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Welcome to EP Health Info-Sharing Page
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It is universally admitted that there is a natural healing power resident in the body...  Many people have learned to relax and keep quiet like the animals, giving nature a free opportunity to heal thier maladies - Horatio W Dresser

        Do you know people who rarely get sick, even from the sore throat everyone seems to have? Then there are those who know who always seems to be sick, getting one cold after another or having perpetual headaches.
        You may notice that those who rarely get sick make their wellness a priority.  They eat well, get plenty of rest, exercise, and strive to maintain a positive outlook.  As a result, these people stay physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy.
        To take the first step toward such wellness, strive to reduce or eliminate any self- destructive health habits you may have.  Instead of eating something that has been deep fried, heavily salted, or loaded with sugar, eat a fresh garden salad.  Stop work when you start to become fatiqued - not when you can't see straight or you're ready to drop.  And go to bed at a reasonable hour - one that gives you sufficient rest so you can start each day refreshed and invigorated.

I am my own healer. 
Today, I'll learn to listen to my body nd respect its message.

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Last updated Thur, Sep 2004

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