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This has been a very hard year for most people but God has always been there through it all. During the year we sometimes don’t feel him with us because we get so rapped up in our own lives. The tragedies sometimes outweigh the good in such a way that we forget there is such magnificent beauty in Gods most precious moments! This year in the southern part of the states we saw a beautiful miracle from God. We all had the most precious "white Christmas" we’ve ever seen. It was so wonderful that the most important part of Christmas was known all around us. We didn’t care about the gifts and the decorations. We actually found ourselves playing like children (the way God wanted to see us)! All of us throwing snowballs and building snowmen of all sizes. It was truly the BEST Christmas any of Texas residents have had in so many years. THANK YOU DEAR GOD for all of it. Once again instead of us giving to you for your birthday you have given something very precious and special to us.

Matthew 12-25-04


Matthew is our son
Tyler is our grandson

Tyler 12-20-04


They both live
with us...
The Bakers;

Syd, Mary, children & Tyler