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What Is Magick...

It is very important before you try any Magick to understand how Magiack works. It is so much more then lighting a candle, incense and saying the words out of a book or of a web site. Magick was used in ancient times during the Paleolitic times called Sympathetic Magick. The people would dress up in animal skins and dance around the fire in a type of Ritual before hunting, this type of ritual was also done to ensure firtility.

There is a very simple explination to making Magick work, it's not in the props, lighting candles, incense and chanting although they are an important part of it, this is not what makes Magick. They have no Magickal properties in them by themselfs,you put the Magickal properties into those props, the Magick come from you! Your deepest desire for whatever it is you are doing. You have to want whatever it is you are working for so badly you can taste it, the desire has to be so ddep and real it's your only thought and focus on your desired goal, ever here the saying "watch what you wish for" well that is all there is to it, strong will, your mind is so much more powerful then you might think.Magick comes from your mind, your deepest desires, your visualization, to be able to see what you desire happening in your mind, like a daydream.
I think the major misconception about Maqick is how it works, it's notthe spells that weave Magick, it is the mind, and thought, the stronger the thought the stronger the will to manifest your Magickal desire.