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Are You Being Hampered By:

Local Building Codes

Inspectors Who Have Become Pests

Excessive License Fees

Fear Of Discrimination Suits




Do You Want:

To Be Able To Build and Operate A Business Without Being Constantly Required To Keep Up With Local Codes ( Both City & County)

To Have A Readily Available Labor Pool Of People Who Just Want To Work And Not Try To Climb A Corporate Ladder, Are Willing To Work For Minimum Wage, And Who Have No Outside Interests To Distract Them Or Interfere With Their Jobs.

Large Local Consumer Market

Real Estate Is Cheap




Then You Are In Luck!

Hawkins, TX

A quiet community in East Texas, obviously a throwback from the depression era as evidenced by a walk down the main street. Rife with people of strong backs and weak minds, and the main topic of conversation at the local eatery is the price of hay.