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Dan Burley Timeline of Events which impacted on his death
Dan Burley Timeline of Events which impacted on his death
Because of the events that lead me to my father grave, on June 18th., 2005. I stated looking into things more and more about the time of his death because he was in fact still a young man and it seemed strange to me his untimely death. And more important, at the time there were major investigation launched out of the FBI seeking information on blacks who were moving ahead too quickly. So were people within the Black Islamic movement whereby there were people sent in you looked Black but they were indeed included in on the watch against their own people. Many are still around and many ended up heading many of these groups as a cover for a government control operation. Indeed I was aware of this, made aware by my father and mother, and then later my those who were inside and knew that there telephone lines were being tapped and they were being watched and placed in things that caused them later to be controlled by the government. This was the way of those within the FBI, that felt that Blacks were moving up and needed to be stopped, as I had started within other areas of my website, they watched and made it clear that we were not going anywhere. those within the Black Nation of Islam headed up this list because they were too unvolved with the movement and pose a threat to this mentality. A hatred of minorities coming right out of the government. Designed to keep them in there place. The reason why the so-called cases came up with McCarty was due I felt to the fact that many Blacks including my father and others in NYC and other areas were now moving in circles with wealthly whites and those within the entertainment industry. It became apparent this was what was to be called "Communist Movement, you see people like Lucy Ball, Tutullah Bankhead, Martha Raye, Eddie Cantor, Milton Berle, ORson Wells, Walter Winchell, Jack Benny, The Orginal Rat Pack, which included Humphery Bogart, Lauren McCall, Kathleen Hepburn, and Lloyd Bridges others stepped over the race lines. It was a area where the talented then, included all but it was within the backdoors and Harlem. Indeed Blacks had to go in and out of back kitchens to perform, and were not being paid well, nor were allowed to sit in many of the night clubs as today. They were allowed in but at the same thing not allowed the right of the basic freedoms which we take so lightly today here in the United States. Out of this racism coming out of those who controlled the political flow. Many tied to their states and the KKK others not knowing anything else other than what travel through their vains as their rights and freedom to oppress others, This was America, then. The Blacks in the Military was far worse, and to think many brave men who were black had to fight within a war to make sure our nation and those of others were protected but again within its own base, the branches of the military racism was alive. Black soldiers were not allowed to eat, speak to, and or sleep in any area mear blacks,they were off limits, this racism is hardlly spoken of, but I had a chance to talk to some of them and it was indeed outrageous what happen to them inside our military, and much of the same at a lower level is still going on within today. But we are told to fight within a country which is not giving us all are rights and freedoms. As we are not given the same right to this day within the court system . This is the way and unless we see are evil ways and fix them America is just a paper giant without any real truths just myths that have now caught up with us. By D'Anne Burley About the time line of Dan Burley going back to 1959 and to his death in 1962
Did Malcolm open up a new can of worms by connecting Black Muslims to the Middle East
Did Malcolm open up a new can of worms by connecting Black Muslims to the Middle East  
The Establishment of the teaching of the Quaran, but what of the Sarah? Are they involved in the Shar'ia Board the place where the Sheik's sit and are speak about the "Law" to the hands of "God" the truth instrument of the law? I asked back in 2002 about this and it was interesting the response. Since the time of the Prophet Mohammed, Muslims have tried to conduct their financial and commercial affairs in a way that complies with Sharia'a, this is derived from the following sources:- * The Holy Quran * Sunna/Hadiths - the examples and saying of the Holy Prophet * Qiyas - an analytical comparison * Ijtehad - reasoning and logic applied by scholars * Ijmaa - a consensus on issues requiring Ijtehad Islam encourages Muslims to participate in religious activities, and it follows that the Islamic economic system is based on religious goals and values such as:- * Abolition of interest (riba) * Economic prosperity within the framework of the moral norms of Islam * Universal brotherhood and justice * Desirability of economic enterprise Over the last fourteen centuries banking and finance have developed dramatically and various scholars have endeavoured to explain how, in practice, finance and business should be undertaken in accordance with the Islamic faith. The 'modern era' of Islamic banking began in the 1960's with the foundation of the pioneering 'social bank' in Egypt. Since then, over 150 Islamic banks and institutions have been set up in more than 50 countries. Pakistan, Iran and Sudan have actually taken steps to Islamicise their whole banking industry, with an aim to demolish the forbidden riba (interest) entirely. It is estimated that the Islamic banking industry is currently worth approximately US$100 billion. In a period of a little over 30 years, this represents a rapid growth. However, much effort is still required to research and provide Sharia'a compliant financial services for Muslims, especially at the retail/consumer level - which is what we are aiming to achieve by providing a service such as Manzil.

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