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Design + Development + Integration + Support

= Full Lifecycle Software Engineering

          In this day and age Software Engineers are practically a dime a dozen. So why choose Karl N. Redman of for your next software development project? Put simply, Karl brings to the table 9 years of full lifecycle software engineering experience. With projects ranging from Web Applications to the Financial and Telecommunications industries Karl has worked with some of this nation's leading companies.

Karl N. Redman has performed duties in all aspects of Software Development including:
Design -Figuring out how to take an idea from inception to reality. Generating Feasibility tests, Specifications, and prototypes; finding the "right tools for the job".

Development -Advancing an idea from specification to program code. Creating support tools and delivering a quality product on time.

Integration -Discovery of product to market techniques. Designing and developing tools for and in support of your product for manufacturers.

Quality Control & Quality Assurance -Application testing, bug reporting and product update techniques. Analysis of product support and developer communications.

Project Maintenance -Code Maintenance, Bug Fixes, Developer Scheduling, Project Scheduling, and Support Coordination.

Developer Support -Source Code Version Control, Developer Support Tools, Build System design and administration, Developer Coding Standards, and Debugging Source Code.

Customer Support -Direct Customer Contact, Application and Product Installation Documentation.

Mentoring -Working close with less experienced developers in order to help them advance their knowledge in a particular task.


Below is a list of operating systems, languages, interfaces, and protocols Karl has worked with:

Operating Systems: Linux (1.0 - current) [Slackware, Red Hat, SuSE, Mandrake], Solaris [Spark and Intel], HPUX, ATT UNIX, SCO UNIX, Novell, MS Windows (3.1 - XP), MS DOS (3.0 - 6.2), AIX, QNX, BeOS

Languages, Interfaces and APIs: C, C++, Assembler (Intel), Perl, Expect, Shell (K, Korn, C, Bash, Ash, Zsh), PHP, JavaScript, GW BASIC, Q BASIC, Universe Basic, HTML, WAP, XML, VXML, GTK, Palm/PDA, TCP/IP, MFC, WIN32, db, X Windows, XPM, IPC (interprocess communications), RPM (RedHat Package Manager), PKG (Solaris Package management system), UML (Universal Modeling Language), POSIX, TCL/TK, SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL SQL, etc.), CVS (source code control), ClearCase (source Code Control).

Development Projects Often Include: multi-platform development, Client/Server applications, multi-threaded design and development, database maintenance, and application maintenance.

For More Information, Please See The Following Links:

Resume: Here you'll find Karl's online resume in several different file formats.

Work History: Gives an in-depth description for many of the projects Karl has worked on over the years. This Page also includes links to companies Karl has worked on as well as their various respective press releases based on work Karl has performed for these companies.

Projects: Includes several public domain projects Karl has released such as a Real-Time Automated Trading System (draft) Specification and other source code projects.

Contact: This page includes information on how you might contact Karl N. Redman.

About: A brief biography of Karl N. Redman (where he's from, what he does in spare time, etc.)

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All web site content copyright Karl N. Redman 2003. Unauthorized duplication or display of any content from this web site is strictly prohibited. SleepingStill and are pending Service Marks of Karl N. Redman (all rights reserved 2003). The various SleepingStill logos found on this site are pending Trade Marks of Karl N. Redman (all rights reserved 2003). Questions and/or comments may be directed to

Site Last Updated: September 17, 2003