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°God made mud, god made dirt, god made guys so girls could flirt!

°*~im an angel! honest! the horns are jus there to keep the halo up straight~*

°Don't be a guy, the world is full of guys; be a man!

°friends are like stars; they come and go but the ones that stay are the ones that glow!

From left to right:

Me, Danny and Crystal at American Open last year!

°An angel is what i was meant 2 be thats why being sweet comes so naturally!

°You see, you like, you try, you fail....-mEaNwHiLe-...i see, i like, i want, i get!

°Im sweet like suga, soft like suade, but unlike nintendo i never get played!

That's Christy, Courtney, Me and Angela like 2 years

ago before the N'SYNC concert! lol

°I may not always be right but im NEVER wrong!!

°I smile because I have no idea whats goin on! :)

°Guys are like a piece of gum, when they loose their flavor ya pop in a new one!

°If what you see is what you dont get, ~DROOL on~ *DREAM on* ~MOVE on~!

°in reality°...the player isnt actually playin the otha person...hes playin himself!

°YeaH u'D bE pRetTy GoOdLoOkIn If It WaSnT 4 Ya FaCe!

°If you hate me, I love you too. It aint my fault im cuter than u!

That was last years SCC senior team at State!

I'm the one flying in the middle! lol

°Imagine ur life w/out me--¿¿¿miserable huh???

°Guys r players...and thats a fact...dont fall in love...jus play em back!!

Me at competition this past year!

I wanna say hey to:





& anyone else i forgot! tell me and ill add ya!


°Dont hate me because I'm beautiful; hate me because you're boyfriend thinks I am!

°ChEeRlEaDeRs are like *angels* because they are the only ones you can *fly*!

°A memory last forever, never does it die;

true friends stay together and never say goodbye.

°I wasn't kissing him, I was just telling his lips a secret

°If ur naughty go to your room, if you wanna be naughty, go 2 mine!

°Don't hate the player, hate the game!

°Friends dont let friends dress like hoochies!

°~Friends are forever~Guys are whatever~When worst comes to worst~my gurlies come first!~

°I'm 32% hottie, 15% naughty, 28% fine, 23% that I bet ya wanna be mine, and 2% innocent. It all equals out to 100% of what your man wants!

°i MaY B BaD BuT iM pErFeCtLy GooD aT iT

°A gIrLs GoTa Do WhAt A gIrLs GoTa Do, BuTa BoY GoTa Do WhAt A gIrL wAnTs HiM tO dO!!

°GuYs ArE lIkE pIaNo*S- WhAt U gEt OuT oF tHeM- DePeNdS oN hOw U pLaY tHeM

°If you hate me why do you always make me the center of your world?

°Dawn to dawn dusk to dusk life's too short so party we must!

°In life, only one person gets to shine, so move outta my way, you're blocking my light!

Guys are great! every gurl should own one!

Click on SPONGEBOB below to visit my picture page w/ lots more pictures!!!

You might regret what you do, but you'll regret what you DONT do soo much more!

Email me! click below!


Thats all guys! I hope ya liked it!

Friends dont let friends drink and sleep on boats w/ ugly men! haha, sry 4 doin it 2 ya angie!




You know what would look good on you?! ME!

Two words guys hate: Dont & Stop, unless u put them together!

I dont think im hot but thats what your bf keeps tellin me!