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Chicago News


06/06/2005 Governor Blagojevich

To Sign Tollway Reform Bill With Amnesty Program For Illinois Tollway Scofflaws

Toll Violators Will Be Offered Last Chance to Make Good on Skipped Tolls & Fines Before Harsher Sanctions
A Tollway Reform bill approved in Springfield last week and supported by Gov. Rod Blagojevich will create a one-time amnesty program for toll scofflaws with outstanding toll violations. Part of the Governor's ongoing reform agenda at the Illinois Tollway, the amnesty program is the latest component of a Violation Enforcement System debuted in 2003 to collect the money owed to the Tollway and the 97 percent of customers who pay their fair share.
Under the toll violation amnesty plan, scofflaws with outstanding toll violations will be given 60 days to pay a percentage of their original missed tolls and fines or face harsher sanctions including increased fines; suspension of license plates and driver's licenses; towing, booting or impoundment of vehicles; or referral to a collection agency.
"Drivers who cheat their fellow Tollway users have learned an expensive lesson that violating the law is no longer tolerated," Blagojevich said. "Like the state?s tax amnesty program, the Tollway amnesty program is a last chance for violators to settle delinquent violations and clean their slate."
The percentage payments outlined in the new law are based on a sliding scale that requires violators with up to 25 violations to pay 50 percent of their original tolls and fines, violators with up to 50 violations to pay 60 percent of their original tolls and fines and violators owing more than 50 violations to pay 75 percent of their original tolls and fines. The Tollway will share a toll-free number that violators can call to find out how much they have to pay.
The amnesty program has not started yet but will be available for 60 days starting on the day the Governor signs the bill. Details on how to participate in the program will be shared via the media and the Tollway's Web site




Did Chicago based Alderman Get in Trouble
Because Was Investigating SLUM HOUSING?

I Reported the Building Here

Then She Came Under Attack For the TRUCKING SCANDAL


Alderman Troutman is under attack for the Truck for Hired Scandal but again is the attack because we had spoke about a building on the south side within her ward. A building that the tenants were being made victim of my a slum landlord? Just maybe these people had clout the thing that has caused many of the problems in houses within Chicago and its neighoring suburbs. It seems that those involved have a strangle hold on city politcans making it impossible for them to so anything to step and control these issues that impact on the community in which they serve.
If they go out on a limb those people are attacked and placed within scandals and entrapped so that later if they attempt to do anything they are stopped in there tracks.
This is again housing Genocide, Racism which always had existed within these wards and the control is held within a hidden body of politician and businessmen who are seeking to displace minorities out of the area and out of the view of those they tout into coming into the area to live in their stead.
Englewood as in all other communities is going through a housing Genocide to remove the people who are not going to be able to afford any housing which will cost over $100k. The condo trend and the mortgage new housing buyers market is only for those with good credit and the money to get into it and many within the Urban areas can not do this and there are no programs that can really work within these conditions.
The issue of affordable housing, jobs that can pay the rent and healthcare is not available to all within Illinois and its not there in Chicago. Indeed the trucking scandal exist but again they never did anything about the Terrorist Cells they housed in Illinois before 9/11 it was swept under the rug. The trucking scandal is there just to get the ones they want out thing more. If indeed they were interested in impacting on corruption they would look into racism in housing, jobs, and all other other crimes committed within the Court systems against Blacks its outrageous and indeed we are in the year 2005 and have not advance much in this at all.

4617nmagnolia.jpg" align="left">

North Side

Sheridan Park Building Where I Lived and Experienced

Pacific Heights

Where I began to develop a housing phobia because no one would ACT FROM THIS TERRORISM WITHIN ANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES

South Side

Current the Nightmare is in buildings like these in the Englewood Area

Are they being sold to get tenants who are Black out of the area to move others in?

a Nightmare Building Right Next to the Library!


Well, my night mare began in the early 90's when I first encounter housing ?Genocides? in Chicago, within the Sheridan Park Community located in the North-side. The property was located on Magnolia Street within the 4600 block. It was 6 unit condo, that I had rented for over $900 per month giving the real estate office handling the property over $3,000 in cash to move in so that my children could have a safe and clean home.

Instead I moved into Pacific Heights the movie but it was the urban Chicago version featuring me and my family as the stars. It was a racial issue that at the time I felt was not the issue but as I look back it was due to the fact that the owner and those who were a part of the condo association did not want me a black female in their building and upon moving into this location I was a victim of Housing Genocides and no one in Chicago?s so-called political arena would do anything within the structure of alleged government offices which are in place to investigate the acts of housing fraud, racism and deceptive practices. I reported and reported and nothing happened until I had leveled a law suit against those involved via a friend of my, a real city activist who placed me with a attorney who knew what to do.

Prior to this I was the victim on the first day of moving into this building of someone being within my apartment claiming to be on a construction team, who told me that they were reconstructing the unit I just gave $3,000 to move into.

This unknown worked who saw me move my first box into my unit told me he would have me out the next day! From that time on the story of Pacific Heights began, they started hammers, drilling, sawing up to 3am and I called the police who did nothing. The landlord of the condo would not return my money nor would she make available another unit instead, the scam was to defraud me of my $3,000 in cash, and then start pouring dirt, bricks and concrete from the third floor into the ceiling of my unit and then to cause bricks to fall into the inside of my apartment from the unit being reconstructed above. All just to run me out, because I had located court records and those folks doing this before, using the excuse of the removal of load bearing walls out of my unit. The fact was the this issue had been repaired many times before, and this property was a property that was one of the building involved within probate court which was being used to scam insurance companies of millions by a continuous pattern of repairs for the same reason. Those involved got big money, so did those within the courts was assisted in this process.

The victim of course so it being touted gets there deposit and rent stolen in this scam and those in housing court and within the city turned there head not to let anyone interfere in this process. I stayed there because I refused to become another victim, but was taken to court because I refused to turn over rent to those who were involved in the attempt of murder of my family. I had three children, who were all under the age of 17 and the youngest was just 8 years old who were being the victim of lead exposure, and other dangerous material found within the walls of older housing. But the Chicago, State and Federal EPA told me that it was not within their job to investigate this nor could anyone else do anything about it the so called Human Rights Commission and all the other agencies these croaks where allowed to do a job on us out in the open. And once in court Judge Lester Foremen was the one who was the first Judge to handle this case, which was prior to this before Judge Garber, who headed up housing court, all were ok with landlord fraud, and all ruling that it was ok to kill people within homes in housing Genocides.

