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Karen M. Carson
Licensed Commercial Real Estate Associate Broker
Pyramid Brokerage Co., Inc., Watertown, NY 13601

(315) 405-5097 (cell)

Looking to buy Commercial Real Estate? Looking to sell your Commercial Real Estate?
With or without the business?
Advertised globally, or ...
very discreetly - without a sign.
There's lots of Commercial Real Estate out there without signage -
that's why people call me - to find out where they are!
Why not use a Licensed Commercial Only Real Estate Agent? Call me or email me at:

Click on the property of interest below. Call me for further details.

Bar Sites, Restaurants, Fast Food, & Nightclubs
Barber Shop
Farm Market - Nursery
Small Grocery Site/Retail
Land - Acreage (Commercial & Residential Development Sites)
Other Retail & Re-Development Opportunities

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