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John O'Neill Victim WTC History
John O'Neill Victim WTC History
Here are factors that you may not know about the 30 yr old vet of the FBI who was killed in the WTC after a series of events that showed a tie to Bin Laden, his family in Boston, and those who laid off the financial arena for the terrorist attack to take place here in America.
a Letter to the then Vice President about the Death of Vet. Maes and Apache and Patriot Seeking to work so move up in life, instead he is murdered! Outrageous!
a Letter to the then Vice President about the Death of Vet. Maes and Apache and Patriot Seeking to work so move up in life, instead he is murdered! Outrageous!  
Vice President George Bush White House Washington, DC Re: your offices letter of June 20, 1985 Dear Mr Vice President: It gives me sadness to report a few months ago one of the United States Vietnam Veterans employed by King Fahd’s nephews died of his torture wounds suffered in Saudi Arabia. As a Native American of Apache ancestry Jim Maes fought with distinction in Vietnam. He believed in the Freedoms our country stands for and was willing to put his life on the line for our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Jim believed he could better support this family by leaving the depressed Southwest and going to Saudi Arabia. He was a cautious man. Jim checked out things with the State Department personally and through his Republican Senator Harrison Schmitt. Jim was tortured by King Fahd’s nephews just to make an example for other employees (“If I can do this to an American we can do it to you.”). When Jim went to the United States Dhahran Consulate for safety he was denied entry by the Marine who said he was under orders to keep out United States citizens seeking such help. After Jim succeeded in returning to the United States he suffered from severe depression from being let down by his Government he fought so gallantly for in Vietnam. In depression and pain, he found it difficult finding permanent work. He died, his wife pregnant with their fifth child and no means of support. She and the children live in a trailer eking out a meager existence. There has already been an Albuquerque Journal five page Sunday supplement cover story written about Jim’s plight. Jim is just one of several United States employees tortured by King Fahd’s nephews, all in a similar officially condoned pattern. The others are not far behind Jim. I attended the World Court School of International Law and am somewhat familiar with sovereign law. Torture and enslavement of United States citizens cannot be considered part of “private contractual agreements”. These problems are HUMAN RIGHTS problems. I think it would be timely to talk with anyone on your staff about, what I consider a serious problem. I am sorry I did not get a chance to say hello to you at the Bayou Club while I was with my wife (Camilla Blaffer). Cordially, Herbert K Mallard 2113 Bellmead Houston, TX 77019

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