Judge Lester Foremen, transferred the case and it may have been because I had recalled him being one of the Judges involved in ?Greylord? via the law firm I worked for in the area of Conflict of Interest, whereby my firm got in trouble for giving things to judges ( well this was alleged and found correct whereby many judges it Illinois ended up in prison!) Just because I had gone and investigated why Foreman was still allowed his judgeship may have been the reason why he removed himself from this case. But I indeed remembered the whose?s who list because I was within a law firm back then which had over 250 attorneys one of the top ones in the world then and saw much and had many details!

In the case of Judge Garber, I found that his wife held on to property in her name to keep away from this Judge the issue that their maybe conflict from the issue of bias based on him being a landlord and maybe was more moved to rule in the direction of the landlords and not the tenants. But it seems within some of the County courts these conflict and bias are ok, and again it?s ok to operate Expartee i.e one sided due to connection clout and other drops made to some.

The outrage was that I got no help from no one other than the Attorney by activist friend in regards to stopping this outragous action. Because of being in court and having my home attacked daily all hours of the night by those within the condo association who also worked in the County Attorney Title And Trust Dept., and also being on the board /membership of the Council for Foreign Relations, it was a scandal after a scandal. But the list of renters who came in and got taken in the samew fashion was again outragous. But it was corruption the daily environment it seems that many within the city of Chicago strive on. I was the victim all right, and then there was the woman who rented the unit to me the owner who worked for the Law Firm of Kirkland and Ellis, and who used there offices located at 200 East Randolph as her home address, When I had attempted to have her served by the Sheriff out of Cook County for the law suits I had filed, they would not take the summons so I drafted a service summons and service it on the law firm my self because the sheriff claimed that they could do nothing. This case was in court for almost two years I won but the court allowed this woman to flee without giving me one cent! She moved and worked under Ken Starr of the fame involving President Clinton but as I tracked her she ended up another state, the head of the condo association was heavily clouted and used it all the attack me and my children in court and also had those persons constructing target my unit in fact one day they when over the edge in there attempt to get me whereby they did damage which fall behind the wall into the unit of the condo associate manager.

But even after begin exposed to dangerous dirt, bricks and other material Judge Garber evicted me without any regard to the fact I was the victim of Housing Genocide. Whereby he and others who are still on the bench and protected no one questions and again no one recalled in the city of Chicago Greylord. So I won but I loss in health, my children were effected and saw both racism, hatred and Genocides which they understood is a way of life in Chicago.

Bring the Story to today, it is still the same old same old. The folks are still moving property in and out of probate turning over properties to friends and family to run into either insurance and or property rental scams while those who are the power to do something turn their heads the other way.

And here in another case within the neighbor Englewood, right by the Englewood library there is the same type of thing happening. A building of over 50 units being taken over by those who are involved in terrorizing the tenants left by turning off utilities like water, gas, cable telephone lines and the last two tenants are left in a very bad Genocide housing condition whereby those in the City of Chicago refuse to do anything to help and or investigate the fact that the landlords are doing constructive eviction which is illegal under the cities housing acts. Again all these so called law are on the books and are never enforced whereby tenants are victims in more ways than one., There are also using all over the place in the cases the issue of placing and exposing tenants to dangerous lead conditions and other things hidden in the walls by not repairing and or doing things with the intent to get rid of prior tenants anyway they can included housing Genocides by using clout connections and dangerous materials found within the walls of older building within the city. Just think of being without water for about a week, having your gas cut off in the winter, then the landlord leaving the building so that strangers can entered in and occupy vacate units, and or you can not drink the water in fear of who knows what being within it. And or not being able to flush your toilet and again this is happening all over the place to many, and lots just happen to be African Americans, Spanish and or poor who have no voice and no one giving them Voice. Then you say just move, but if you have a limited income, and not enough to make a one or two month additional deposit because of credit and or you not being employed because of health issues it is a nightmare but funny to those doing this because the game because a tool to create terrorism within those in Urban communities, the same applies to those within the Suburbs and the complains of blacks go unheard and if you go to court the rules are almost always expartee and or one sided and against those of color.

I am writing this because you may be next, and I was the victim of this many times in Cook and also within Dupage County and those who are sitting in the seats of political offices that should be investigating these things do little or nothing to investigate these things because it seem that it? s business as usually within good ol? Illinois.

I will be submitting pictures of these Genocide Housing Units and if you have a story like this one please share it with us here.

Thanks and Peace!

The imbalance of justice why is it that they go after those that are found not guilty of previous crimes, the fact is just like the Cruz case in Dupage County, Illinois once guilty they can not look as if they made a misstake so they look for anything else they can make stick so that they are off the public watch list, case in point Aaron Patterson who was release after serves years in jail for a murder he did not commit.

The outrage to this case is that within Chicago and Illinois area prisons the population of "Blacks" has risen to over 75%, MANY HAVE NOT GONE TO TRIAL AND THE EVIDENCE IN MANY ARE LACKING! If it was not for DNA and that the government has allowed in some cased NOT ALL people to get test of evidence sometimes if they can locate someone within a law school or some other concerned soul someone gets money together and then looks into the real facts of the evidence which is either missing or lacking within these case.
My point to this is stemming from the conversation I have with the persons who did the altuphose on Bart Ross in the Judge Lefkow case, DNA was not taken because it was concerned a suicide, but then there are many questions which were left unsolved and that will never come out again unless all the facts and in place the case can in many cases be not total.

Here is what is quoted in the Aaron Patterson trial matter within the press:

Chicago death row case reopened
Aaron Patterson is a death row inmate who claims police punched him and suffocated him with a plastic typewriter cover 15 years ago to extract a false confession in the killings of an elderly couple. A few years ago, Patterson's claims might have been dismissed. But beginning Monday, his claims will get a new hearing under orders from the Illinois Supreme Court. With the hearing comes pressing questions into allegations of systematic torture at a Chicago police unit in 1980s, mounting calls for an outside investigator and growing doubts about the convictions of as many as 10 Illinois death row inmates.
"It's our point of view that there's been a concerted effort to keep this secret within the police department for many years," said Locke Bowman, an attorney at the University of Chicago law school.
Bowman is 1 of 2 lawyers asking for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate what happened at the Area 2 detective headquarters during the 1980s and decide whether charges should are warranted.
At the heart of the scandal is a violent crimes unit in the far southern end of Chicago in the 1980s commanded by former police Lt. Jon Burge.
Burge was fired in 1993 after a death row inmate, Andrew Wilson, won a $1.1 million civil suit against the department, claiming he was tortured with electric shocks and handcuffed to a hot radiator at Burge's precinct.
A police board found that Wilson was indeed abused while in Burge's custody. A subsequent investigation by the police department found that abuse occurred and was systematic.
A federal judge in 1999 also painted a damning picture of Burge and his precinct.
"It is now common knowledge that in the early to mid-1980s Jon Burge and many officers working under him regularly engaged in the physical abuse and torture of prisoners to extract confessions," U.S. District Judge Milton Shadur said in the case of another suspect who claimed he was tortured. Burge, who now lives in Florida, continues to deny that he tortured anyone. His former attorney, William Kunkle, called the department's report "garbage."
For the full article click here:The Aaron Patterson Murder Case in Chicago - There is something very strange going on within the Illinois Justice System

Mr. Patterson, does not have money for a attorney and because of this he has limited resources and even if he had the money the question of the accountibility of all involved within the case and investigation is indeed questionable.

