Kelly Haikin Hadsall
Stage Manager

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Stage Management

University of Cincinnati-College Conservatory of Music
Dancing at Lughnasa, R. Terrell Finney, Jr., April 2004
On The Town, Dr. Aubrey Berg, November 2003

Stage Manager | The Civic Center Music Hall | Oklahoma City, OK | August 2002 - September 2003
Advanced events for three theatres in two buildings. Worked with I.A.T.S.E. Local 112 in coordinating labor. Events ranged from Broadway tours to local award ceremonies, pageants, dance competitions, recitals, and graduations. Worked with FOH, Box Office, and Maintenance staff relaying show information to all departments. Gave facility tours and distributed technical information about the buildings to potential clients.

Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma
Forever Plaid, Robert Randle, Jul-Aug 2003

Pollard Theatre
Chicago(ASM), Brenda Williams, Mar-Apr 2002
Twelve Angry Men, Donna Dickson, Brenda Williams, Becky Wooldridge, Feb-Mar 2001
A Territorial Christmas Carol(ASM), Donna Dickson, Nov-Dec 2000

Synchronicity Theatre Company
Richard III, Civic Center Music Hall-Freede Little Theatre, Richard Nelson, Feb 2002
Tartuffe, Civic Center Music Hall-Freede Little Theatre, David Slemmons, Dec 2001
A Streetcar Named Desire, Studio 207, Dr. Betsy Ballard, Aug 2001

StrawHat Music Theatre Works
Swingin' On A Star(ASM), Summer Season 2002
Swingtime Canteen(ASM), Summer Season 2001
Nunsense, A-Men!(SM), Showdown on Two Street (SM), & Beehive(ASM)Summer 2000

University of Central Oklahoma-Mitchell Hall Theatre
Grease, Broadway Tonight Series, Tamara Long & Cyndi Steele-Harrod, September 2000
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Dennis Courtney, April 2000
Nunsense, A-Men!, Greg White, November 1999
Tea In A China Cup(ASM), Dr. Charlotte Headrick, September 1999
Company, Tamara Long, April 1999


University of Cincinnati: College-Conservatory of Music
MFA, Anticipated graduation, 2005

University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, Oklahoma
BA, magna cum laude, May 2000

Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri
STI: Summer Theatre Institute-1998

Northern Oklahoma College, Tonkawa, Oklahoma
AA, summa cum laude, May 1998


Northern Oklahoma College
"Tzeitel" in Fiddler on the Roof, Mariann Cook, April 1998
"Naomi Louise Farkle Carson" in Faith County II: An Evening of Culture, John Michael Warburton, October 1997
"Winnifred" in Once Upon A Mattress, Mariann Cook, April 1997
"Woman 2" in Spoon River Anthology, John Michael Warburton, February 1997
"Lead Nurse" in South Pacific, Mariann Cook, April 1996

Ponca Playhouse
"Hope" in Anything Goes, Dr. Nancy Vunovich, February 1998
"Agnes" in Gypsy, Ponca Playhouse, August 1997
"Vocal Minority" in Company, Dr. Nancy Vunovich, January 1996

Stephens College-Summer Theatre Institute
"Chorus" in The Bacchae, Peter Byger, June 1998
"Cinderella" in Twice Upon A Time, Brett Prentiss, May 1998

Awards & Honors

  • Best Production & Best Director, The Most Massive Woman Wins, UCO Spring 2000 student directed one-act festival, University of Central Oklahoma

  • Commendation for Excellence in Stage Management, Nunsense, A-men!, University of Central Oklahoma by The Kennedy Center/American College Theatre Festival-Oklahoma II Festival

  • President’s Honor Roll, University of Central Oklahoma

  • Who’s Who Among American Junior Colleges

  • Dean’s Honor Roll, Northern Oklahoma College


Douglas R. Getzoff
Scenic Designer/Technical Director
University of Central Oklahoma
Donna Dickson
General Manager
Pollard Theatre
Steve Estes
Technical Director
Civic Center Music Hall
