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There is a deception at work in this country.

If you are unaware of it, you might be the target of this deception.

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By Greg Szymanski

A former U.S. Army corporal who blew the whistle on a 1976 government funded study to topple the Twin Towers using jetliners, Arab terrorists and box cutters on July 6 had four FBI agents threaten to "tear his apartment apart" if he didn't turn over his legally obtained Department of Defense ID card.

Timothy McNiven, who said he was threatened and harassed by agents in the hallway outside his Bellingham, WA., apartment, claims to be a part of a military unit stationed in Strasbourg, Germany, during the 1970s, assigned the task to brainstorm "the perfect terrorist plan" and what turned out to be the exact same scenario that took place at the WTC on 9/11.

McNiven said his military unit's 9/11-like assignment, lasting over six months and funded by Congress under the guise of airline safety preparedness, proves the government had "plenty of foreknowledge" about possible airline attacks at the WTC.

He even suggested what seemed like a harmless military airline safety study may have been used later to perfect a way to bring down the WTC in order to create another Pearl Harbor like event to facilitate a world wide climate of war.

John Kaminsky

Once you realize that 9/11 was an inside job, conceived and carried out by members of the highest levels of the American government, a window opens in your mind that reveals the hypocritical and destructive nature of American behavior over time, and you begin to see that all these heroicized wars that have been conducted in the name of democracy and freedom were really something quite different.

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