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ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI, Links to Terror « previous | index | next »
Maussoui a boy without a chance 
Here is the story many people will not read, the story of a young boy grewing up in france and hit my racism and hatred.... This story is one that many people of other races can relate to because it is happening today in America whereby Black young are the corner stone of racism while growing up and face a life of being alone and mistreated as criminals because of their color of there skin, until we are a people realize that we are the cause of much of what happens within society by making people feel indifferent then young man like Mauossoui will grow in numbers not because they are born haters and terrorist, but we are thair creators. The brother of Zacarias Moussoaoui writes about "My Brother Zac" in Saturday's Guardian. Abd Samad Moussaoui describes a childhood "beset by racism in France and the indoctrination he believes his brother received in London, which drove him into the arms of al-Qaida."