth, is absolutely understandable. Monroe's mysterious death has all the earmarks of a national security-motivated murder, and like the Kennedy assassination conspiracy, the only way to determine any truth is to penetrate the motivation behind deliberate fraud and excessive censorship. According to Sam Giancana's nephew, "Sam Giancana accepted the contract to kill Marilyn Monroe".29 If that explains McGuire's fear and silence, former FBI Assistant Director, Courtney Evans, shares the tendency to be evasive about volunteering the truth about Sam Giancana. According to Anthony Summers, who spoke to Courtney Evans: He [Courtney Evans] said to me, yes there was an attempt by organized crime to bring pressure on the Kennedys. And when I asked him to go into detail, he declined. He simply pointed me towards Sam Giancana.30 Anthony Summers claims that Marilyn Monroe was having an affair with the Kennedys, but his tendency to give credence to the rumor that Hoover and the Mafia generated, devalues his conclusion. Responsible history and autobiography that meticulously explores the schedules of Marylin Monroe and the Kennedys records the fact that they could not have possibly been having an affair. Scholars like Athan Theoharis point to the evident fact that J. Edgar Hoover himself did not believe the rumors -indeed, how could he believe the fraudulent allegations that he had evidently helped to produce? In the words of Theoharis: As far as J. Edgar Hoover was concerned, it is clear, there was no Kennedy-Monroe affair, and therefore no blackmailing the Kennedys on that score.31 And that takes us from the ostensible, to the real score -which was to cover up the truth about the murder of Marilyn Monroe. When J. Edgar Hoover encouraged his agents to promote allegations like Kennedy Had Communists "Murder" Miss Monroe, and to document such propaganda in FBI memoranda, he was essentially intimidating the Kennedy Justice Department.32 In essence, the murderers were asserting their control of the Marilyn Monroe murder investigation, for the purpose of covering up the truth. That is why they circulated fraudulent rumors, they were obsessed by the need to preempt independent inguiry. And since they controlled the "truth" about the death of Marylin Monroe, the subtle message to the Kennedy Justice Department was very clear -lay off or we'll implicate the Attorney General himself in the murder of Marilyn Monroe.
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Marilyn Monroe - Aug 4, 1962
Marilyn Monroe - Aug 4, 1962 

Comments (7) | Add a Comment

Didn't she die because of an overdose of sleping pills?
Jo | March 29, 2006

i thought she killed herself
ashanti | March 31, 2006

she didnt o.d.! someone who knew john f. kennedy basicly staged her death as a suicide. the reason for this being is because marilyn & kennedy were having an affair and marilyn wanted to go public with it. In other words, tell mr.kennedys wife about the affair. everyone knew & still knows that she LOVED her medications & champaigne but one thing she didnt want is to kill herself. despite of her depression or her bump ins with the wrong men, she was pretty happy & enjoyed her life. but the goverment hides everything. & they can get away with anything & everything. its just a shame that suck a beautiful young woman had to die because some discusting man was cheating on his wife and didnt want anyone to know!
someone | September 28, 2006

Um discusting man? hello Monroe KNEW that he was married and yet SHE came on to HIM. She was a damn whore. lol
Yo mama | December 08, 2007

ok Marliyn Monroe was a nice exterymly hot young lady why will she actually end her life like that when she could of lived long enough. It was half way John F.Kennedy fault if he woulden't have cheeted on his wife she would never killed herself like that. The government knew what was happening and also the fact that he told Marliyn Monroe some information that she was not sopose to know about so the government kind of preasured her saying that John F.Kennedy did not love her that he was using her so he can pass time and shit like that so that kind of made her think oh god what the heck let me get this over with i perfer to kill myself instead of suffering more shit but god actually knows why and what was the reason she killed herself.....
erik aguyza | June 02, 2008

okay listen here she DID NOT KILL HERSELF... i mean think about the facts mad wife ?/ secrets??? she neww something that WAS not suppose to get out she had a beautiful life why end it>
bean | | June 17, 2008

Mr J J Angleton was a CIA fascist who orchestrated the murders of both Marilyn Monroe and Dorothy Kilgallen on behalf of fascist group within Govt/CiA/FbI which subsequently killed JfK, RfK, John K and dozens of witnesses of JfK murder. Marilyn was killed because she came to know the details of that bizzare JfK murder plan. Hence before she reveals this truth and alert the Kennedys the fascist forces killed her. She was killed by the mob with the poisonous suppository supplied by the fascist forces. Kennedys or Marilyn's doctors/housekeeper were not involved in the murder of Marilyn. She was killed at 10.30 pm i.e. immediately after RfK left her residence and before her housekeeper returned from the neighbourhood to ensure fall of JfK Govt. However RfK managed to coverup her murder staging it as suicide and the Government did not fall. However this followed bloodshed on a bigger scale. Refer wikipadia for the similarity of circumstances and method used to kill both Marilyn and Dorothy and get a clue.
amscia | | February 10, 2012