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If you are looking for ways to augment, if not to replace your current income, you've come to the right place! Be a TPG-ProZinergy Business Partner and earn as much as Php96,000 PLUS US$400 a day! To become a TPG-ProZinergy Business Partner, you only have to:

  • Patronize the Products (Pension & Education Plans), and
  • Market the Products thru the Cooperative Mareketing System (CMS)

TPG Corporation

  • First Private Pension Plan Company in the Philippines since 1976
  • First Academic Plan Company to cater the military market (AFPSLAI) since 1988.
  • TOP 5 Pre-need Company in the Philippines
  • TOP 1000 Corporation in the Philippines (1999)
  • With 27% annual average growth
  • Close to 1.5 Billion in Trust Fund
  • Close to 5 Billion in Assets
  • ISO 9002 Certified
  • With NO Trust Fund Deficiency
  • In alliance with Team LBC, a world class Filipino-owned courrier company in the Philippines, and ATR Holdings, Inc., a ranking top 10 investment house in the Philippines
  • With 85 branches nationwide and 1 in Hongkong
  • FRANCISCO J. COLAYCO - President & Chief Executive Officer
  • CARLOS R. ARANETA - Chairman
  • RAMON V. ARANAIZ - Vice Chairman
  • LORENZO T. ROXAS - Director

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Annual Premium: Php13,930.00*
Paying Period: 5 years
Maturity Period: 10 years
Maturity Value: Php100,000.00

* - Plus a one-time processing fee and documentary stamps

You may get as many units as you want. MORE SAVINGS, MORE BENEFITS!!!

1. Lump Sum of Php100,000.00, or
2. Lifetime monthly pension of Php1,000.00, FOREVER!!!**

** - Transferrable from generation to generation.

PLUS!! FULL INSURANCE PROTECTION FOR 10 YEARS!! (for qualified planholder)
  • Coverage on disablility, dismemberment, death by accident or natural cause
  • Pay as low as Php1,098.00/annum for 5 years.

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Product 2:

Quarterly Premium: Php3,950.00*
Paying Period: 1 year
Maturity Period: 10 years
Maturity Value: Php24,872.49

* - Plus a one-time processing fee and documentary stamps

You may get as many units as you want. MORE SAVINGS, MORE BENEFITS!!!

1. Lump Sum of Php24,872.49, or
2. Lifetime monthly pension which is equivalent to 1% of maturity value, FOREVER!!!**

** - Transferrable from generation to generation.

PLUS!! FULL INSURANCE PROTECTION FOR 10 YEARS!! (for qualified planholder)
  • Coverage on disablility, dismemberment, death by accident or natural cause.
Note: Cooperative Marketer/Planholder gets a compensation of US$10 per pair of referrals.

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Product 3:
- The first value-packed educational plan made easier to pay through the Cooperative Marketing System (CMS), for only Php16,000/year (plus one-time processing fee and docs. stamps)

Plan Features:
  • 5 years saving period
  • Scholars age from 0 upwards
  • Academic benefits will be available to the scholar as early as seven years.
Plan Benefits:
  • Total Academic Benefits of up to P292,424.00.

Maturity Year 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
1st 44,000 38,000 32,000 28,000 24,000 20,000 16,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000
2nd 50,600 43,700 36,800 32,200 27,600 23,000 18,400 13,800 11,500 9,200 6,900
3rd 58,190 50,255 42,320 37,030 31,740 26,450 21,160 15,870 13,225 10,580 7,935
4th 66,919 57,793 48,668 42,585 36,501 30,418 24,334 18,251 15,209 12,167 9,125
Graduation Gift 72,725 72,725 72,725 72,725 72,725 72,725 72,725 72,725 72,725 72,725 72,725
TOTAL 292,434 262,473 232,513 212,540 192,566 172,593 152,619 132,646 122,659 112,672 102,685

  • Academic Achievement Award of up to 200% of the Gross Price

    Table of Academic Achievement Award

    First Place in any Professional Regulatory Board Exam: 200% of Goss Price
    Summa Cum Laude, Bachelor's Degree: 200% of Goss Price
    Magna Cum Laude, Bachelor's Degree: 150% of Goss Price
    Valedictorian, High School: 100% of Goss Price
    Salutatorian, High School: 50% of Goss Price
Optional Insurance Protection
  • Coverage up to waiting period for only Php950/year
  • Coverage on disability, dismemberment, death by accident or natural cause
  • Waiver of Premiums.

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Marketing Plan

The TPG-PROZINERGY Cooperative Marketing System

The TPG-PROZINERGY Cooperative Marketing System uses a bonus scheme following the very simple "buddy-buddy" concept of non-traditional marketing in distributing TPG's products. Via this lucrative cooperative marketing scheme, the Paired Referral Incentive Main Exchange (PRIME) Program, a plan subscriber automatically gets the privilege of a Business Center Account (BCA), which entitles him/her to start his cooperative marketing business. And through his/her cooperative marketing business, he/she gets to (a) become an entrepreneur using his own savings as capital (b) pay his subsequent premiums through his/her own PRIME earnings.

The more product units one gets, the higher his/her earnings will be!

A planholder/cooperative marketer shall be entitled to the following:

A gross referral fee of P2,500* is paid to the planholder/marketer for every left and right combination for up to 15 pairs per day. Excess unit/s on either leg will be forwarded on or carried over to the next transaction day.

Note: Bonuses are computed daily and paid weekly (every Friday). Paired referrals are credited until infinity.
Performance bonus of P2,500 gross per pair.

PROGRESS BONUS. A gross of US$10 per pair is paid to the planholder/marketer if his group achieved at least 3 pairs in one day PROGRESS BONUS -
An additional gross US$10* per pair is paid on top of the Performance Bonus when you achieve 3-15 pairs daily.

A gross referral fee upgrade of P3,000* per pair plus gross US$200* is paid for every planholder/networker who achieves 16 pairs (one cycle) of left and right combination per day.
POWER BONUS. Referral fee upgrade to 3,000 per pair plus $200

ZINERGY CLUB Referrer's Incentive
A 10% referrer's fee is paid to the direct referrer and 10% management fee for PRO ZINERGY from the total product purchase.

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ZINERGY CLUB Future Planner

For a planholder's/proprietor's own advantage, TPG-PROZINERGY brings every planholder an easy way to complete his/her premiums in less time than required!

PRO ZINERGY added a feature called Zinergy Club, which is designed to assist the planholder in succeeding annual premium payments and in obtaining other TPG products through the Paired Referral Program.

It converts the 5th pair to Zinergy points. These points are then used to manage the payment of a planholder's availed unit plan(s) in less time than required.

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Cooperative Factor (C-Factor)

The Cooperative Factor or C-Factor is an integral component of the PRIME program. It is designed to ensure the sustainability of this Cooperative movement.

It will guarantee that the benefits of the Cooperative Marketing System are enjoyed by all. This is in keeping with the Cooperative nature of this effort - where the collective good is valued over individual interests.

In broad terms, the intent of the C-Factor is to manage the variability of the PRIME program pay-out computations as it is impacted by the volume of pairings in a given week. The aggregate net effect is that the unpredictable variability does not impede the continuing progress of CMS.

While the per unit Net Bonus value may be reduced at times, the Cooperative Marketer's total net pay-out may be maintained or even increased as a result.

The bottomline effect on marketer-members is an increase in Bonus values in absolute terms as a result of unimpeded growth in future volume.

The C-Factor is unique to TPG-Prozinergy. Other similar systems without a C-Factor equivalent have proven to be unsustainable and have resulted in the early termination of their operations.

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