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Why should I hire Kali's Party Decorating??

Thank you for visiting my Party Decorating website... currently I am working on it, so please be patient and pardon the dust. :-) I am so glad you have found out about Kali's Party Decorating!!!!! I hope you choose to hire me!!!! Check back here to see the newest updates. While I'm working on getting up a form, you can email me. Please do come back soon! Thank you!! -Kali S. -- Party Consultant (April 26, 2005) NeWeSt ~ UpDaTeS: I found out how to do a form, but it's not what I was l was looking for, so I'm going to put up a 'feedback" button instead: the Form!!get this gear!
Please use it to tell me how and/or where you heard about my business, feel free to ask questions. NOTE: please do not use the form to hire me. My email address is listed below. OR you can be quicker with feedback of my business: a tagboard!!! Absolutely NO swearing, please!!!!!!
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