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Suzanne and Chad Blanchette deliberately put a STOP PAYMENT on the check 

meant to pay me for the work I performed on their rental property.  

Writing a check with the intent of making it non-negotiable is considered FRAUD.  

Suzanne and Chad committed fraud against me.

FREE   P U B L I C     R E C O R D S     I N F O R M A T I O N  

Superior Court of California

Civil & Criminal Records

09/23/2003 02:00:27 PM



Defendants Suzanne L. Blanchette & Malcolm Chad Blanchette
Relationship Mother of Chad Blanchette   Son of Suzanne Blanchette
Convictions Civil (see below)   Criminal (see below)
Occupation Accounting, Retired Annuitant   Handyman (unlicensed)
Residence Address #17 Marina Grande Court   #17 Marina Grande Court
City Sacramento, CA 95831   Sacramento, CA 95831
Home Phone (916) 424-3369   (916) 428-2605
Work Address

Dept. of Health Services, Accounting

1501 Capitol Avenue, Suite 71-2048

City Sacramento, CA   Sacramento, CA
Work Phone (916) 552-8400   (916) 203-1850 cellular
Work Facsimile (916) 552-8405  
Email Address  
CA Driver's License P0212076  
Date of Birth October 23, 1938   September 14, 1962
Vehicle & License Toyota Camry   White Pickup Truck






P U B L I C     R E C O R D S     I N F O     about Suzanne Blanchette

Case Number:		324526 
Date Filed:		11/2/1984 
Case Type:		Civil Complaint 

Case Number:		95AS06073 
Date Filed:		10/27/1995 
Case Type:		Civil Complaint 

AIKEN, LELAND J. (Attorney for Plaintiff)
BERTOLINO, RICHARD (Alternate Arbitrator)
TWEEDY, TONY (Attorney for Defendant)

P U B L I C     R E C O R D S     I N F O     about Malcolm Chad Blanchette
Case Number:		99T00518 
Date Filed:		1/28/1999
Case Number:		* 529.3 pc Impersonation to make another person liable 
Date Filed:		06/30/1998

Case Number:		97M14754 
Date Filed:		10/28/1997

Case Number:		96M03693 
Date Filed:		3/29/1996
* Explanation of California Penal Code 529.3 (Identity Theft)

529. Every person who falsely personates another in either his private or official 
capacity, and in such assumed character either:

3. Does any other act whereby, if done by the person falsely personated, he might, in
any event, become liable to any suit or prosecution, or to pay any sum of money, or
to incur any charge, forfeiture, or penalty, or whereby any benefit might accrue to
the party personating, or to any other person; Is punishable by a fine not exceeding
ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or by imprisonment in the state prison, or in a county
jail not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

For an explanation of charges and/or convictions you MUST go directly to the courthouse.  
This is public information and you may examine the case file and make copies if necessary.

Suzanne and Chad Blanchette deliberately put a STOP PAYMENT on the check 

meant to pay me for the work I performed on their rental property.

On Friday, July 18, 2003, Chad Blanchette called requesting cleaning of a half-plex rental property located at 1301 56th Avenue in Sacramento.

The goal was to clean and prepare the residence for a prospective tenant.  I quoted a rate of $16.00 per hour. Since there were no tools or cleaning products I said there would be an additional $5.00 to $10.00 charge for supplies depending how much I used. Chad agreed.  Dana's Housekeeping charges $20 per hour and $40 for supplies payable in CASH only.

I explained that the most recent vacancy preparation I did for a different client involved grout and tile and that the owner underestimated the volume of work. Based on my description of the work I performed for the other half-plex I concluded Chad’s response that his property would be a much easier job because of the square-footage difference. The 56th Avenue property is approximately 900 square feet.  We agreed that I would work a minimum of four hours and up to six depending on the needs of the residence.

Rough floorplan of 1301 56th Avenue, Sacramento, CA (not drawn to scale)






Bathroom Hall

Living Room




This portion of the half-plex is approximately 900 sq feet according to Chad Blanchette.  Floor to ceiling windows exist on the living room and bedroom 2 sides of the structure.  They both have sliding glass doors.  The LR door's frame is damaged so much it cannot be locked.  There is a cigarette burn hole on the carpet on the upper left quadrant of the LR.  The hall closet is damaged inside and filthy.  The washer/dryer area is full of cobwebs and dirty.  There is a fireplace in the center of the room on the side of the backyard in the living room.

