Xeno's Page

My favorite games are as follow

My Favorite Web Sites

Music Page (they are in midi format)
Second Music page.(also in midi format)
Music from movies and cds.

Hey thanks for visiting. Yes my site is still under construction. Please bare with me till I get it better. It might not be for a while if I can't get my comp repaired. So hey this comp will have to do but I don't feel like gathering stuff to put on it so hey, uhh I forgot what I was gonna say some umm visit again. I'm still working on it. I lost my old site cause I was inactive plus my other comp crash so the info on that comp and not on this one. But hey I'm a midi person so no matter what the reason I will normal always have midi's of mostly games and some other stuff.

I'm having a lil problem on deciding which song to put up as the backround. Please choose which one you would have up on the pole.

Lake shrine

Prelude mix

Enternal Harvest

Email: LiquidHellFire@aol.com