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About myself

· Contact Me


· Rapid i18n Kit

· Data Structure  Explorer

· Digital Electronics Demo

· SCopy

· Sharp Edit



· Rapid i18n Kit

· Data Structure  Explorer

· Digital Electronics Demo

· SCopy

· SharpEdit

Welcome to My Homepage. 

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I am a Software Developer currently employed at Vision Comptech Integrators Ltd. - Kolkata. Below are some of the projects I have undergone all by myself during the tenure of my Engineering course.

Rapid i18n Kit

This is my most mature piece of work so far. It was completed as an assignment during the pre-final year summer training at Vision Comptech Integrators Ltd (Kolkata) . It is a simple but complete form designer written in Java. This project inspired me to come up with the ide called SharpEdit which is under developement.

(Programming Tool: VJ++)  

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Data Structure Explorer

This application may prove itself very useful to teachers explaining Data Structure to students .One can build his own animations on stack ,queue(linear/circular) etc. Its always very useful to see some visual demo on any new subject before studying it.

(Programming Tool: VC++)

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 Digital Electronics Demo

This application is a demonstration kit for Logic Gates and Flip Flops. One can visualize the operation of simple logic gates and Flip Flops aginst different inputs at the terminals. This project was performed during the 3rd semester under the request of one of my professor. This is my first Visual C++ project. 


(Programming Tool: VC++)

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The utility of this software is that it can copy data from corrupted (not damaged) cd roms or floppys to your hard disk .The software also indicates how much corrupted data is skipped and rejected during the process .Use this product exclusively for vcds or mp3 cds .Not recommended for corrupted software cds or zip files.

(Programming Tool: VC++)

Download your copy today!

Sharp Edit (Under Developement)

SharpEdit is a IDE for C#. I have designed this project in a modular fashion so that it can support other languages in future.

(Programming Tool: VC++)

Visit SharpEdit Home



Aug 28,2003. 

SharpEdit is now avilable for download.