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Are Your Children Safe? Abduction of America's Children into Sex Slave Rings and Breeding houses facts you need to know!
Are Your Children Safe? Abduction of America's Children into Sex Slave Rings and Breeding houses facts you need to know!
Are Your Children Safe? The Abduction of America's Children off the Streets and right out of our homes by Saudi's and other bands of Child Slavery Rings? Please Read this one it will awaken you...... NOTE: ON THE D"ANNE BURLEY ON TRUTHRADIO.COM ON MONDAY"S PROGRAM WE WILL BE FEATURING HERB MALLAD WHO IS AN EXPERT ON THESE RINGS AND WHAT THEN HAPPENS TO THE CHILDREN.... Please read this story to understand the nightmare which is not being addressed by our government, the bridery and corruption with prior knowledge.... Jewish World Review June 30, 2003 / 30 Sivan, 5763 Joel Mowbray JWR's Pundits World Editorial Cartoon Showcase Mallard Fillmore Michael Barone Mona Charen Linda Chavez Ann Coulter Greg Crosby Larry Elder Don Feder Suzanne Fields James Glassman Paul Greenberg Bob Greene Betsy Hart Nat Hentoff David Horowitz Marianne Jennings Michael Kelly Mort Kondracke Ch. Krauthammer Lawrence Kudlow Dr. Laura John Leo Michelle Malkin Jackie Mason Chris Matthews Michael Medved MUGGER Kathleen Parker Wes Pruden Sam Schulman Amity Shlaes Roger Simon Tony Snow Thomas Sowell Cal Thomas Jonathan S. Tobin Ben Wattenberg George Will Bruce Williams Walter Williams Mort Zuckerman Consumer Reports Bad Day for the House of Saud | It was no wonder that Saudi Arabia's slick spokesman Adel al-Jubeir was racing around Capitol Hill on Thursday: two hearings were held simultaneously that afternoon on Saudi Arabia, one on child abductions, the other on how the Saudis bankroll terrorism. The child abduction hearing couldn't have been more timely given the intense news coverage of the past week of Sara Saga. Sara is a 24-year-old mother of two who had spent just over a week holed up in the U.S. consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia with her children. She escaped from her abusive Saudi husband, and she tried to get her children out of the desert prison, receiving powerful media assistance from the Wall Street Journal and Fox News. Sara, who was kidnapped to the Kingdom when she was six years old, didn't want her children to grow up under a despotic regime as she had been forced to. But her dream of freedom for her children was sadly not realized. Two days before the hearings, Sara arrived in the United States— but without her children. State Department officials in Jeddah— the Saudis' greatest friends— allowed a Saudi goon squad to enter the U.S. consulate and bamboozle the terrified young mother into signing an "agreement" whereby she essentially forfeited her parental rights. Even though within hours Sara, upon realizing what she had done, wanted to take back what had happened, the fate of five-year-old Ibrahim and three-year-old Hanin had been sealed. Unless Sara's children fare better than the dozens— or more— of other American children held hostage in the Kingdom, they will remain trapped there for years. Although Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar— the best friend the State Department, and thus the House of Saud, has in the Senate— tried to downplay the significance of Saudi Arabia in child abduction cases, it was clear to the standing-room-only audience that the hearing was very much about our so-called ally. The first witness before the committee was actually a fellow Senator, Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), who testified about the plight of her constituent, Margaret McClain. Margaret's daughter, Heidi, was kidnapped by her Saudi father in August 1997— with the apparent help of the Saudi embassy. With Heidi, who turns eleven on July 10, almost of marrying age— some kidnapped American girls have been married off in the Kingdom at age twelve— Margaret is desperate. Her visit to see her daughter— which didn't happen until July 2002, after nearly five years had passed— was disastrous. Margaret's scheduled five-day visit with Heidi was reduced to three hours— at a McDonald's. Her second visit this year went somewhat better, but Heidi's prospects of reaching freedom don't seem to have improved. After Sen. Lincoln finished, assistant secretary of state for Consular Affairs Maura Harty, whose agency is responsible for handling abduction cases, testified that her office was doing all that it could to help the children. But even though the Saudis received mild criticism from her, the House of Saud has never been pressured by Harty to return the kidnapped American kids. Although State might not be taking the Saudi royal family to task, Senators Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) certainly are. Holding a hearing one floor above the session on child abductions, Kyl and Schumer explored the tangled web of Saudi funding for Islamic terrorism. For the Saudis, it was devastating. Despite protests from Saudi-defenders at State and "unnamed" administration officials that the Saudis are helping in the War on Terror, a high-ranking FBI official plainly disagreed. In testimony that could only be considered damaging for the House of Saud, the FBI's assistant director for Counterterrorism called Saudi Arabia the "epicenter" of terror funding. When asked if that included al Qaeda, he said, "Yes." No amount of money can conceal an increasingly— glaringly— obvious reality: the Saudis are not our friends. They not only fund groups who aim to kill us, but they directly imprison Americans, preventing them from leaving the Kingdom. The sooner Americans see past the Saudi spin machine, the sooner the Saudi jig will be up. Hopefully for ten-year-old Heidi, five-year-old Ibrahim, three-year-old Hanin— and all the other American children trapped in the desert prison— the truth will set them free.
