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Home Based Business Opportunities

Get Wealthy! Work from home ! Be your Own Boss!
Make Money $$$, Travel ! Be Stress Free !
Spend Time Doing Life
In Stead of Wathcing Life
Many Reports, Lots of Information

Just Mail 2 Letters Earn $15,000 In One Month
Unique Program Works Everytime Guaranteed
Write today $2.00 Money Order and Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to:
R.P Sheppard
Box #3-567 Woolwich St.
Guelph Ontario, Canada
N1H 3Y4

How to Get Rich From Home:
70 Hot Money Saving Tips Avaiable
From: How to travel anywhere your heart desires for free
: How to buy a new car for $50.00 over dealers cost
To: How to get free rent
: Live in a $100,000 home with no money
From: How to get hundreds of new books for free
: How to get free medical and dental care
To: How to get any credit card you want
: How to get $20,000 worth of free furniture
Write Today for Information
$2.00 Money Order and Self Addressed Stamped Envelope To:
R.P Sheppard
Box #3-567 Woolwich St.
Guelph Ontario, Canada
N1H 3Y4

$126,000 Mailing Letters
Lady Makes This Much and Double It, In One Year
For information Please Send $2.00 Money Order and Self Addressed Stamped envelope to:
R.P Sheppard
Box #3-567 Woolwich St.
Guelph Ontario, Canada
N1H 3Y4

Get Paid To Read Classified Ads In Your Local Newspapers
Profits Up To $2,000 Per Week Possible !
Write Today: $2.00 Money Order and Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to:
R.P Sheppard
Box #3-567 Woolwich St.
Guelph Ontario, Canada
N1H 3Y4

Turn Newpapers Into Cash
New Items Desperatly Needed
$2.00... $5.00... $25.00... Even $50.00 Per Articles
For information Send $2.00 Money Order and self Addressed Stamped Envelope to:
R.P Sheppard
Box #3-567 Woolwich St.
Guelph Ontario, Canada
N1H 3Y4

Earn Big Money From Home With Your Computer
Copy and Sell 3.5" Software Disks In Your Spare Time
This New Money Waits For You
For Information Send $2.00 Money Order and Self Addressed Stamped Envelope To:
R.P Sheppard
Box #3-567 Woolwich St.
Guelph Ontario, Canada
N1H 3Y4

$15,000 To $50,000 A Year Doing Next To Nothing From Home
Mailing List - Broker's Needed
For Information Send $2.00 Money Order and Self Addressed Stamped Envelope To:
R.P Sheppard
Box #3-567 Woolwich St.
Guelph Ontario, Canada
N1H 3Y4

Make Unlimited Income Watching Television Anywhere
Rare and Secret Opportunity ! Real job ! Real Pay Checks !
For Information Send $2.00 Money Order and Self Addressed Stamped Envelope To:
R.P Sheppard
Box #3-567 Woolwich St.
Guelph Ontario, Canada
N1H 3Y4

Good Health... Good Food
Recipes... Recipes...Recipes...
New Ones ! Looking For Hard To Find Ones
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For Each Request Enclose A $5.00 Money Order Enclose One Self Addressed Stamped Envelope and Send All To:
R.P Sheppard
Box #3-567 Woolwich St.
Guelph Ontario, Canada
N1H 3Y4

If you have any questions about the offers on this page or any other questions please email me at:

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