Within a town were they just reburied Emmett Till, a boy who was sent down south to get away from those here who would have harm him instead ending up a victim in a southern town of the same maddness, how much has really change going into the millenium.

And why indeed are so many blacks in jail within a new penal colony system setup to develop a new free labor force, whereby instead of moving commerce to other third world countries you use your prison force to make things and not pay them wages. The privatization of prisoner is another BIG MONEY MAKER For BIG corporations, and again who are the folks being used in this new game to not only to control the wealth but use people as slaves to develop businesses and help make them work.

Blacks, Spanish, middle and poor whites

So can someone like Patterson get a fair trial NOPE!

Just in simple cases of housing court and all of the other court systems Blacks far poorly the rights are indeed going back to the Good ol' Emmitt Till

days whereby by father the late Dan Burley need countless numbers of Stories and reports about his life, murder and trial. While a little girl I recall seeing his bloated faceless body

Ebony, Defender, The Crusader Sepia and all the dozens of publications my father either wrote for managed and edited. But its how many years into the future and blacks are still behind the eight ball in civil rights and fairness within the courts.

I as a black women with children in chicago coming for a very good family have been attacked, had things stolen from me - collectibles from my father, gone into housing whereby landlord had discriminated and done worse in fact within Dupage County I was in a home where the person renting it was not the real owner, I got water bills each month for $700 and $900 which were not like the neighorbor who were all white and other mixtures from europe they had bills of $50 but again going to the authorities did nothing the police investigated nothing, not even when someone deposited over $4k in counterfeit money orders in my bank account. I was being setup by those within the government to coverup the fact I had located a terrorist cell they refused to investigate and I spoke out about it. In court because countless numbers of Judges showning proof of housing fraud and going to the Attorney Generals Office and all the other politic leadership I got no where, in court all the Judges ruled expartee. Even after I had investigated the woman who had rented the house to me and found out that she was using at least 7 other names, commiting housing fraud, violating my right to having a safe home, all was ok, because it seems that the court system for which I had work for in the past within Illinois has returned to Greylord to a much higher level.
These involved here act very closed mouth and indeed I do know many facts because I did work within their system but also within the large law firms whereby I saw the operation and indeed the fairness is not there for African American nor anyone else who seeks to have justice within the courts. In fact it maybe wise to have your day on court TV not trial your case within the system that is no different than the one that Vanunu is within in Israel, of the case of Chris Peeler the son of John Gary Peeler who is in Little Rock Ark on a life sentence for a murder that has no body, no crime scene nothing just the fact that they wanted to get his dad because he told the facts and truth about WACO,Ok City, and called to attempt to stop 9/11. John Peeler was a former FBI,CIA,ATF and security offier for former President Bill CLinton. He also went undercover within the KKK and got to know Timothy McVeigh and others he had too much information and too much facts. In other to control him they locked up his son for LIFE!

A reporter friend of mine in Ark attempted to get all exposed on Fox 16 in Ark but his stories were shut down by the Governor a Christan Minister there, why?

Again if Peeler who worked inside th government can not get any rights and all the hundreds of whistle blowers can not have any rights like myself and are victim to assaults and attempts of murder via, everything including hospitals to shut you up then are we indeed a free nation, under god?
So Aaron Patterson is in jail, and from what I was last reported does not want to go to the next hearing because he see's the injustice within, towards those who have been victim of abuse within the court system its self.

So now I figure just like in the so-called justice given to Bart Ross with a medical claim the same type of expartee rules will exist,

The US Justice system is not available to the public and if you can just one day check it out for yourself contact their offices and then see what I am talking about. They don't return calls, nor investigate cases. That they should because Chicago is indeed Greylord and far far more dangerous because we have no right nothing here just expartee rules.

The Chicago Tribune Report on his current case.

Ex-Death Row inmate arrested in drug sting Patterson to face heroin, gun charges
By Jeff Coen and David Heinzmann, Tribune staff reporters. Tribune staff reporters Todd Lighty, Don Terry and Glenn Jeffers contributed to this report Published August 6, 2004

Former Death Row inmate Aaron Patterson, who became a high-profile community activist after he was pardoned by former governor George Ryan and ran unsuccessfully this year for the Illinois House, was arrested Thursday by federal authorities who said they would file drug and weapons charges against him.

Patterson, 40, was being held in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in downtown Chicago pending an appearance Friday morning in U.S. District Court. Authorities said that at that hearing they would charge Patterson with conspiracy to possess and distribute more than 100 grams of heroin. Patterson and another man were arrested in an undercover sting Thursday after they allegedly took possession of four handguns and Patterson delivered about a pound of marijuana.

The arrests capped a five-month investigation that included undercover heroin and marijuana sales, authorities said. During the probe, Patterson asked a federal agent for several types of guns, a law enforcement source said, including a MAC-10 submachine gun with a silencer. To read the full report goto: Aaron Patterson New Case read it in the Chicago Tribune


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Stew Webb, was the man who leaked out the Scandal about all the Money Stolen from our Savings and Loan Institutes, and has plenty of proof of who is involved! The problem is that no one will address the issue that has caused a major collaspe of the US by the means of Corruption. Go to his site and read about those connected, review his documents, files, and evidence that many within our Government seek to coverup!

