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jordan stein

      In January of 2003, I began my second semester as a graduate student in the Master's of Human Resources and Industrial Relations Program at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (my first semester was spent studying at the University of Wisconsin, Madison).   I also completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Illinois in May of 2002 with a B.S. in Psychology.  My undergraduate coursework focused on I/O Psychology (Industrial and Organizational), Human Resources, and the Labor Movement.  During my graduate career, I hope to pursue coursework in the same areas of study.  With my knowledge of I/O Psychology, Human Resources, and Unions, I believe that I am an excellent candidate for a professional position in the field of Human Resources. 
Through my previous college work and outside experience, I have developed a strong interest in job performance. I am especially attracted to the idea of doing research. Currently, one of my main research interests lies in the area of job performance and how the four behavioral families of work related activity (Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Job Withdrawal Behaviors, Work Withdrawal Behaviors, and Work Retaliation Behaviors) help or hinder the aggregate quantifiable output of companies.
     In line with my research interests, I recently published a literature review in the Australian Journal of Management and Organisational Behaviour outlining past job performance research and advocating a broader conceptualization of job performance by studying it in conjunction with the four work related behavioral families and not solely in terms of task performance. 
In addition to my extensive knowledge of job performance research, I also have practical experience working in the public sector for a union.  In the fall, I acted as a research assistant for the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council-40, AFL-CIO.  During my assistantship, I designed and maintained databases for use in: benchmarking, collective bargaining, grievance arbitration, and interest arbitration.  Furthermore, I acted as a consultant for AFSCME staff representatives.  I advised staff representatives on what angles to emphasize during arbitration, based upon: case law precedent, labor laws, and contract language. I also compiled research for exhibits used in contract negotiations and coordinated a project to convert over 5,000 collective bargaining contracts into searchable PDF files.
Please take a few minutes to view my vita and research. Thank you!

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