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I hope you are all so excited for this LOL jk... Back to work... This Assignment is about how technology has improved throughout the years, how the worklife has improved from technology and also how modern day life has improved from technology...

..................~*~SoMeThInG tO kNoW~*~.....................

Technology has improved the workforce and even modern day life.

Today’s business is mostly dealt with by computers or technology...

Technology creates jobs. Such as, Office work, Computer technicians and more.

In manulife, 4300 jobs have been made.
In Sunlife/Clarica, 8000 jobs have been made.

How does technology make the world worse?? Well, take this for an example. You have an 18 year old brother who loves playing games. He dropped out of school. Twice. For video games. They control your mind, they are addictive. So, basically they are a distraction for school and work.

So How does it make the world better??

Well, take this for example. Your parents work at IBM or Clarica or Manulife, etc. They sort out computer technology, with technology. Send e-mails to their bosses, fax out important documentation’s, call customers etc. If it was up to mail and telephone, it would take weeks to get that important information.

IBM Global Services
Manulife Financial

......................ThE pReSeNtAtIoN......................


Over the years, technology has increased dramatically. In the past, the modern office would consist of a large cabinet for filing, and a desk. Now a day’s it consists of a Computer, Printer, Filing Cabinets, Phones, etc.. So, how exactly has it improved??? Well... now we can e-mail a message or go on the internet to research, opposed to mailing which takes way longer, and telephone.. but the telephone is still an important function.

I, personally can not see McDonalds or Wendy’s using a pen and paper to write orders, or IBM or Clarica using filing cabinets as their main source of information. Maybe 30 years ago, but modern days, we have the technology to use.

The main point is, Technology has improved the workforce and even modern day life.

The Workforce:

Today’s business is mostly dealt with by computers or technology... Microsoft is a very popular company that deals with technology. They make millions off of software for computers, whether for home purposes or office purposes.

Technology also creates jobs. Such as, Office work, Computer technicians and more. In Manulife, 4300 jobs have been made. In Sunlife/Clarica, 8000 jobs have been made. So as you can see, technology creates jobs.

At Home:

Today’s modern life, home entertainment has also increased, because of the internet. There is online games, MSN Messenger, and other Websites that keep you occupied. That creates even more jobs, like Rogers internet, and also shopping online, this allows businesses to sell their products, and you don’t have to go out, leading to the business making the product then mailing to you. All of these come from technology.

Technology today is great for the working environment. We can transport important messages in less than a minute, we can fax documents from home to work, or world-wide. We also have photocopiers, computers, telephones, printers, cell phones, and more that are fairly new. Technology is getting better and better for the working environment. For example, Microsoft. 20 years ago, Microsoft wasn’t as popular as today. It was new. People didn’t want to just go out and pay A LOT of money for this new thing. They wanted to see if it was actually worth the money, 20 years later, Bill Gates is a billionaire, and has made the world better, and also a bit worse too.

So how does it make the world worse??

Well, take this for an example. You have an 18 year old brother who loves playing games. He dropped out of school. Twice. For video games. They control your mind, they are addictive. So, basically they are a distraction for school and work.

So how does it make the world better??

Well, take this for example. Your parents work at IBM or Clarica or Manulife, etc. They sort out computer technology, with technology. Send e-mails to their bosses, fax out important documentation’s, call customers etc. If it was up to mail and telephone, it would take weeks to get that important information.

So how is Microsoft doing lately?

Microsoft has been doing great! With everyone demanding technology, Microsoft has been creating. They have created books, software, games, computer attachments, internet programs (MSN Messenger etc) and more. Some software includes Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel etc.. Some games are X-Box, X-Box games, Age of Mythology and other computer games.

What’s Bad About Technology?

Well, Technology has allowed people to do whatever they want. Some things good, some not. Like Downloading Music, Movies, Hacking Programs etc.. True, it has improved, but it causes a distraction. I’m sure everyone who has a computer couldn’t resist it over their boring homework. Technology is great, but not everything is 100% good.

What’s Good About Technology?

Well, Technology has allowed people to do whatever they want. We can send e-mails in the blink of an eye, say for work and/or recreational etc.. It has allowed people to communicate in such a different way.

So, How Is Business Doing?

Business is doing great. Especially with the help of Technology. Almost every business in North America uses technology. Businesses have been created from Technology, like IBM, they have created computers for home and work use. Like Radio Shack or Best Buy, They are in business because they sell Technology. Many companies have been created from Technology.

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