Let Us Link You To The People

Mary Schneider Report WEBSITE>

Mary Schneider, a citizenship and immigration services district adjudications officer for the Department of Homeland Security in Orlando told in a series of interviews over the past few days that the illegal Muslim was reportedly associated with Osama bin Laden's brother. Khalil bin Laden resided for years in the Orlando area prior to September 11; but the FBI permitted him to leave the country on September 16 without being questioned--despite alleged ties to an al-Qaeda supporter and the lead 9/11 hijacker, according to an outside informant.
Evidence regarding the Moroccan's communications and associations in Florida with Osama bin Laden?s brother Khalil and Mohammed Atta was revealed by one of his five American wives. Schneider, a designated federal whistleblower protected by congressional statute, said that outside informants also told her that the illegal Muslim lived in Orlando with lead hijacker Mohammed Atta and other al Qaeda operatives.
Osama bin Laden's brother was allowed to leave the country shortly after 9/11 without a full and complete interrogation and investigation of his activities with illegal Muslims living in central Florida. Congress and the 9/11 Commission have failed to pursue this critical issue in a public forum.
The informants told Schneider that "bin Laden?s brother had made inquiries a year or two prior to 9/11 on how to bring in Muslims from Saudi Arabia and Brazil to attend a flight school in the Daytona Beach area," she said.
The revelations implicate Brazil as a South American staging point for al Qaeda terrorism while also providing evidence that one or two years prior to the attacks, high government officials and members of Congress could have taken serious steps to strictly enforce immigration laws and seal American borders, but strangely, they failed to do so despite known worldwide terrorism threats. has obtained copies of Schneider?s repeated written warnings which were continually ignored over the last six years by members of Congress and officials in both the Bush and Clinton administrations. The warnings fully explain the al Qaeda immigration fraud in Florida which supported 9/11 terrorist operations. They also raise questions as to whether the 9/11 Commission will call senators and congressmen to publicly testify about their knowledge of pre-attack immigration fraud--given Schneider?s clear evidence.
The immigration official says the felony immigration conspiracies remain ongoing up to the present; and the problematic nature of her explosive allegations is exacerbated by the fact that the government not only suppressed her evidence, but had prior knowledge of the fraud while still failing to take steps to protect the American people.
Moreover, Schneider said "Orlando supervisors Susan Dugas, Stella Jarina and supervisory special agent Richard Walker allowed all conspirators in this sham marriage ring to leave the INS premises without consequence and the next morning I was given a written reprimand and admonished for having mentioned this ring to the investigations section." [Deposition of Susan Dugas, 2-11-2003]

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Whose WHO in the 33rd Degree Masons

the Famous

(King) Umberto Agnelli Foster Bailey Bernard Mannes Baruch Harry L. Baum John Wilkes Booth John C. Breckinridge George Herbert Walker Bush Senator Byrd Henry Clausen Howell Cobb Aleister Crowley Delmar Darrah Walt. Disney Sen. Bob Dole Gerald Rudolf Ford Giuseppe Garibaldi Rev. Billy Graham J.J.J. Gourgas Manly P. Hall Jesse Helms Christian A. Herter J. Edgar Hoover Col. Edward Mandell House Jessie James Rev. Jesse Jackson Lyndon Baines Johnson C. Fred Kleinknecht Adriano Lemmi Jack Kemp Thurgood Marshall James G. Martin Karl Marx (Baron) Yves Marsaudon Joseph Mazzini Francois Mitterand Henry Morgenthau Henry Palmerston Albert Pike Rev. Norman Vincent Peale Roscoe Pound Franklin D. Roosevelt James Rothschild Jacob Schiff James D. Shaw Rev. Robert Schuller Senator Simpson Rudolph Steiner Harry Truman Pierre G. Vassal Paul Moritz Warburg Earl Warren H.G. Wells William Wynn Westcott John Yarker List of Masons you should know

The Movie New World Order

By D'Anne Burley

The New World Order Movie



Lets Speak They're Language - Translator For Urban Living -

Urban Translator So We are Talk To Each Other Without Going To War!

Comedy In The House!


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The Isle of Light

Part 2 of The Organic Universe

will be Rescheduled

for Next Week Due to

Programming Problems

Giuliana Conforto


Hosted Today By

Mike Katz's

D'Anne's featured Host
Guilana Conforto - The Organic Universe Part 2

Will talk about her book Organic Universe
Her Other Book on Giordano Bruno's Future Science And the Birth of the New Human Being By Giuliana Conforto Hidden Mysteries Books Giordano Bruno's Future Science And the Birth of the New Human Being By Giuliana Conforto Planet Earth is transforming. Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) was one of the great sages who announced it and revealed the "secret" which also regards the extraordinary abilities of the human brain; our usual way of thinking is actually oppressed by a tyrant, dualism. Sages had overcome it, as well as we can do now. One Force, Love, links infinite worlds. Bruno affirmed. Through a simple translation of the terms of hermetic science into modern ones, the author shows that physicists have actually discovered the cosmic Force, Love, all great poets like Bruno sang praises to; they have christened it Electroweak, not understanding how important It is for us. The Force is Life which is now increasing Its intensity and revealing Itself to humans as eros, emotions, love; It has generated every thing and is now offering us, humans, the exceptional chance of evolving, becoming self-conscious and discovering our immortal Selves. Giuliana Conforto lives in Rome, Italy. Formerly an astrophysicist, she taught quantum and relativistic physics. She has been involved with hermetic philosophers, since she was a child. Her essential research has been an inner, intuitive one, mainly directed towards self-discovery. By practicing the Art of Memory, she has contributed to recomposing the babel of languages, therefore showing the oneness of so called "opposite" cultures, such as sciences-religions, astronomy-astrology, psychology-cybernetics. Her work greatly improved in '95, when she began a new path; organic alchemy, a deep inner revolution which is reflected in a cultural outer one, evident in her previous book LUH, Man's Cosmic Game. She is now dedicating herself to human evolutions full time

Her Book is for Sale Here!



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The Omega File

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Japanese Invisibility Cloak


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From the Mouth of Dr. Dan Burley, Journalist, Musican and the Hub of "THE BLACK PRESS" if indeed he was still alive



Thank You Jermony Krock

man with the passion to reconize the works of those who made a change in Sports....

and others within the organization who made this honor possible!

09/28/2004 Archived Entry: "3 Negro League players finally get their due"
3 Negro League players finally get their due
By Michael Toeset
?I am an invisible man. ? I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me.? ? Ralph Ellison, ?Invisible Man?
For 11 years, people unknowingly trod over the grave of Jimmie Crutchfield. No one set bouquets of flowers on his headstone, no one paused in midstride to acknowledge the four-time Negro Leagues All-Star. As he had been invisible to multitudes of Americans during his lifetime, so Crutchfield was invisible in his death.
Until Sunday, that is, a day when Crutchfield and fellow Negro Leaguers John Donaldson and James ?Candy Jim? Taylor finally received their due. The three black baseball greats are buried in Burr Oak Cemetery in Alsip, Ill. ? but no one knew it until Jeremy Krock, a baseball fan from Peoria, Ill., came searching for the grave of Crutchfield, a legend in his hometown of Ardmore, Mo., a hamlet also home to Krock?s grandparents.
Krock had discovered that Crutchfield was interred at the Chicago-area cemetery, but when he arrived in 2003 to pay homage to his favorite ballplayer, he found nary a trace of the man. Crutchfield had been buried in an unmarked grave, and a cemetery worker had to pace off the site in the snow.
Krock set about to right the inequity, setting in motion a fundraising campaign that took on a nationwide effort. In the process, Krock was informed by Burr Oak that Donaldson and Taylor also lay in unmarked graves, and as that was reported, funds in excess of the $1,600 needed for Crutchfield?s headstone flooded in, so Krock decided to erect memorials for the other two greats as well. At the Sunday dedication ceremony, bronze Hall of Fame-style plaques for Crutchfield and Donaldson and a granite marker for Taylor were unveiled. About 60 fans ? some there for the history, some for the baseball ? were on hand to see the trio step out of the shadows of anonymity. Former Negro League players Dennis Biddle (American Giants, 1953-54) and Johnny Washington (American Giants and Houston Eagles, 1948-51) spoke at the ceremony, alternately telling tales that had the audience breaking into laughter and sharing stories of the hardships black baseball players had to endure because of racism.
?I?m honored to be able to stand here today and talk about ? some of the great pioneers of the Negro Baseball League, men that played many years before I did, men who made baseball what Americans call today the greatest national pastime,? Biddle said. ?These men never had the opportunity to display those tremendous talents they had in the major leagues because of the way things were. Society was cheated out of an opportunity to see some of the greatest ballplayers.?

