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Sunday, 15 May 2005
D'Anne Burley Show featured on TRUTHRADIO.COM and Rad'al International Internet Radio Network
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Now Playing: Interviews with Headline Makers, International and National Reports and the Real Story Missing in the Press!
Topic: Truth America Talk Radio

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Acts of Treason

Why Illinois Senators are not looking into
"The Issue Alleged Treason"

This issue of TREASON is a Crime far worse than the U.S. Attorney Looking into the Mob In Chicago Illinois

So Why Don't They Investigate this?

and Why are the Senators Refusing to do their Job

- This is not a Issue of SEX

it is a issue of breach of this Countries Safety! IT'S CRIMINAL! and there is no question of Impeachment if the FACTS ARE TRUTH this a a Crime the Courts Review all they need is to appoint a Special Council Like they did what Ken Starr was their about the issue on President CLINTON!

Because they are NOT WILLING TO ACT


If Bin Laden's brother was indeed involved in the selling of drugs out of Boston airport, why did the President allow him and his family to leave the US and go into the protective hands of the Saudi's while this investigation was underway!

Filed within they're Office Against Those Within
The Current White House!

This is Talk Show D'Anne Burley, who is seeking to get the Government to Investigate Acts of Treason that have been Alleged Against those within the White House who had prior Knowledge of Sept 11th., 2001.
On her May 5th. 2001 Program her guess Alfred Webre, of ISIC In Vancouver Ca., and the founding father of Exopolitic's, a International Attorney, felt that there is enough "PROOF" and Evidence of wrong doing and that cause Sept 11th., 2001 and other terrorist events around the world that link right back to those within the White House. But those within Illinois Senate are not doing they're job it is being alleged because they are not looking into this nor will they submit the language to seek a appointment of Special Council to Investigate acts of Treason why?
It's interesting because it took less than these facts within the of this request to have a special appointed to look into President Clinton.

Does Anyone Recall the Tax Return Program in his first year... "Well who got the Money?"

I recall that once President Clinton left the Whithouse we were in the Black for the first time in this country, then for some unknown reason President Bush, came into office stating that he was going to refund millions to tax payers all over the country. The complain I heard later was many did not qualify for all this so-call moneyt based on these returns.

Is it not strange that in Sept in the same year 2001, someone was able to finance a huge operations in NYC, a operation which took out 7 World Trade Towers.

The issue of Insurance the WTC Center and Lloyd's of London which was in debt due to the first bombing in 1993. Read this quote and then go to the page and read the full report: The world's two largest reinsurance companies - the businesses that back up insurance companies against major losses - reported today the terrorist attacks on New York will produce far and away the largest claims they have ever faced. Number-one re-insurer Munich Re and number-two Swiss Re have doubled their previous estimates to 3.2 billion dollars combined. One prestigious insurance name, Lloyd's of London, was in the red two years ago and was just beginning to predict profitability - but that was before last week. From WHYY in Philadelphia, Marketplace's Beatrice Black reports. Black: "Lloyds of London has not released an estimate of how much it expects to owe on insurance claims from the World Trade Center. Speculators have hazarded guesses ranging from one to three billion dollars. But it?s safe to say Lloyds will be among insurers with the biggest bill. Some experts think, despite enduring centuries of catastrophes, Lloyds could be in trouble. Alice Schroeder, insurance analyst for Morgan Stanley, adds that the individual companies that together make up Lloyds specialize in covering unusual and high-risk situations." Report on Lloyds of London in the Red due to the first Trade Center Bombing

Here is another report on the issue of the insurance, a issue which would bring NYC into Bankruptcy and choas, so what would be a final solution, a solution that would make things go away? connecting the dots..... Red this site on the Insurance on WTC and Lloyd's of London.... Lloyds of London and WTC Center Tax Reform Program 2001 Please look at what is was to do



And they still in denial of this!

By D'Anne Burley

Full with Jihad and other op's those in power prior to 9/11/01 refused to investigate anything I reported one year later my former business partner was arrested for being involved in DEA DRUG BUST IN CALIFORNIA, WHICH NETS OVER 52 MEGA TONS OF DATE RAPE DRUGS... I was told this man was a upstanding businessman in Chicago, who dined with the then Governor and had a newspaper! If a citzen reports things to law enforement agencies and do not act should they not be fired! In addition where is all those award dollars they claim, I got nothing! but someone within those departments did! We need to do something to protect ourselve! they will come after us but not TERRORIST! These are again acts of TREASON!


