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TeknoPimp2001 (9:15:06 PM): yoooo

Auto response from PLaZmA vORtEx (9:15:06 PM)
: pissed off... i'm in the other room doing nothing..

TeknoPimp2001 (9:15:13 PM): what pissed you off nigga?
TeknoPimp2001 (9:16:15 PM): yo
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:16:15 PM)
: my parents yelling at me
TeknoPimp2001 (9:16:19 PM): damn y
TeknoPimp2001 (9:16:34 PM): meet the teacher night gone sour?
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:16:44 PM)
: didn't come yet
TeknoPimp2001 (9:16:47 PM): o
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:17:02 PM): well first of all denise is mad at me cause i told toni that i had the SAT's next saturday
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:17:10 PM): she told denise i needed off all day so denise re-did the schedules
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:17:16 PM): while getting mad at me..
TeknoPimp2001 (9:17:22 PM): ut oh heh
TeknoPimp2001 (9:17:29 PM): dont sweat denise
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:17:43 PM)
: i went there today to tell her that i needed off in the morning of next saturday, and she said she had me scheduled for about 1 pm and she never had to fix the schedules
TeknoPimp2001 (9:17:49 PM): she prolly just having a bad day cause that not really a big deal
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:17:50 PM): so she cancelled me working saturday all together
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:18:03 PM): so i tell my mom what happened
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:18:10 PM): and she's giving me all this shit about how i handeled it wrong
TeknoPimp2001 (9:18:27 PM): you coulda called in sick ....
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:18:53 PM): so i'm getting pissed off at her, and she keeps escalating it because she's all like "ryan are you mad at me? why are you mad at me?" i just wanna scream out, mom shut the fuck up!
TeknoPimp2001 (9:19:15 PM): hahah damn sounds kinda annoying
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:19:23 PM): and then
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:19:32 PM): some asshole from ebay wants to return the camera i sold and it ain't mine
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:19:50 PM): he's bitching to me that it's defective and there was nothing i could do about it for a couple of hours
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:20:18 PM): so i call my mom .. who once again pisses me off, to ask her to ask her boss to call him
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:20:28 PM): and he was in a meeting, so they didn't get to talk to this guy is getting impatient with me
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:20:37 PM): nothing is going right today...
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:20:58 PM): on a lighter note i scared toni today
TeknoPimp2001 (9:21:00 PM): damn man
TeknoPimp2001 (9:21:11 PM): sounds like a rough day
TeknoPimp2001 (9:21:21 PM)
: let that fuck give you neg feedback heh
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:21:47 PM)
: i had the ebay guy on hold when i called my mom and she kept on trying to have fucking conversation with me "how was your day?" mom get the hell out of here, the ebay guy is on hold
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:21:53 PM): he looked up my # in the phone book
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:22:05 PM): he already gave me positive feedback so he can't revoke it
TeknoPimp2001 (9:22:34 PM): holy shit hahah
TeknoPimp2001 (9:22:38 PM): he looked you up
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:22:48 PM)
: yes he called "i'd like to speak to ryan" "yeah that's me who is this?"
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:22:58 PM): ...
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:23:06 PM): oh and on top of all of this
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:23:17 PM): my dad is mad at me cause i'm losing my patience with my dad
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:23:34 PM): with my mom*
TeknoPimp2001 (9:23:39 PM): jeez man
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:23:57 PM): but as i said.. on a lighter note i scared toni
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:24:11 PM): i went down there to get my schedule straightened out for next week cause i'm taking the SAT's and toni thought i was there to work
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:24:19 PM): she was gonna send me home cause i was wearing shorts, she started yelling at me
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:24:37 PM): well.. as much as toni can yell
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:24:54 PM): which is a lecture telling me to go home cause i can't wear shorts to work
TeknoPimp2001 (9:26:11 PM): lolol
TeknoPimp2001 (9:26:14 PM): damn man
TeknoPimp2001 (9:26:20 PM)
: and you didnt say anything?