Despite being denied those opportunities, Crutchfield ? a player in the mold of Ichiro Suzuki ? was never bitter. As it says on his headstone, ?We didn?t have time to hate people, we had ballgames to worry about.? Crutchfield and other black ballplayers may have been invisible to major league owners, ballplayers and myriad fans, but they knew that their skin color had nothing to do with how they could play the game. As Ted Williams said in his Hall of Fame acceptance speech, ?I hope some day Satchel Paige and Josh Gibson will be voted into the Hall of Fame as symbols of the great Negro players who are not here only because they weren?t given the chance.?
Williams? dream came true ? today 11 Negro League players are in the Hall of Fame (not including players like Hank Aaron and Willie Mays who spent the majority of their careers in the majors).
But there should be more than only 11, for as Satchel Paige said in his Hall of Fame speech, ?Oh, we had men by the hundreds who could have made the big leagues, by the hundreds, not by the fours, twos or threes. We had a lot of Satchel Paiges out there ? men who could throw the ball as hard as me. Ain't no maybe so about it.?
Despite a recent trend to recognize Negro League players (mini-museums have been built this past year in Cleveland and Kansas City, Mo.), history is still largely ignorant of the sacrifices and triumphs of players like Donaldson, Crutchfield and Taylor.
As Krock said in his speech at the dedication, ?These markers have dates ? when they were born and when they died ? and then a hyphen in between, and that was their life. And these guys deserve great big hyphens.?
It is Krock?s hope that overlooked ballplayers get their due one way or another, and he is working to ensure that the public knows the locations of players? final resting places.

In some cases, that may be hard to do, for as Larry Lester, co-author of the book ?Black Baseball in Chicago? and co-chairman of the Negro League Committee of the Society for American Baseball Research, said, unmarked graves were ?a common fate for Negro Leagues players. Despite being great ballplayers, many men died destitute because they had no pension to rely on. There was no money coming in after their productive years.?
Biddle is doing his part as president of Yesterday?s Negro Leagues, and in his upcoming book, ?Secrets of the Negro Leagues,? he talks about such issues, including the little-known fact that the term ?Negro Leagues? was never copyrighted.
?This is great what (Burr Oak) has started, and I hope it continues on,? Biddle said. ?I?m hoping the Negro Leagues will never be forgotten.?
Washington, a Marine war hero with two Purple Hearts and a Silver Star, talked at the dedication about the realities of being a baseball player at a time when society was segregated. At one point in his playing days, ?I wanted to come home (because of the racial climate), but my dad told me, ?It?s not gonna last forever. Things?ll change.? And it did change.
?I felt the change not from the players first, but from the fans. The fans turned the players toward us. You?d hit a home run, going around the bases; instead of being called the ?N? word, the fans were cheering you. I knew the end of the hard days was near.? Burr Oak and its parent company, Perpetua Inc., organized the Sunday ceremony and pitched in by donating labor, the granite monuments that hold the players? plaques and a companion headstone for Crutchfield?s wife, Julia, who is buried next to him. The cemetery ? also home to African-American luminaries like Dinah Washington, Willie Dixon, Chicago Defender founder Robert S. Abbott and civil rights icon Emmett Till ? will further recognize the former ballplayers in its Emmett Till Historical Museum and Mausoleum, for which the cemetery will break ground next year.
?We have so much history here, and we want to highlight all the prominent African-Americans buried at the cemetery. We?re very excited about it,? said Carolyn Towns, the director of operations for Burr Oak.
The cemetery also recently learned there are nearly 20 former Negro Leaguers buried on its grounds (see list below), eight of whom are still in unmarked graves. But Krock and the cemetery are working to raise funds to install markers on those graves as well, Towns said.
?We?ve got eight more (gravesites) that we know of, and I?d like to continue until we have all eight taken care of,? Krock said. ?We?re working to preserve the rich history of Negro League baseball.?

(And lets Not Forget those Members of the League that were from Cuba!)
* Want to visit? Burr Oak Cemetery, 4400 West 127th Street, Alsip, Ill., (708) 239-0521
* For more information on Crutchfield, Donaldson, Taylor and the many other Negro League players, check out the pages on this website or others like (the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum), or (the Negro Leagues Baseball Players Association), or the book ?Biographical Encyclopedia of the Negro Baseball Leagues? by James A. Riley.
* The players buried at Burr Oak: Daniel Gardner Burley William McKinley Cornelius Jimmie Crutchfield Roosevelt Davis Elwood ?Bingo? DeMoss John Donaldson Robert Garrett Paul J. Hardy William J. Marshall James McCurine Jr. Guy Ousley John Phillips Clarence Powell Othello L. Strong James ?Candy Jim? Taylor Theodore Trent Armand C. Tyson

A quick bio on Dan Burley - the man who was the King of Sugar Hill in NYC, and created the Hiphop Music Age and is the father of RAP!

