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Online Dating Tip

Dating sites are a great way to meet people on the web. Most have thousands of members and let you join for free so that you can see just what it's all about. You can find a niche that is just right for you and a site that caters to the kind of person that will most likely appeal to you.

The first thing you need to do when joining a dating site is to find the one that's just right for you. After you find the site that best suits you, it's time to do that all-important profile. One of the first things you'll be asked to do is choose a screen name. Try to make your screen name interesting and easy to remember. You want a name that will stand out and make someone want to stop and view your profile. Make that name something positive, cute, funny, or allude to a passion you have.

Your profile is where you put all the information about yourself and is very important. List as much information about yourself as you can. Not sure what you should say? Go look at other people's profiles and take notes from the ones you like. Ask yourself what makes this profile standout and then make one for yourself using your notes as a guide. Remember that it is great to say flattering things about yourself here, but if it is not true DO NOT say it! Honesty is the best policy and you are trying to attract a person that would be interested in you. I promise there is someone that will like you for you. If you are dishonest, it will not go well for you if you get to the point of meeting offline and that's the goal, right?

Be sure to add your hobbies and interests as well as your dislikes. Do not tell your sad story about being dumped for your best friend and left with three hungry kids and a crop in the field. We all have our sad stories. Although true, it would be better worded "Single and thin looking for a new best friend who loves kids." See what I mean? Be positive. The latter was way more attractive and just as true!

Get out your pictures and scan away. You can upload several pictures on most dating sites and the more the better. Get out your pictures and scan away. You can upload several pictures on a dating site and the more the better, unless you want to start off with an air of mystery but if you want things to go smoothly be ready to send more pictures when you meet someone you are interested in. Find the pictures that are current and flattering. Again. Be honest. Your Sister may look way better than you, but if you are serious about meeting someone and YOU use a picture that isn't you, or one that's 10 yrs old you not only risk losing that persons respect you risk being ditched on the 1st date. Is that anyway to start a beautiful relationship? It's doubtful. Relationships that start with lies rarely go anywhere. Don't worry that you are not perfect looking. Not many people are. Just pick a nice current picture and you'll do fine. Don't think well I'll just not post my picture and see how it goes. Most sites will allow you to search profiles by members with photos only and you will get passed over time and time again because you have no picture.

Now that you have an ID and a profile with pictures it's time to start meeting people. Don't sit back and wait to be contacted. Mingle! Search the profiles until you find people with common interest and hobbies. Find one? Great! Now contact them. Do not send a form letter. It’s tacky . . . and unappealing. Take some time think about what you want to say and send them a personal note. Letting them know you are interested in talking to them, ask a few questions and send. You want to send a message that lets the person see how nice you are and strike their interest. Comment on their profile or photo. Ask a few questions about them and tell them a few things about yourself. Sound as cheerful and happy as you can. That's an attractive character in a person. Keep it light and comfortable. You don't want to overwhelm and frighten them off.

Proofread what you write. You don't want to send out e-mail that's full of misspelled words and poor grammar. After you are happy with your letter send!

Following these guidelines should help to make your online dating as safe and good an experience. I know lots of happy couples that have met online and have several close friends I met that way. They took their time and got to know each other well and meet in person. You can learn a great deal about a person chatting online in chat rooms and chatting through dating sites. My online friendships have made my life richer and hopefully you too will find this to be true. Remember to be honest, take your time, and be careful. Happy Dating!!!!