Alfred Lambremont Webre
Joins D'Anne, with others in Investigating the White House for Acts of Treason!"

This issue is a criminal Act, and should not be hard to do, this is not Impeachment and its involved a major breach of Security!"


Please go to this site for more information on timelines connected to this issue!: Bush, Bin Laden Drug Ties

Childkidnapping Rings Ties back to the Saudis and those in the Whitehouse are not Investigation this Issues

The Jihad and how they are using America's as a way to get money via DRUGS, SEX and Child Sex Slave Kidnappings - Why is there no INvestigation when their are tons of people with lots of evidences in hand The John O'Neill Story - "Drugs out of Boston Connected to Bin Laden's Brother and ties back to The Whitehouse why is there no Investigation

Stripping Rumsfeld and Bush of Impunity

By Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive. Posted May 31, 2005.

Two respected human rights groups say there is prima facie evidence against Donald Rumsfeld and George W. Bush for war crimes and torture -- and they're asking foreign governments to do something about it.


Women Waiting to Exhale Jennifer Baumgardner The Future of "Security Moms" Kathy Plonsky Wal-Mart Wiggles Around Worker Health Liza Featherstone Is Photography Becoming Illegal? Susan Llewelyn Leach More stories by Matthew Rothschild When Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee last year, he was asked whether he "ordered or approved the use of sleep deprivation, intimidation by guard dogs, excessive noise, and inducing fear as an interrogation method for a prisoner in Abu Ghraib prison." Sanchez, who was head of the Pentagon's Combined Joint Task Force-7 in Iraq, swore the answer was no. Under oath, he told the Senators he "never approved any of those measures to be used." But a document the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) obtained from the Pentagon flat out contradicts Sanchez's testimony. It's a memorandum entitled "CJTF-7 Interrogation and Counter-Resistance Policy," dated September 14, 2003. In it, Sanchez approved several methods designed for "significantly increasing the fear level in a detainee." These included "sleep management"; "yelling, loud music, and light control: used to create fear, disorient detainee, and prolong capture shock"; and "presence of military working dogs: exploits Arab fear of dogs." On March 30, the ACLU wrote a letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, urging him "to open an investigation into whether General Ricardo A. Sanchez committed perjury in his sworn testimony." The problem is, Gonzales may himself have committed perjury in his Congressional testimony this January.

Alfred Lambremont Webre (born May 24, 1942) is an author, lawyer, environmentalist and a space activist who promotes the ban of space weapons. He was born in a U.S. Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. He is the co-architect of the Space Preservation Treaty and the Space Preservation Act that was introduced to the U.S. Congress by Congressman Dennis Kucinich and is endorsed by 274 NGO's worldwide. He helped draft the Citizen Hearing in 2000 with Stephen Bassett and serves as a member of the Board of Advisors. He is presently the International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space which he co-founded with Dr. Carol Rosin.
Early years and education
Mr. Alfred Webre entered Yale University in 1960 and graduated in 1964 with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Administration Honors. His interest in law brought him to continue his education and to graduate from Yale Law School with a Juris Doctor in International law in 1967. While studying at Yale Law School, he was also an Assistant in Instruction at the Economics Department of the U.S. Federal Taxation at Yale University (1965-67). In 1967-1968, Mr. Webre travelled to Montevideo, Uruguay and became a Fulbright Scholar in Economic Integration. In 1993, he entered the University of Texas at Brownsville and graduated with a Master of Education in Counseling in 1997.
Early career
Mr. Webre became an associate with CLEARY, GOTTLIEB, STEEN & HAMILTON, in New York City, in 1968. His responsibilities were international finance, tax, and litigation practice for investment banking, corporate, and public sector clients. In 1970, he joined the New York City Environmental Protection Administration as the General Counsel and Assistant Administrator. He designed and enforced environmental standards for air, water, noise pollution, and solid waste management. In 1973, he went to work for the Ford Foundation in New York City as a consultant. He was in charge of evaluation and program recommendations in public interest environmental law program for grantees including Natural Resources Defense Council and Environmental Defense Fund. In 1977, he joined Stanford Research Institute (SRI International) in Menlo Park, California, as a futurist for the Center for the Study of Social Policy. His responsibilities were the studies in alternative futures, innovation diffusion, and social policy applications for clients including the Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communications Study, the National Science Foundation, U.S. Congress (Office of Technology Assessment), the U.S. Department of Energy, and the State of California (Energy Plan). 1977 Carter White House proposed extraterrestrial communication study

The Document Sent to US. Senator Dick Durbin and US Senator Obama of Illinois on May 5th 2005 by Fax and called in - No Response Nothing!

and this is going on all over with multiple "Sues Filed" American's Have No Right to Question and Ask they're Goverment to Investigate, They Do Nothing For Us Why?