Burley, Daniel G. - 1907-1962. Born in Lexington. Famous for his column "Everybody Goes When the Wagon Comes"; editor of several newspapers. Burley was also a disc jockey at WWRL and WLIB. He was a composer and authored Dan Burley's Original Handbook of Harlem Jive (published in 1945) and edited the South Side Civic Telegram newspaper in 1932. For more see Dictionary of Literary Biography, v. 241: American Sportswriters and Writers on Sport, ed. by R. Orodenker.
Dan Burley was the orginal creator of Jet Magazine, a copy of the orginal his daughter has a copy of still to this day with many of his friends around who recall him making the publication back in NYC while he was still the managing editor of the Amstradam News, and whereby he took his orginal publication to Johnson Publishing Co to get publish, something happened, my mother had gotten real mad, reported D'Anne is daughter, because at the time they were moving to Chicago because of the magazine. The orgainal date was 1951 one year before D'Anne was born. Milton Hinton, Lionel Hampton and other musicans and writers knew about this and some are still working for Jet Magazine in Chicago. Because of this alleged Issue of the fact that Dan Burley was indeed to orgainator of this publication Johnson made Dan managing editor, but later had him train his son and then removed Dan, the story was very much a nightmare for Dan, and his family. A woman who was the first black to sing in Carnigee Hall, proforming the National Athem. His friends were Walter Winchell, Duke Ellington, Hubie Blake, Lionel Hampton, Adam Clayton Power, many, many stars and artist within that time he was a music man, journalist who took the first Black USO Tour overseas during WWII, and was involved in starting many politcal figures careers of today.

Dan Burley's History

Big Stars Lined Up

For the Midnite Apollo Showing:

The ninth annual Amsterdam News

Welfare Fund Midnight Benefit Show, Friday, Dec. 14 (tonight) will probably go down on the record as the greatest assemblage of varied theatrical nightlife and musical stars ever gotten together for a single event. The public knows that the purpose of the benefit is most worthy--the aiding of the needy, unfortunate and destitute of New York as well as contributions to charitable institutions that need assistance. That is the reason why this year's show will be so great because so many of the performers who will come to the Apollo Theatre to put on their act know that Harlem needs help now more than ever. They want to see something done about it and are coming up to do their part. Heading the long list of stars assembled under the direction of Dan Burley and his committee are Martha Raye,
headliner at Nicky Blair's Carnival Club and famous movie actress; the entire Cafe Zanzibar show with Cootie Williams, the Ink Spots, Ella Fitzgerald, Maurice Rocco, demon pianist, Coke and Poke, Ralph Brown, Howell and Bowser, Peewee Marquette, and Ray Sneed; Erskine Hawkins and his band with Dolores Brown and Jimmy Mitchell; Andy Kirk and his Club Sudan orch. With Beverly White and Floyd Smith; Louis Jordan's tympany band now in the second week at the Apollo; Noro Morales, the rhumba King and his great Copacabana orch.; Lew Parker, June Richmond, Bunny Briggs and others from "Are You With It?" and Thelma Carpenter, singing star of the Eddie Cantor show. Also Timmie Rogers, comedy sensation; Gordon Heath, star of "Deep Are the Roots"; Juan Hernandez, star of "Strange Fruit"; Molly Picon, comedienne; Conway and Parks; Stump and Stumpy; Pigmeat Markham.

The article goes on to name dozens more who will appear.


Overseas to Perform before the Negro Soldiers
Hailed as "Number 2" in Performance to Bob Hopes

A Major Honor will be bestow on Dan Burley and others "AND I WAS THERE! THANK YOU MUCH!

On Saturday at 3:30pm a special Grave Marker will be placed on the grave site of Dan Burley, author, civil rights Activist, Musican and Sport Writer for his work relating to the Negro Leagues, I was sent this invitation via e-mail read on: ( I got to give a speech it was great, and I did this right after being in the Hospital but it was well worth the risk!)
The Negro League Committee of the Society of American Baseball Research is meeting in Chicago this weekend. Besides the lectures planned, there will be a trip to the Chicago Burr Oak Cemetery on Saturday to honor Negro League players and figures that are buried there. Mr. Burley is to be recognized at > this time for his contributions to the game and its players. In addition I had raised funds to dedicate grave markers for him and seven baseball players > in the cemetery, with your permission. The ceremony is at 3:30 PM. You are invited to attend.

Please note:
This is indeed a honor and I would like to thank those involved within the organization that are doing this.
With Respect, D'Anne Burley - Daughter of Dan Burley - Hub of the Black Press 1930's 1962




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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the lead federal agency for protecting the health of Americans at home and abroad, has studied insect transmission of HIV and found no evidence even in areas where many people have AIDS and large mosquito populations exist. The amounts of blood involved in a mosquito bite are too small. The HIV virus, moreover, is too weak to survive long in a mosquito.
"The overwhelming scientific evidence is that HIV is fragile and highly susceptible to physical and chemical agents and therefore does not survive well outside the human body," says the CDC.
(Answered by April Holladay, science correspondent, October 24, 2001)
LIES UPON LIES! By D'Anne Burley
While working within a World renown Bio Lab, as Assistant Editor for a while, it was a fact that the AIDS virus stayed alive on toilets and other areas outside the body for nearly 9 days which while then can spread to others!. It was also reported my others within research of this disease that it could be spread by insects so why is this? Is it not a fact that they are telling us these things to hide the fact that the more medicine they sell the more money doctors, corporations and healthcare providers make? It's not a issue of these people looking for the cure, but instead to create more and more "BAD" medicine which can cause you to continue to take Drugs for their own ill gotten gain?

The disease was manufactured, and became real after the Boy the in Bubble Case of the 70's. His blood would not clot, and he would develop diseases fast due to a weaken amunity system. The cure, was being developed by the French, at the time the Reiss Monkey was not available to aid within this research so in it's stead they began to use the Green Monley, which did not have the same genetical reference to man. You see RH factor in your blood equals Rheis Monkey Strain, a link some of us have to monkeys and the tie is from the Rhiess to man, and not within other species.
At the time, the strain of the disease they use and the genetics of the Green Monkey caused a monkey pox strain to become introduced into man, and the disease caused many to have this, which would move from one person to another because it was a mutation of a man/monkey disease and or virus.
The break down , as in many diseases is caused by the body not fighting off virus due to the starvation of our bodies systems.


I, Dr. Phillip C. Ofume state the following without prejudice on behalf my NGOs:
1. My NGOs and I have been sending non-secret policy information to leaders across the world. For this reason, our telephone, fax and internet were disconnected by ALIANT/MTT. These companies have ikmposed over-billing rate of over 5000-6000% on us. We persisted in paying and between Feb 2004 and April 1, 2005 we maintained over-payment of $927.07. On April 7, 2005 all our services were disconnected without reason.
2. I have tried to use public library to open up contact with the President of America but that the sanctions which were imposed on us at our private location were re-imposed at the Canadian library. We have been sanctioned 100% as to right to freedom of _expression and voice out our pains.
3. We have issued notice to the PM of Canada without response.
4. We have written to the UN and leaders across the world to advice the PM of Canada to reconnect our services or allow us to use public library. PM of Canada was copied.
5. We request all supporters for human rights to advice the PM of Canada.
Phillip Ofume, Ph.D.
Chair, Notional & International Policy Research Council and Head, Law Reform and Litigation Council
P. O. Box 25153 Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada B3M 4H4 Phone: (902) 832-3559 Fax: (902) 832-3558

Attempt on Dr. Ofime's Life and that of his family! Again this is how they stop you and he is attempting to get help for the people in Africa please go to his complaint filed in Canada about Discrimination and Attempt of Murder!

