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"Guarding Your Angels"

“Angelic Creations”

"Guarding Your Angels"
5140 Boars Back Rd.
River Hebert,Nova Scotia
Canada, B0L-1G0
(902) 251-2255

|Home | Decorated Angels | Angelic Headstone Saddles 1 | Angelic Headstone Saddles 2 |
| Angelic Headstone Saddles 3| Angel Sticks and Driftwood | Accessories | Guest Book | Links |

Hi and welcome to "Guarding Your Angels". It is truly our hope that you find something in our selection of products to meet your needs and the needs of your loved ones...

About Us:
Both my wife and I have always had this inherient belief that Angels were our protectors from peril, our wisdom in the freedom of 'choice' and our Spiritual Guides as we make our way through God's world. We both knew Angels were close to us but little did we know that we would be led down this beautiful path of Light and Love.

The Process:
"Guarding your Angels" was born from the desire to pursue an entrepreneurial spirit in an era of workplace "downsizing". Our dream to create a business offering 'unique' products, our love of angels, and an awareness of the lack of 'choice' in decorated headstone saddle industry provided the incentive needed to begin.
Each and every Angel is lovingly hand-crafted. The process begins by the pouring of liquid clay, known as "slip", into molds. After 20-25 minutes the molds are drained, allowed to dry for several hours, then opened, and the pieces are removed. They are then hand-assembled while still wet and allowed to air dry for one to two days.
Next they are carefully hand-cleaned to remove seam lines or major imperfections, and then fired in a kiln for 3-4 hours. Each piece is then hand-painted, sprayed and finished in a variety of techniquesdepending on the elements the pieces will be introduced to such as indoor or outdoor use. This will become apparent as you will see from our gallery of pictures.

So sit back, relax and enjoy the innocence and beauty of the angels as you journey through the pages of our website. There are links provided at the top and bottom of the pages but the "Home Page" will direct you to where you need to be. Have a great day and visit us often as our product line continues to grow and change...

Click the "Home" Button below to get started!

|Home | Decorated Angels | Angelic Headstone Saddles 1 | Angelic Headstone Saddles 2 |
| Angelic Headstone Saddles 3| Angel Sticks and Driftwood | Accessories | Guest Book | Links |