John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida and whose Internet essays can be seen on hundreds of websites around the world. These essays have been collected into two anthologies, the latest of which is titled "The Perfect Enemy." For more information go to
"The Perfect Enemy" reveals that the al-Qaeda terror network is a fictional creation of the bloodthirsty maniacs who have seized control of the United States of America and now threaten the health and well-being of everyone in the world.
It is also the title of the pivotal essay in John Kaminski's second collection of Internet essays, which have been featured on hundreds of websites around the world.
Featuring the landmark screeds "9/11 is a hoax" and "Solving the enigma of media manipulation," "The Perfect Enemy" is a collection of horrified observations and incisive reporting about the shocking decline in the safety of the world, and a penetrating look at the dark future that awaits us if we do not regain control of our destinies and overcome the evil corporate forces that aim to enslave and destroy us.
Author of "America's Autopsy Report" and the seminal booklet about 9/11, "The Day America Died," Kaminski has been a rare inspiration to thousands of readers whose hope in a just world has been rekindled by his unflinching pursuit of honesty in human affairs and penetrating insights into the corruption of human nature that now jeopardizes all life on this planet.
As public consciousness evolves toward a better understanding of the vicious forces that control and diminish our lives, Kaminski's incendiary rhetoric has served as a rallying point for those with integrity who seek to get involved in the productive pursuit of justice, understanding, compassion, and peace.
John Kaminski continues his fearless voyage into areas of thought and inquiry where most journalists fear to tread. The truth has never been less accessible - or pleasant - and John pulls no punches in telling the story exactly like he sees it. His writing is passionate, intense, loaded with hard data - and is often downright unforgettable. John is succeeding marvelously in journalism's highest calling: to encourage people to think. - Jeff Rense, The Rense Program
Another real Kaminski at his best. Another masterpiece, which drives tears in my eyes. The only real 9/11 poet : His name is Kaminski! - Nico Haupt, editor, Global Free Press
You will read about:
The lies our leaders told us to cover up the crime.
Arab terrorists didn?t hijack the planes. The Twin Towers didn?t collapse, they exploded.
Why evidence was destroyed and suppressed. How the military let the attacks happen. Fake cellphone calls and bogus box cutters. Foreknowledge made millions for investors. No jetliner ever hit the Pentagon. The Patriot Act was ready and waiting for 9/11 and took away your freedom.
And other astonishing details of the most tragic day in American history in a story much more believable than the story the government has told us, full of evidence that all points to the need to indict U.S. leaders for treason, mass murder, and obstruction of justice.

======================Submitted to US Senate on Thursday and was sent across the World!===== ======================================= Joint Res. _______ 109th CONGRESS ____ Session Joint Res. _______ To appoint an Independent Prosecutor under the authority of Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution to prosecute Treason against these United States of America by George Walker Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard B. Myers and other John and Jane Does in planning and carrying out the acts of treason in an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a strategic deception operation. JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE U.S. SENATE & HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Date: ____________________ Sen. ________________________ and Rep. ____________________________________ introduced the following Joint Resolution of the Congress of the United States A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE U.S. SENATE & HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
To appoint an Independent Prosecutor under the authority of Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution to prosecute Treason against these United States of America by George Walker Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard B. Myers and other John and Jane Does in planning and carrying out the acts of treason in an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a strategic deception operation.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
WHEREAS, the attacks upon the Pentagon and the World Trade Center of September 11, 2001 were a strategic deception operation of the US Administration, carried out by US Government Aircraft and Missiles, under the direct orders of President George Walker Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and WHEREAS, the goals of the strategic deception operation of September 11, 2001 included providing a pretext for the unilateral abrogation of the ABM Treaty (announced by George Walker Bush on June 13, 2002) and for the weaponization of space; for the abrogation of fundamental rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution; and for the launching of illegal wars of aggression in violation of international law.
WHEREAS, There is a sufficient legal threshold of evidence to issue an indictment for the crime of Treason against these individuals under the US Constitution, which in Article III(3) provides: "Sect. 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on open confession in open court."
SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the `The 911 Independent Prosecutor Act'.
SEC. 2. REAFFIRMATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL PROHIBITION AGAINST TREASON AGAINST THESE UNITED STATES. Congress reaffirms the prohibition under the US Constitution, which in Article III(3) provides: "Sect. 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on open confession in open court." SEC. 3. APPOINTMENT AND FUNDING OF A 9/11 INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR
Congress hereby appoints and fully funds an Independent Prosecutor under the authority of Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution to prosecute Treason against these United States of America by George Walker Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard B. Myers and other John and Jane Does in planning and carrying out the acts of treason in an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a strategic deception operation.
The 9/11 Independent Prosecutor shall submit public progress reports to the Congress every 90 days. END



