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It is impossible to please God without Faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must beleive that there is a God and that He rewards those who sincrely seek Him.


We seek to rebuild hearts and homes to become a proper dwelling place for God and Man

Site Map
Bath & Floor
Sun Room
Custom Exterior Work
Contact Us

By Faith Construction Goals

    • To become a competitive construction company that establishes a reputation for honesty, integrity, professionalism, and cleanliness in its work and workers.
    • To provide fertile soil for spiritual growth and build proper foundations in the faith of the individuals that work here.
    • To maintain standards of fairness and well-being to all those that are employed; either directly or indirectly.
    • To aggressively confront the negative stereotypes of the construction trades, that have produced negative connotations in the field.
    • To pursue avenues of charity work that will bless the communities and individuals that have need.

Services We Offer

    Custom Interior Work
  • Kitchens
  • Baths
  • Basements
  • Custom Flooring
  • Interior Trim
    Custom Exterior Work
  • Windows
  • Siding
  • Entry Doors
  • Garages
  • Additions
  • Dormers

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