Dr. Ofume's Attempt of Murder Complaint Files in Canada - IS THERE JUSTICE FOR BLACKS ANYWHERE?
'Boy in the Bubble' Doctor is ENMU Grad Story and photo by Carolyn Edwards Communication Services

PORTALES ? One of the attending doctors to the "Boy in the Bubble" is an Eastern New Mexico University graduate who has now retired in Portales.
Dr. Mary Ann South: Bubble Boy Doctor
Even as a teenager, Mary Ann South knew she wanted to be a doctor. "At age 12, I read 'Disputed Passage,' a romantic novel by Lloyd C. Douglas," she said. "It was about a woman doctor. I thought that if girls could be doctors, I'd like to be one. Then I read Douglas's next book, 'Magnificent Obsession,' and one of the characters was a woman doctor, so I decided to be one."
Dr. South graduated from Portales High School and attended Baylor University for two years. "Then I returned to Portales and enrolled at ENMU, where I had a full scholarship as a veteran's orphan," Dr. South explained. "The science department was small and very limited, but I could take all my pre-med requirements."
She graduated from Eastern in 1955 with a bachelor's degree in chemistry."
She fondly remembers Bartlett Dewey, Oscar Hofstad, Richard Stroup and Ernest Propes as her chemistry, biology, physics and math professors. "They paid individual attention to the students, and they taught what we needed to know," Dr. South noted. "Another professor whose class I enjoyed was Dr. Hermann Decker. He taught humanities, which was a required course for everyone."
Dr. South went back to Texas and earned her medical degree in 1959 from the Baylor University College of Medicine in Houston. After completing her internship and pediatric residency requirements, Dr. South received a two-year fellowship at Baylor to study pediatric infectious diseases with Dr. Martha Yow and then another two-year fellowship at the University of Minnesota to study pediatric immunology. These two areas of study laid the base for Dr. South's distinguished medical career. Her mentor in immunology was the late Dr. Robert A. Good, who subsequently did the first successful non-twin human bone marrow transplant.
"Immunology was a new field in the 1960s," Dr. South noted. "While I was an assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics at Baylor, we saw a flood of babies with severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) who were suffering and dying from opportunistic infections."
One particular case at Texas Children's Hospital drew national attention to Dr. South and her two partners. In 1971, Dr. South was a member of the medical team that delivered a baby boy named David straight from the womb into a germ-free environment. "At least 100 staff members were involved in his early care," Dr. South noted. "David quickly became known as the 'boy in the bubble,' a designation invented by the press.
David's brother had died at seven months of age from an opportunistic infection, because he had x-linked SCID, diagnosed only after the infection was too far advanced to save him with a bone marrow transplant. So when David was conceived we knew he was at risk and we delivered him by Caesarean section into an isolator. David proved to have SCID and he lived in the isolator until he was 12 yeas old. He died following a failed bone marrow transplant.
One made-for-television movie, "The Boy in the Plastic Bubble," starring John Travolta, was released in 1976. "I was really surprised at how that movie oriented people," Dr. South remarked. "People remember that, although they don't remember the extensive press coverage of the real David in newspapers, magazines and medical journals."
Another movie, "Bubble Boy," a Disney farce, was released in 2001. "That movie also portrayed an isolated boy in his late teens," she said. "In both movies, the boy is shown as longing to escape his isolation. Actually, David refrained from leaving the isolator because he knew what the germs could do to him, although he could have gone out anytime he wanted. He was at home in his own family's house or in the Texas Children's Hospital's General Clinical Research Center (GCRC)."
Dr. South moved from Houston to Philadelphia when David was one and a half years old. She was an associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania and director of Pediatric Immunology at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. She also served on the National Advisory Committee of the GCRC program at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland.
"I could tell I often was type-cast as the doctor who was involved with the 'Boy in a Bubble' stories." She still speaks to biology classes at ENMU at least once or twice each year, and continues to tell the real story of the Bubble Baby.
Dr. South returned to the High Plains area where she was a professor and chair of the Department of Pediatrics at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. She also was a research professor and chief of the Division of Immunology in the Department of Pediatrics at Texas Tech. Then she served for three years at NIH and went from there to Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tenn.
Over the years, Dr. South taught and lectured at a number of other colleges, universities and medical schools including: The University of New Mexico, Gallaudet College for the Deaf, located in Washington, D.C., and Vanderbilt University in Nashville.
While at Meharry Medical College, she was named the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics. She was the leader for the Clinical Trials Program of the Minority AIDS Research Consortium involving eight historically black graduate colleges in the health sciences. She also was the principal investigator for the Meharry/Vanderbilt AIDS Clinical Trials Unit in a Minority Institution.
After many years of teaching, research and patient care, Dr. South retired in 1998 and returned to Portales. "It was a haven for me," Dr. South stated. "My family, old friends from high school and college came to see me ? what a great welcome home."
Dr. South built a comfortable home on the site where her family home stood. She explained the house was built to resemble a Navajo hogan. Guests can admire pottery, paintings and weavings that she has collected.
Family photographs are arranged above a four-foot-tall, full bookshelf that lines one side of a wide, sunny hallway. Her pride in her heritage shows as she recounts stories about the various family members displayed.

HIV/AID IN AFRICA - What We Are Not Being Told!

By D'Anne Burley There is a nightmare, within the medical community today and it seems to be targeting Blacks all over the world. The nightmare, comes from multant strains of diseases that are genetically match to Black DNA!

