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     Are you TIRED of paying $13 for Nittany Notes for each exam that are nothing more than the notebook of PowerPoint slides that you bought or downloaded from ANGEL for Business Junior Core classes?  They never help students out, and ultimately they made the topics more confusing than they actually are.

    Do you want TYPED, DETAILED notes for each exam that explains everything discussed in class PLUS the material that wasn’t discussed and showed up on the Exams last semester? 

    Do you NEED a compile of last semester’s reviews along with this semester’s class lectures that will actually give you a better chance of  “GETTING AN A”?

Well join the hundreds of college students and graduates that have found success when studying Business Junior Core Class material, with Joe Knows Reviews.  

Reviews include :

  • Detailed outline which is easy to follow and understand

  • All definitions in the text book that students are expected to know

  • All material covered in this semesters lectures

  • All material covered in last semesters lectures

  • All material covered in last semesters exams

  • Multiple examples and explanations for graphs, problems and testable concepts

  • 50 Question Practice Exam that tests your knowledge before you read the Academic Integrity Statement and throw your grade away guessing the bubble “C” as your answer, because I’m sorry to say it but in these classes, that is not the most common answer.  Instead of living by the theory of “When in doubt, choose C”, you should “Ask Joe, cause Joe Knows”!

  • NOW WITH NEW 24 HOUR SUPPORT ON AOL's AIM to assist anyone with a question for the Junior Core Classes!

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