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More on 9/11 THEY KNEW!

FBI BLOCKED MEMO ON 9/11 PLOT-LA TIMES 6/10/05 New disclosures show that CIA information in 2000 about two Al Qaeda operatives in San Diego was squelched before reaching the FBI.
THE NATION Memo on 9/11 Plotters Blocked New disclosures show that CIA information in 2000 about two Al Qaeda operatives in San Diego was squelched before reaching the FBI. By Josh Meyer Times Staff Writer June 10, 2005
WASHINGTON ? A chilling new detail of U.S. intelligence failures emerged Thursday, when the Justice Department disclosed that about 20 months before the Sept. 11 attacks, a CIA official had blocked a memo intended to alert the FBI that two known Al Qaeda operatives had entered the country.
The two men were among the 19 hijackers who crashed airliners into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania.
If the FBI had received the official communique from the CIA's special Osama bin Laden unit when it was ready for transmittal in January 2000, its agents likely could have tracked down the men, according to U.S. intelligence officials familiar with a newly declassified report of the Justice Department's inspector general.
Officials involved in the case of alleged would-be hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui had attempted to block release of the report, asserting that it would compromise the outcome of his case. But Inspector General Glenn A. Fine went to court and won release of the report after deleting the section on Moussaoui.
The report does not draw major new conclusions or disclose significant new episodes about the months and years leading up to Sept. 11. Rather, it fills in blanks and provides new details about previously known matters ? notably the failure to learn sooner about Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdhar, the so-called San Diego hijackers.
An 18-month delay in the CIA's handing over of information about the two hijackers to the FBI and other domestic law enforcement agencies had been well-publicized. But the report's conclusion that an agent had written a memo specifically designed for transmittal to the FBI to alert the bureau to the men's presence ? and that a supervisor deliberately had prevented it from being sent ? is new.
The reason the CIA official, identified by the fictitious name "John," put a hold on the communique remains a mystery, the report said. It said the officials involved didn't recall the incident. Even when the author of the memo followed up a week later with an e-mail asking if it had been sent to the FBI, nothing was done.
The memo was written by an FBI agent on assignment to the CIA's special Bin Laden unit. According to the report, rather than send his memo directly to the FBI, he sent it to the deputy chief of the CIA unit because only supervisors were authorized to send such memos to the FBI.
Fine's report contains extensive new detail about that incident, as well as several already reported missed opportunities by the FBI to track down the two men.
The report stops short of concluding that any of the failures was responsible for allowing the Sept. 11 attacks to move forward. But it is sharply critical of the FBI and CIA, laying out in 371 pages a series of systemic and individual failures by the FBI in particular ? both internally and when dealing with other U.S. and foreign government agencies.
The report was compiled after Congress and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III asked the inspector general to evaluate how the FBI had handled intelligence before the Sept. 11 attacks. More extensive inquiries were done by a joint House-Senate committee and by the federal 9/11 commission, which reached similar broad conclusions.
The report disclosed Thursday is an abbreviated version of a top-secret report submitted in July to the FBI, CIA, Congress and the commission that investigated Sept. 11.
In an interview Thursday, Fine said it would be "too speculative" to conclude that the attacks could have been prevented had it not been for the failures outlined in his report, which was based on interviews with dozens of FBI and CIA officials and a review of thousands of top-secret internal documents.
"But there were very significant failures, both systemic and individual, and we lay out the details behind them," Fine said.
His report made 16 recommendations to improve the FBI, including better training and management of intelligence analysts, integrating FBI lawyers into counterterrorism investigations, and creating clear procedures on how to document intelligence information received in informal briefings with other agencies.
In a statement, the FBI said it generally agreed with the inspector general's findings and was already carrying out most of them.