There were articles written by Larry Wayne Harris,

a reported scientist who sought to get out information on levels of bio terrorism which was to used against people within the US, within his report he wrote about diseases created to match the genes of Blacks, to both target them and to kill them. It was stated within his articles that these disease would nto affect whites and if a white people mixed with a black it would effect the black only. It was a strain of HIV. Mr. Harris was arrested twice during the time before Sept 11th 2001, in the year 1998, in Nevada, with tubes of Plague in his car. The US Justice Department Arrested heim but later freed him. Why? and again he was not lying he was on target!
Sun Las Vegas News - Larry Wayne Harris Arrested SUN Profile: Harris' troubled past includes mail fraud, white supremacy February 23, 1998 at 10:14:35 PST Larry Wayne Harris Name: Larry Wayne Harris Age: 45 Occupation: microbiologist Resident: Lancaster, Ohio Book: "Bacteriological Warfare - Major Threat to North America" The Klanwatch project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors extremist groups, contends the book amounts to manual for biological terrorism. At the time, Harris denied the accusation, saying, "I am a scientist. I am absolutely of no harm to anyone. I never, never intended to hurt anyone." Cassettes: "Germ Warfare In U.S.?" and "Larry Harris, An Attempt On His Life." Previous charge: In 1995, was arrested in Ohio with three vials of bubonic plague toxins in the glove compartment of his car. He pleaded guilty to mail fraud for using his company's letterhead to order the germs from a biological supply house in Maryland and was put on 18 months probation. At the time, Harris said he never intended to hurt anybody, that he wanted the bacteria for research on his book. Aryan Nation ties: According to the FBI, Harris claimed to be a lieutenant colonel in the Idaho-based white supremacist group Aryan Nations. The group's leader, Richard Butler, at first denied a connection, then said Harris was a member from the early 1990s until 1995. Previous history: Interviewed in 1997 for a never-aired TV documentary by investigative journalist James Neff, Harris told of obtaining anthrax spores by sinking a long metal probe into a 20-year-old burial site for cows infected with the disease. Harris claimed he successfully cultured the spores in his lab. Asked if he actually possessed anthrax, he simply smiled, said Neff, now an Ohio State University journalism professor who worked on the documentary with Oregon Public Broadcasting. According to Neff, Harris described how someone could create a deadly broth from the anthrax culture, put it in a pressurized paint sprayer and then spread the deadly germs from a low-flying airplane -- killing at least 100,000 people and still be undetectable. "No smell, no taste, no kaboom," Neff quoted Harris as saying. Harris has said he wants to raise Americans' consciousness about the possibility of a biological attack. In one interview, he said conversations with a graduate student from Iraq sensitized him to the threat of bio-terrorism from that country.
On a shortwave radio program in 1996, Harris said he worked for the CIA from 1985 to 1990, training Iraqi scientists in biological warfare, The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer reported today.
"I was actively involved in training Iraqi microbiologists on how to conduct biological warfare," Harris said on "The Intelligence Report," produced by militia-linked Wolverine Productions of Ann Arbor, Mich. "We provided the weapons for them. We trained them."
Harris said the plan was for Iraq, then a U.S. ally, to use the materials against Iran.
Level10s Sites Directory Project - Level10s is a directory of websites ranked by quality.

By Larry Henry LAS VEGAS SUN
Larry Wayne Harris, who was arrested in Henderson this week after supposedly carrying enough deadly anthrax germ to "wipe out" Las Vegas, has a troubled history with fatal biological material.
Harris also is aligned with a racist, anti-semitic movement that refers to Jews as the "children of Satan" and blacks as "subhuman mud people."
A registered microbiologist who holds art degrees from Ashland University and Ohio State University, Harris, 46, who was born in Richlands, Va., was thrust into national notoriety in 1995.
In May of that year, he was arrested at his Lancaster, Ohio, home with three vials of freeze-dried yersinia pestis, an organism that causes bubonic plague.
The bubonic plague killed one-fourth of Europe in the 1300s but now can be treated with antibodies.
Harris' samples, which were inert, were in the glove compartment of his Subaru. None of the vials had been opened.
Harris reportedly paid $240 for the samples and received them via Federal Express from American Type Culture Collection, a lab in Rockville, Md.
Harris allegedly told scientists in Maryland that the samples were for his own lab, which he said had approval from Ohio authorities, and was called Small Animal Microbiology Laboratory.
However, Ohio law enforcement officials discovered that Harris did not have a lab license, and he was arrested
Read this online Book:
Larry Wayne Harris Online Book

LAS VEGAS (CNN) -- Federal charges against two men arrested last week for possessing biological agents for use as a weapon were dropped Monday because the materials were found to be non-lethal.
But Larry Wayne Harris remained in jail because of a probation violation related to last week's arrest.
Harris, 46, is a microbiologist and a self-avowed white separatist who has written and spoken widely on the dangers of germ warfare. He and Nevada businessman William Leavitt Jr., 47, were arrested last Wednesday night on charges of possessing anthrax and conspiring to use it as a weapon.
FBI tests on the vials taken from the two men later showed the materials were only strong enough to be used in vaccinations.
Harris -- wearing a blue jail uniform and with his feet shackled -- appeared before U.S. Magistrate Roger Hunt in a Las Vegas courtroom Monday.
Hunt said the charges against Harris and Leavitt were dismissed, but added that Harris still faced the probation violation charge and would remain in custody.
Attorney Kirby Wells -- who represents Leavitt -- said the U.S. Attorney's Office in Las Vegas agreed to withdraw the two counts against Leavitt because the vials taken from a car Leavitt was using turned out to be a non-lethal anthrax vaccine.
"It is over, it is done. I want to get on with my life," Leavitt said at a news conference, adding he didn't plan any legal action against the government over the incident.
Harris was on probation for a 1995 fraud conviction in obtaining bubonic plague bacteria by mail.

Testing on biological material seized from Harris' home in Lancaster, Ohio, was completed Monday and determined Harris had non-lethal anthrax samples, FBI agent Ed Boldt said. Linda Phipps, with the U.S. Attorney's office in Columbus, Ohio, said Harris could face five years in prison for violating his probation by:
* Experimenting with or possessing bacteria. * Falsely claiming to have worked for the CIA.
* Making threatening statements in Nevada regarding anthrax, a deadly bacteria when inhaled. Leavitt Leavitt was released on Saturday

Terms of Harris' probation barred him from "conducting any experiments with or obtaining any infectious diseases, bacteria or germs, except at approved laboratories in conjunction with verified employment," according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney's office in Columbus.
An informant, Ronald Rockwell, has said he turned in Leavitt and Harris last week after Leavitt claimed to possess the deadly anthrax bacteria. Leavitt's attorneys say Rockwell is a con artist who double-crossed the two men when a deal to buy an unorthodox disease-killing machine from Rockwell for $2 million went sour.

All Rights and materal herein authored by BDS Production, Backdoor Stuff News, The D'Anne Burley Show, and all other programs developed within the broadcast of "Radal International Internet Radio Network are reserved by it's owner D'Anne Burley, and those within her family owned business. Any and all information reproduced, used, and copied are the subject under the laws of Copywrite. Those who are seeking to use the material herein must contact: Ms. Burley by sending a e-mail, letter and calling her at: D'Anne Burley P.O. Box 13019, Chicago, Illinois 60613, E-mail or call us at 630-918-6967 for more information. Copies of the braidcast are available for sale at a charge of $25.00 per tape for the radio and television programs. Copywrite date January 1, 2005.

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Posted by biz7/radal at 11:20 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 21 July 2005 2:52 AM CDT
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