Dark wooden paneling exists in the living room and both bedrooms.  There are innumerable nail holes in the wooden paneling rendering it an eyesore.  The paneling has burns (BR2) from a wall mounted light fixture.  Someone had been  smoking in the house so the entire half-plexes' walls and wooden paneling needed to be washed to remove the stains and odor.

The construction materials in this half-plex are very unusual.  It is constructed of cement cinder blocks and steel eye-beams on the ceilings.  The beams harbor spider webs.  Twelve spiders were exterminated in the kitchen alone.  Throughout the residence there were cobwebs.  The tool used to remove them became so saturated with spider webs that it had to be hosed off and dried outside to continue.  Prior to cleaning the tool, I knocked down the spider webs on the ceiling of the patio prior to cleaning the floor to ceiling windows.  I swept the sliding door threshold so I would not track debris in from outside thus further littering the carpet.

STANDARD OF CLEANING:  My standard of cleaning is meticulous, however, there was so much dirt in this half-plex it mandated transitions from being swept a couple of times, be vacuumed, mopped twice, etc.  In six hours the most I could do was to dramatically improve the bathroom and slightly improve the kitchen.  When I was hired the property had been vacant about 45 days.

BATHROOM:  I spent the majority of the time in the bathroom.  I washed the walls, ceiling, mirror, inside/outside cabinets, the door, I removed and cleaned the switch plate covers and the faucet knobs.  I scraped the residue of an earlier paint job off the counter top and switch plate covers.  It seems that the floor in the bathroom is not sound because of water damage.  I was only able to improve the floor around the base of the toilet and tub.  In spite of the water damage, I mopped the floor.  I used a drain cleaner three times in the bathtub and was never able to obtain free flowing drainage.  I cleaned the exterior of the tub, its walls, the ledge, the window and the ceiling.  I also killed about five spiders with bleach in the bathroom.  Housing Code Enforcement really needs to evaluate this property.

KITCHEN:  The kitchen has cigarette burns on the wooden cabinet shelves.  The back splash above the counters is riddled with food.  Behind the stove was so bad that 409 and scrubbing improved it only minimally.  I discussed this with Suzanne.  I suggested perhaps steel wool, TSP, a lot of determination and time may clean the badly food-stained wall.

All of the exterior cabinets were wiped down with PineSol and 409.  This only improved them.  There was not enough time to attempt the cleaning of the interior of the cabinets.  Suzanne, Chad and I agreed that I would work a maximum of six hours and reevaluate their needs at the end of that period.

ESTIMATE OF TIME REQUIRED:  In my opinion, this half-plex will require in excess of forty hours to cleaning the interior.  The exterior is replete with damaged household goods, very old computers, electronics and other personal items left behind by the former occupant.  Although I mentioned to Suzanne and Chad that the property of the former tenant had to be stored Chad told me I could take anything I wanted.  The half-plex was so dirty that even though it was 105 degrees that day, I continued to wear sweat pants for a modicum of protection against the dirt.

I suggested that the owner's clean or replace the stove because to pay $16.00 per hour it would be cost prohibitive.  The expense to clean the stove top would likely exceed the amount to purchase a brand new one.  There was at least a half-inch of burnt food circling each burner.  I demonstrated to Suzanne that a razor blade, SOS and a lot of expended energy would be needed to clean each burner.  The beauty rings were so burnt that replacement was the only option.  I cleaned the control knobs by soaking them for hours and cleaned the on/off control portion of the stove.  I also wiped off the hood vent above the stove.  I was told that Chad would clean the oven.  The metal in the oven had cracks in it rendering it a danger to the user.

I washed the entire kitchen countertop and decorative shelving by the sink.  I swept the kitchen floor and mopped it twice.  I showed Suzanne the dirty water before discarding it.  Even though it was mopped twice, the floor was still dirty.

I told Suzanne that there was an enormous amount of work to do and she agreed.  Between 9:45 AM and 5:30 PM Suzanne inspected my progress twice and Chad came by between baseball games.  I pointed out the accomplishments thus far.  Neither had any complaints.  Upon completion of the work I asked Suzanne if my work was acceptable.  She said, "YES."  She said there is a lot of work to do here.  She gave me a check and helped me carry my cleaning supplies to my car.  