"We enhanced our cadre of intelligence analysts with hundreds of new hires, new training and a clear career path," the FBI statement said. "We changed the criteria by which special agents, field offices and investigative programs are evaluated to emphasize intelligence-related functions."
The report identifies five junctures, from March 2000 to August 2001, when there were opportunities for the FBI to learn about Almihdhar and Alhazmi and their presence in the U.S. Each episode has been previously reported, but not in such great detail.
The report documents day-to-day contacts among FBI, CIA and other officials ? identifying them with names such as "John," "Mary" and "Rob" and, in many cases, assessing their performance. It quotes extensively from e-mails they sent and handwritten notes they kept of meetings.
Typical was the mild criticism of an FBI employee, "Lynn," for failing to respond to an e-mail from colleague "Jane" about the now-famous Phoenix memo. That memo by an agent in the Phoenix bureau urged the FBI to investigate the enrollment of Middle Eastern men in aviation schools, but it was never acted upon.
"A response from Lynn may have prompted Jane to take some other step?. Instead ? the [memo] languished," the report said.
One of the well-known missed opportunities was the fact that Almihdhar and Alhazmi had rented a room in the Lemon Grove home of a well-established local FBI informant. In a footnote, the report discloses that the informant was paid $100,000 in 2003 for his work over the years. However, he never told his FBI handler important details about Almihdhar and Alhazmi, and said afterward that he had known nothing about their terrorist connections or plans.
The report does not name the informant, but he has been identified elsewhere as Abdussattar Shaikh.
The report's findings come as the FBI faces continued criticism of its intelligence-gathering efforts, with some lawmakers and others calling for those functions to be taken over by another agency or by the new national intelligence director.
CIA officials had little comment, noting that the focus of the report was on the FBI's performance before Sept. 11. Fine also noted that his scope did not include evaluating the CIA's handling of pre-Sept. 11 intelligence.
Then-CIA Director George J. Tenet has vigorously disputed some of the criticisms of his agency, but Thursday attributed the CIA's failure to turn over information about Alhazmi and Almihdhar to his agents' being overwhelmed, exhausted and understaffed.
Days after a meeting of Al Qaeda operatives in Malaysia in January 2000, the CIA's Bin Laden specialists drafted a flurry of memos about the two men, their suspected terrorist connections and Almihdhar's possible ties to the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa. Some of the memos were based in part on intelligence provided by the National Security Agency. The CIA was also in possession of a photocopy of Almihdhar's Saudi passport and valid multi-entry visa to the U.S.
Several cables from the CIA's Bin Laden desk disseminated the information to agency officials around the world ? including to one of the unit's special agents detailed to the FBI's Washington field office, according to Fine's report.
That employee, "Dwight," began drafting a memo addressed to the FBI's Bin Laden unit chief at bureau headquarters and to its New York field office. The memo contained virtually all of the details known to the agency, including Almihdhar's passport and visa information, which listed his intention to stay in New York.
But at 4 p.m. that day, another CIA Bin Laden desk officer, "Michelle," added a note to the memo: "pls hold off on [memo] for now per [the CIA deputy chief of Bin Laden unit]."
Eight days later, in mid-January, "Dwight" sent an e-mail to "John," asking why it hadn't been sent: "Is this a no go, or should I remake it in some way."
The CIA was unable to locate a response to the e-mail. Fine's report concludes that the CIA didn't turn over documentation of the electronic memo until Fine's investigators came across a reference and specifically asked for it in February 2004. That came so late in the investigation that it delayed release of the report and caused many more CIA and FBI officials to be interviewed, the report says.
Ultimately, Fine's investigators gave up trying to find an explanation.
Records show that the CIA didn't forward the information about Almihdhar and Alhazmi to domestic law enforcement officials until late August 2001, when it asked that the men be put on watch lists.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Times staff writer H.G. Reza contributed to this report from Orange County.


Posted by biz7/radal at 1:18 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 July 2005 1:32 PM CDT
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