Saudi's Royals to be Sacrificed Soon by voxfux The signs are unmistakable - The Saudi royals have outlived their usefulness and will soon be sacrificed at the alter of commodity. It is commodity which has ruled every single geostrategic power shift in modern history, not morals. And it will be commodity this time as well which dictates that our “friends” in Saudi Arabia are about to get the US “Knife in the back.” (Couldn’t happen to more deserving folks - They represent one of the most repressive governments on earth.) But the lie that will told to the American sheep to get them “Baaaing” and corralled into a pen of fear will be the classic textbook methodology of mass American population mind control - The Child. The first hints of the waves to come appeared several months back - Unsubstantiated rumors of child sex slaves in Saudi Arabia started popping up all over the Internet. Mainstream media started broadcasting many pieces on the Saudi Royals, nearly all negative. With awareness building, the American people were ready for the next level. - Child Abduction Well that’s it for the Saudi Royals, for sure - As soon as the powers that be whip out the time honored, “Child Abduction,” bit - It’s curtains for you. Bush senior used the same potent control technique - the semotics of child suffering -12 years ago to trick the American people into supporting his first oil war on Iraq. Giant P.R. firm, Hill and Knowlton was brought in to script the now infamous and completely proven fraudulent, “Babies ripped from incubators,” hoax which swept through the media and took the American psyche with it. all but single handedly stoked the American people into the war frenzy that ensued. When a tearful Kuwaiti girl (who turned out to be none other than the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter.) testified (lied) during a carefully orchestrated congressional hearing - That was all the American population needed to see (over and over again on CNN and every other government propaganda channel) to whip them into a war frenzy. It doesn’t matter that years later it was all revealed to be a hoax - The major media didn’t have time in their schedules to bother to inform us of that fact. And so the principle reasons that we keep on going to war, year after year, prove one by one to be fraudulent reasons. Yet, year after year, these fraudulent news items, each more brazen and bold than the last, are like mind control bombs - Fear bombs designed to keep us like sheep - obedient and under tight control. So now the new reason for the continuance for the bogus war on terror is to “Save the Child.” But these same child abduction cases existed all the while our former President George Bush (the father) used his position as ex-president to cash in big time with the Saudis. Where was the child issue then? Bad luck for any American parent who had a child abducted by a Saudi and approached the US government for help during this period of Bush feeding - While Bush was busy over there, selling out US security and sovereignty to the highest bidder (or as is the case of the Saudi royals - the lowest bidder) the US government would simply refuse to even hear any child case involving Saudi Arabia. It’s no secret that our former president George Bush Sr, was a guest at the Bin Laden’s luxury palace in Saudi Arabia - and many other of the Saudi royal’s palaces. During his frequent visits, to the kingdom while engorging on each and every shady military, arms and oil deal he could get his fingers around - The child issue wasn't even on their radar. There have for many years been stories circulating regarding a certain Saudi propensity towards collecting specimens of children for use as child sex slaves in elaborate child brothels within the walls of the many royal palaces - Child sex slaves selected from all the corners of the earth to serve the desires of the royals and a selected few VIP, dignitaries, heads of state and former Presidents. The stories bore the hallmark of a psyop masking and discrediting campaign. The stories were designed to look explicitly NON-Credible by appearing so blatantly authored by a “dissident” group and made to look overtly fraudulent. This is called the masking technique. (A common intelligence technique to discredit real yet damaging information by enveloping that damaging information within a cocoon of completely NON-CREDIBLE information, which has the effect on the propagandized subjects that all of the information including the damaging information becomes NON-credible - End of story) Any researcher looking into the story would find these few “Child Sex Slave” stories (reformatted to fit several different web sites) completely incredulous looking more like from a dissident group with an axe to grind than genuine news It is stories such as child sex brothels which are the easiest to deflect attention away from, with such scientific techniques of diversion, misinformation, disinformation, deception - all of which are the speciality of secret forms of organization. To believe these fantastic stories, for many, is too much to bear - too horrific - so the able propagandist easily exploits this by playing to the tendency in each of us to seek harmony. By simply playing to the default predisposition in most people - which is to believe everything is OK - ignorance - the propagandist's job is infinitely easier than the that person who must bring the dirty truth. But it’s becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the repetitive patterns permeating the highest levels of such ruling elite covert organizations. It is after all these same shadowy group of VIP’s, dignitaries, heads of states and future and former presidents who gather for weeks each year in Bohemian Grove and worship and perform rituals to a forty foot statue of the owl Moloch. Which, in Bohemian Grove illuminati symbolism, represents the god of ritual child sacrifice. (We don’t make this stuff up folks. Go see for yourself. In Google type: Bohemian Grove Moloch) Now that inside business dealings with the Saudi Royals by ex Presidents is a little touchy these days, they have decided to include in a media ritual sacrifice, this latest repressive yet profitable regime just like they dumped the last repressive yet profitable regime when it too became too hot to handle - Too “unprofitable.” From the Apocalypse vox VOX ACTION ITEM: American school children are now in desperate need of courses in their curriculum to assist them in "seeing through" the lifetime of media and government lies that they will be subjected to as they enter the "real" world. Courses in the workings of propaganda and how to spot it are now more necessary than mathematics because the indoctrination into a life wasted in an illusory government and corporate LieWorld is far worse than any other lack from any other course work these valuable lessons might supplant. 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