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:26:48 PM)
: oh i did when i realized why she was making a big deal about me wearing shorts
TeknoPimp2001 (9:26:57 PM): haha
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:27:30 PM): look.. i told toni had the SAT's
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:27:47 PM): and the next day i have kim IM'ing me saying that denise is mad at me and they were talking to her about it
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:31:03 PM): i can't believe they were talking to kim about it..
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:31:06 PM): why .. !?
TeknoPimp2001 (9:31:26 PM): dude
TeknoPimp2001 (9:31:28 PM): NEVER
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:31:32 PM)
: i come back from my away message and kim tells me i'm gonna "get my booty chewed by denise" for not leaving notice far enough in advance
TeknoPimp2001 (9:32:54 PM): NEVER
TeknoPimp2001 (9:32:59 PM): listen to kim
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:33:04 PM)
: yeah well
TeknoPimp2001 (9:33:07 PM): she talks so much garbage
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:33:09 PM): denise told me she was mad at me
TeknoPimp2001 (9:33:13 PM): omg i forgot to warn you
TeknoPimp2001 (9:33:16 PM): im sorry heh
TeknoPimp2001 (9:33:24 PM)
: but kim
TeknoPimp2001 (9:33:36 PM)
: she blows things out of proportion with GOSSIP
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:33:56 PM)
: but still
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:34:04 PM): let her say what she wants
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:34:08 PM): why did toni tell her ?
TeknoPimp2001 (9:35:11 PM): tell her what
TeknoPimp2001 (9:35:26 PM): dude im telling you just dont listen to shit kim says
TeknoPimp2001 (9:35:36 PM)
: dont let what she says worry you yanno
TeknoPimp2001 (9:35:43 PM)
: she does it all the time to people
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:35:45 PM)
: toni or denise told kim that i was taking off next saturday, i never told her
TeknoPimp2001 (9:38:08 PM): denise dont like kim lol
TeknoPimp2001 (9:38:13 PM): toni told her
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:38:32 PM)
: 1) why toni tell her? 2) why denise not like kim?
TeknoPimp2001 (9:41:27 PM): cause people gossip in there
TeknoPimp2001 (9:41:35 PM): eople talk madd shit its just like highschool
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:41:57 PM)
: well.. enough of this bullshit about me, how was your day?
TeknoPimp2001 (9:41:57 PM): and the best way to stear clear of it is to not make a big deal about what anyone says
TeknoPimp2001 (9:42:21 PM): dont go in to work tomorrow and ask toni why she told kim and dont ask kim who told her
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:42:36 PM)
: wasn't planning on it
TeknoPimp2001 (9:42:37 PM): just dead it on the spot and pay it no mind or it will just grow in to more bs
TeknoPimp2001 (9:42:45 PM): heh i learned this
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:43:05 PM)
: PLaZmA vORtEx (9:41:57 PM): well.. enough of this bullshit about me, how was your day?
TeknoPimp2001 (9:43:11 PM): my day was ok
TeknoPimp2001 (9:43:18 PM): about to go play some pool
TeknoPimp2001 (9:43:26 PM)
: with vin jay my brother and some of his friends
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:43:54 PM)
: where?
TeknoPimp2001 (9:44:47 PM): centerreach or something
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:46:17 PM): oh and if things weren't bad enough
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:46:22 PM): i tried to fall asleep on the couch
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:46:29 PM): i was asleep for 3 min
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:46:35 PM): and the god damn phone rings..
TeknoPimp2001 (9:46:37 PM): lol
TeknoPimp2001 (9:47:41 PM): thats ass
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:48:37 PM)
: god i was so pissed..
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:48:49 PM): and it was my mom's friend.. who needed computer help..
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:48:50 PM): from me
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:49:01 PM): she was having trouble sending a god damn email
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:51:28 PM): lets see what else went wrong today..
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:51:35 PM): oh yeah
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:51:52 PM): i dropped mahoneys class.. and i had him as a sub today in pre calc, franz was absent
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:53:05 PM): yay a good thing happened today!
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:53:19 PM): i didn't read the english story for hw and i cheated on the test and got a 100!
PLaZmA vORtEx (9:53:20 PM): score@!
Session concluded at 10:19:45 PM