To: Suzanne Blanchette

Fr: Linda Alexander

Dt: July 24, 2003

Re: Your Bad Check #4882

Your check was not honored by your bank for the work I performed at your rental property located at 1301 56th Avenue and 6849 So. Land Park Drive.

On Saturday, July 19, I arrived at 9:45AM and finished working at 5:30 PM. I only charged you for six hours. Most employees are paid during orientation but I did not charge you for the time spent listening to your requirements.

I try to be fair with my clients hoping that they too will reciprocate fairness. I am a financial aid Honors student and really need every penny I earn. I urge you to do the right thing and issue a negotiable check replacing the above aforementioned. I am sure you would agree that housecleaning is very hard work that is probably why neither you nor your son Chad wants to do it.

On Sunday, your son Chad yelled at me using a threatening intonation. I should not have to jeopardize my safety by being forced to return to a vacant duplex where the work was performed for a replacement check. This is not a prudent option.

This is my THIRD request. If you choose not to abide by the law, I will be pursuing recovery of this money owed using legal recourse.

Please eliminate this discourse and mail a money order or cashier’s check.


TAX LEVIES ON 1301 56th Avenue, Sacramento

Bill Number 02037225
Direct Levy Amount $ 228.04
Original Bill Amount $1,785.62

Direct Levy

Levy Name


0659 CITY LIBRARY SERVICES AD #96-02 $37.92
0168 SAFCA O & M ASSESSMENT #1 $38.64

Direct levies are levied on the tax bill on behalf of the levying district and are not levied by the Assessor, the Auditor-Controller or Tax Collector Divisions of the Department of Finance. For more information or if you disagree with a special assessment levied against your property, you must contact the levying district directly. The direct levy cannot be removed from the tax bill without written instruction from the levying district to the Auditor-Controller. The tax bill cannot be paid less the direct levy amount being disputed.

Dropped off demand for payment note at Suzanne Blanchette's residence on Friday, July 25, 2003.  She refused to answer the door.

Received ONLY $50 money order from Chad via mail on Wednesday, July 30, 2003.  The balance remaining is still outstanding.


Before hiring a handyman to work in your home, check with the Better Business Bureau and the California State Contractor's License Board.  A contractor's license is required for a combination of labor and materials in excess of $500.  Homeowners should also conduct criminal and civil background checks prior to allowing access to one's residence. To do this go to this website and type in the prospective worker's name.

Other (FREE) resources to investigate the person you are contemplating hiring.

 Name Telephone Address
 Sacramento Police Department 264-5471 .
 Sacramento County Sheriff 874-5115 .
 Sacramento Warrants 433-0600 .
 Sacramento Records 433-0620 .
 District Attorney 874-6637  901 G Street, Sacramento
 Better Business Bureau 443-6843  400 S. Street, Sacramento, 95814
 Superior Court - Civil 874-5522  720 Ninth Street, Sacramento
 District Attorney 874-6218 .
 Superior Court - Criminal Records 874-8881
 Superior Court - Civil Records 874-7186
 Traffic 875-7200 .
 Non-Sufficient Funds 874-3031 .
 Sac Cty Warrants Fugitive Bureau 874-5391  711 G Street, Rm. 102
 Probation Administration 875-0300 .
 Probation Adult Court Investigations 874-1500 .
 Probation Adult South Area Office 875-0800 .
 Housing Inspector .  Uninhabitable Premises
 City Fire Department . .
 CA State Contractor's License Board .  Swift Unit fax 369-7265
 Fair Housing Commission 444-6903 .
Tenant Landlord Mediator 444-0178 1112 I St., Ste. 250
City Code Enforcement 264-5948 .
City Building Inspector 264-5404 .
County Building Inspector 875-5656 .


This rental property has dry rot in the bathroom, especially around the toilet.  There are spiders throughout the house, there is no lock on the front door, it barely closes, the frame on the LR sliding door is completely separated from the glass.  This residence is in VERY dangerous condition and jeopardizes its occupants.

I swear under penalty of perjury that all of the content in this website is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.  Linda Alexander



WEBSITE:  66573293 EM