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bashhh.jpg - 40177 Bytes

v5welcomesample.jpg - 7505 Bytesv5warningsample.jpg - 7748 Bytes

v5div1.jpg - 5652 Bytes

v5entersample.jpg - 7085 Bytesv5exitsample.jpg - 6850 Bytes


1) NO ALTERATIONS are made to this set other than adding text. You can email me for the exact color code, font style and size, etc. You don't need to use every piece in each set, and you certainly don't have to set it up as I have, but please DON'T mix and match.

2) These are linkware graphics. That means in return for me allowing you to use these graphics on your web site for free, you supply to me a link back on each page you use my graphics. The logo must be placed on the same page of the graphics and linked back to:

3) It may not be used on a site with any commercial activities unless you would purchase the set.

4) No redistribution of these graphics in any form - you may not put the set up on your site and offer to others as your own.

5) DO NOT LINK DIRECTLY TO THESE GRAPHICS. Download the graphics to your hard drive. Linking directly to these images is bandwidth stealing and is not only wrong it is illegal. Never link directly to a graphic, upload them to your own server.

v5samplebut.jpg - 6212 Bytesv5samplebut.jpg - 6212 Bytes

v5samplebut.jpg - 6212 Bytesv5samplebut.jpg - 6212 Bytes

v5button2.jpg - 1283 Bytesv5button2.jpg - 1283 Bytesv5button2.jpg - 1283 Bytes

v5sign.jpg - 4987 Bytesv5button1.jpg - 1574 Bytesv5view.jpg - 4845 Bytes

Click here for Zip file

This set is offered as linkware but can be purchased and removed for $45.00. It also contains the standard buttons: home, next, back, index, email and site map. It also comes with a plain wreath (no woman) and two plain bottom images.

v5logo.jpg - 4608 Bytes

v5div2.jpg - 6188 Bytes

v5bottomleftsample.jpg - 14785 Bytes


Main Index

v5bottomrightsample.jpg - 14884 Bytes

(c) Outlaw by Design 2004