No Pirates

The Officers

Places you can go.....

Hmmm, oh how bout here
Ah yes, and here
Oops lets not forget here
Officer Reports
What's your Pirate name

Those are the 10 most powerful people in the guild, Josh doesn't count. No Pirates just isn't a guild though, it's a way of life. We are against butt pirates, cause that's just wrong. Our numbers are growing by the day, won't be long afore we own this world. As of right now I have no agenda, but I will have it posted as soon as I make one. I would like to give a shout to all the regular members we have, and if you know someone that would like to join, just tell me and I'll see if they're worthy. No one can take on the No Pirates guild, the pirates clan tried to take us on a while ago, but do you see pirates running through the streets? I think not. [an error occurred while processing this directive]
